HomeOnline CasinosIgnition Casino Bewertung
Ignition Casino Bewertung
Akzeptiert Spieler aus Ohio
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  • VISA
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  • Bitcoin SV
 per Monat
12.000 $
 pro Woche
3.000 $
Lynton Limited
> 5.000.000 €
Dieses Casino wird ohne offizielle Lizenz betrieben!
ÜbersichtBonus2Benutzer Bewertungen252Erklärung des Sicherheitsindex Diskussion17Zahlungen13
Wichtig: Das Casino hebt Gelder von ruhenden Konten ein Dieses Casino zieht den gesamten Spielerkontostand (oder verrechnet eine sehr hohe Gebühr für ruhende Konten) ein, die für einen bestimmten Zeitraum (18 bis 24 Monate) inaktiv waren.
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Ignition Casino Bewertung und Testbericht für 2024

Wir haben Ignition Casino gründlich überprüft und diesem Casino einen unterdurchschnittlichen Sicherheitsindex zugewiesen. Dieses Casino hat einige gute Eigenschaften, aber auch viele Nachteile, weshalb es besser ist, ein anderes Online Casino aufzusuchen. In unserem Testbericht haben wir die über das Casino eingegangen Beschwerden, deren geschätzten finanziellen Einnahmen, deren Lizenz, die Echtheit der Spiele, die Qualität des Kundendienstes, die Fairness der angebotenen Bedingungen, die Auszahlungsmodalitäten und Gewinnlimits sowie weitere Faktoren berücksichtigt. Ignition Casino ist eng mit anderen Online Casinos verbunden, die für Sie unten angeführt sind, und deren Bewertung dieses Casino ebenfalls negativ beeinflusst. Lesen Sie hier alles über unseren Test, unsere Bewertung und unsere Erfahrungen mit diesem Casino.

Nach unseren Recherchen und Einschätzungen ist Ignition Casino ein großes Online Casino mit hohem finanziellen Umsätzen und einer großen Anzahl von Spielern. Die monetären Einnahmen eines Casinos sind ein wichtiger Faktor, da größere Casinos keine Probleme mit hohen Gewinnen und deren Auszahlungen haben sollten, während kleinere Casinos möglicherweise Schwierigkeiten haben, wenn Sie wirklich große Gewinne zur Auszahlung bringen wollen.

Es sind zurzeit 11 Beschwerden über dieses Casino in unserer Datenbank geführt, sowie 162 Beschwerden über andere damit zusammenhängende Casinos. Aufgrund dieser Beschwerden haben wir diesem Casino insgesamt 71.136 schwarze Punkte gegeben, von denen 67.818 aus verwandten Casinos stammen. Weitere Informationen zu allen Beschwerden und Schwachstellen finden Sie in dieser Bewertung im Teil „Erklärungen zum Sicherheitsindex".

Es gibt auch einige unlautere Bonusbedingungen und -bedingungen, die zu Problemen führen können, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, die Boni oder die Promotionen des betreffenden Casinos zu nutzen. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir Ihnen, ein Casino mit fairen Spielregeln zu suchen, das zumindest die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen einhält, wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden sollten, an den bestimmten Boni und Promotionen des Casinos teilzunehmen.

Ignition Casino wird in nur einer Schwarzen Liste geführt. Diesen Eintrag finden Sie weiter unten angezeigt, aber dieser hat keinerlei Einfluss auf unsere Bewertung dieses Casinos. Wir haben uns entschieden, diesen Eintrag zu ignorieren, entweder weil es mit dem Casino des vorherigen Besitzers zusammenhängt oder aus einem anderen zutreffenden Grund.

Wie bereits erwähnt, haben wir Ignition Casino eine unterdurchschnittlichen Sicherheitsindex gegeben. Das bedeutet, dass dieses Casino zwar nicht ganz schlecht ist, aber doch einige negative Eigenschaften aufzuweisen. Deshalb ist es unserer Meinung nach ratsam, nach einem besseren Online Casino zu suchen, in dem Sie beruhigt spielen können.


Bonus ohne Einzahlung:
Nicht verfügbar


Alle anzeigen (13)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Voucher
  • Match Pay
  • Bitcoin SV
 per Monat
12.000 $
 pro Woche
3.000 $

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  • Realtime Gaming
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  • Betsoft Gaming
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  • Lightning Box
  • Spinomenal
  • Genesis Gaming


  • Einzahlungen in Kryptowährungen werden akzeptiert
  • Einfaches und sauberes Website-Design


  • Spieler aus nur wenigen Ländern können in diesem Casino spielen
  • Keine Spielefilter werden angeboten, um nur Slots von ausgewählten Spieleanbietern anzuzeigen
  • Gebühren werden bei einigen Auszahlungsmethoden verrechnet

Interessante Sachlage

  • Das monatliche Auszahlungslimit hängt von der gewählten Zahlungsmethode ab
  • Ein großes Casino, das auf US-Markt abzielt
Autor & Verantwortlichkeit: Kubo Mulder Letztes Update: 2024-07-26 Ist irgendetwas falsch oder fehlt etwas? Lassen Sie es mich wissen
Casino Bonuses (2)

Ignition Casino Boni

Durchsuchen Sie alle von Ignition Casino angebotenen Boni, einschließlich jener Bonusangebote, bei denen Sie keine Einzahlung vornehmen müssen, und durchstöbern Sie auch alle Willkommensboni, die Sie bei Ihrer ersten Einzahlung erhalten werden.

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Benutzer Bewertungen (252)

Die Erfahrungen und Benutzerbewertungen von Ignition Casino

Genau hier können Sie Ihre Erfahrungen mit Ignition Casino austauschen. Lesen Sie, was andere Spieler darüber geschrieben haben, oder nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit Ihre eigenen persönlichen Bewertungen zu teilen. So können Sie alle anderen Spieler über die positiven und negativen Eigenschaften informieren, die ausschließlich auf Ihren eigenen persönlichen Erfahrungen beruhen.

User Feedback:

Bewertet von 252 Usern

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Casino Guru

Wir wollen, dass die Spieler das Glückspiel verstehen.

• vor 5 Monaten
0 stars. Thousands taken and won’t give back anything. Games is rigged. Gameplay glitches last second when the 3rd bonus symbol shows. Poker play doesn’t even pay you sometimes. Overall non trustworthy, these people are scums who won’t even let you get a bread crum. Do your self a favor and DO NOT VISIT OR PLAY HERE. Let’s shut this site down they are criminals!
  • Untrustworthy
  • Scam
  • No bonus
  • Not valued
• vor 6 Monaten
I hate to be leaving this negative review but they have left me no choice. I made a $50 deposit and wagered over $50… under those requirements I am supposed to be able to do the daily scratch and spin for 7 days. It pulls up but it’s still locked. I have sent ignition casino MULTIPLE emails (bc that is the ONLY way to contact them)… they have screwed me around for 4 days now and I have sent feedback about this issue. They won’t refund me my $50 bc the error is in their software not on me… they won’t credit my acct bc of this or anything. They have stopped emailing me so PLEASE beware and just know if there any issues you won’t get them resolved. Beware of this daily scratch and spin promotion bc I can’t even do the daily scratch even though I fulfilled the requirements for it. They tell me to do all sorts of stuff on my end and I even went to library to open my acct on a PC computer and it still won’t work. After I told them I did everything they asked they COMPLETELY stopped replying to this situation. I have spent a lot of money with ignition to be treated like this and at this point the only thing right they can do is credit my acct that $50 I used solely for this promotion that won’t work on their end OR refund me the $50… I suggested that and they never replied back regarding that. They only replied stating they don’t have a customer service number NOR live chat. Is this really how you treat your customers???
Disgusted!!! If nothing is done after this review I will make sure I leave more reviews online so others can beware of them literally taking your money and running with it. Also beware of the scratch and spin promo… I would NOT put the money in for it if I were you. I’ve lost hours trying to contact them and resolve this issue… I’ve been patient waiting 24 hrs for each reply email from them, only to now not even get a reply and I can’t even call them! People need to know this bc they literally don’t care bc if they did they would have resolved this situation bc it is their fault not mine! I will correct this review if they fix this issue but as I said it’s been 4 days and nothing and now not a reply email. It’s horrible. There are too many casinos out there for anyone to be treated as such and just take your money from you.
  • Beware of scratch and spin promo-and any issues you may have they don’t care to fix if it’s going to cost them money that they took from you
• vor 1 Jahr
I must that start off by saying Ive played the hell out of ignition and have been with them since they 1st brought on poker. I have reached titanium about to hit diamond but in all honesty that 1st solid year of playing was quite a few years ago about 2018 it was hopping! since then well I'll hold that thought... Huge bonuses, Huge miles paid back that is where most of my status points came from was that year. Currently im not saying its bad, as of yet I'm still waiting for resolution to a matter I wont get into out of respect for our history together. Yes it has been a excellent spot to play. I want to say that it is still the same really good casino but I must refrain from saying that about the present time til I can get some resolution to a matter with them 1st. I might have a different opinion. No matter what happens I have enough really good history with them that I will not give them a bad name until its crystal clear that they deserve it. I'm as patient as I can be and its not clear if things are gonna be resolved internally (between the casino and I) I will come back here to express good or bad outcome though because of my history with them, I hope things go well... until then (Note very positive review based off of history, a lot of history with them much respect for that history) for the present it would be neutral until further notice.
  • RIVAL 3 REELS here, most of the RIVAL I played There 1st they have the best memories for me. I hope they have more to share!
  • THE GLITCHES AND BUGS ARE PLENTY IN THE LAST 2 TO 3 YEARS IT SEEMS. May ignition and I come to a fair and honest resolution to what has transpired. with all due respect to ignition thats all I have as of now.
• vor 1 Jahr
Ignition seemed okay at first but the last year or so it seems to be nothing but a money pit. I track my spins and the results, and the number of big wins and bonuses has dropped to almost nonexistent. The last few big deposits I made totaled over $5k, some using 100% match. I didn't get a single Buffalo win during that entire episode. It wasn't uncommon to burn through $1,000 with mainly $4 and $8 bets and not get a single big win. Sometimes I'd play 500 spins and only see 1 or 2 bonus spins. Plenty of other sites to try, although I did like that Ignition was quick on withdrawals. But when you never win, that doesn't matter anymore.
  • Lots of games
  • Quick on deposit and withdraw with bitcoin
  • Big wins and bonuses seem to be nonexistent the last year or so.
  • Easy to burn through thousands over several hundreds of spins with no substantial wins or bonus spins.
• vor 1 Jahr
I've been playing at ignition for years... I've had ups and down and many things in-between.. Here's what I've got to say... For online casinos, Ignitions at the least, reliable They did get acquired recently tightened RTP, became incredibly strict with their player bonuses and in my experience, wont budge on any financial compromise. Did you depo $900 USD over last two days... Something happen a glitch, a crash, or something that appeared to be one of those two but in all honest probably wasnt... Would a measly $20 credit satisfy you and let you move on feeling validated? No way jose.. They will fight to the death over that $20... doesn't matter if you depod $300,000... $20 is $20 and if one thing is CRYSTAL Fing clear at ignition, they dont do catering to being spenders or any kind of spenders. So keep that in mind when playing here.

Their poker is pretty rag I must say. Its anoynmous poker so the peopel youre playing with cant look up your poker history and get a feel for your play style and try to gain an edge. Its all anoyomous which I really enjoy. The anonymity makes me a lot more comfortable playing with larger amounts and larger tables because I know that we're all playing with the same information. I'm not interested to be so hardcore as to scramble to look up my opponents hand history to try to gain an edge on them... That's just me though...
One note on their poker, Ive played HUNDREDS of their Jackpot sit and goes.. I have NEVER witnessed or even heard of another player joing up and rolling a jackpot game... Its ALWAYS 1 of two things, you either roll a 2x buy in.. so if theyre $7 jackpot sit and go, the pot will either be $14 (2x buy in) or it will be $30 5X buy in) if you're lucky youll roll 5x buy in.. if not 2x buy in.. I have never even seen anything different than that...

Their live casino area is pretty wonky.. I am on, compared to the rest of the world and or average player, I likely play on the top 5% in internet connection speed, and my PC is certainly on the higher end and built for gaming. Point being, there is absolutely nothing on my end that isn't running at 20-50 times whats required to Live stream their casinos without delay and in good quality... That being said, it's always super laggy... theres always tons of Latency(lag)... I need to be prepared to make my selections way in advance because there's so much lag inbetween whats going on at the table and the amount of time it takes them to get the info to me... that by the time it registers ony me end that its my turn to choose, Very often I have 1 or 2 seconds before I run out of time and lose my ability to make a choice... This is rampant through all of their live casino tables... Its much more problematic on blackjack than on roulette. I will say though, even though their live casino is laggy as all hell, they have pretty fair and player protective "inactivity rules"... like in blackjack if you run out of time and dont make a selection, it will automatically follow basic strategy... Kind of... Like if you were dealt 19 and you dont make a selection, they're never going to hit that or anything. On that same note... if you're delt a 12 and the dealers showing a 6 with a face down.. unforunately they will not hit that for you if you dont or are unable to make a selection... They will Auto hit if the sum of your cards is less than 10 though so thats nice... Even if you get disconnected, it's not going to force you to play the end out if you're intially delt a total of 7 lol. they'll hit that atleast once to get it over 10. If you're huge into table games, I'd pass on this casino... they're just too stingy on their connection/servers to deliver as much live content as they're trying too.

All in all, Deposting funds is always smooth and quick... Same with withdrawing funds, and thats a major problem with a lot of casinso.. A huge plus to ignition is they don't screw around with your money if you're trying to withdrawal. You submit your request, and provided you're okay with any crypto currency OTHER than btc, you're usually paid within the hour. If you insist on BTC it can take up to 24hrs. (Dont ask me why, it doesnt make sense to me either).

One final note, Support is "Sparse to say the least" If you can manage to get connected, there's massive delays between turns of talking ( because they're helping 20 other people besides you simultaneously) nearly everything they say comes from a is a premeditated script that is bound to a hotkey that they press and bam it responds. And they've started doing this thing in the last 6-8 months.. Every time I get connected they always fake this huge interest in your personal well being and it is so artificial and cringy.. I just cant with that...
there are worse casinos to gamble at for sure
  • Reliable, you can always get your money in and get it out.
  • they are solid at paying out winnings. If you won, you'll get your money, no shenanigans'.
  • Slots are fairly tight, jackpot slots are so ironclad tight they're not worth playing, seriously
  • Live casino area doesn't invest enough in their internet/server capacity creating significant latency/lag for the play. Resulting very often in missed turns, or extremely brief turns
  • Support is very hard to reach.
• vor 2 Jahren
Wasn't able to win in all my deposits. In fact, not even close...Their slots are too tight. And their bonuses are not great. But it is fairly fun and verification was easy. I'd just like to see more slots and also higher probability of winning.
  • Good poker site and betting
  • American friendly
  • Easy verification
  • low slot RTP
• vor 2 Jahren
UPDATE 7/16/22: I have won several more times and always get paid (Bitcoin) within an hour or two.

UPDATE 6/9/22: I won again and they paid me in less than 24 hours via Bitcoin. Would recommend!

I won the first time I played. This site has the same games as Slots.lv, which are different from most sites. I like these games.

The site worked well and everything went smoothly. I requested a Bitcoin withdrawal and had my money in less that 24 hours. I submitted my withdrawal docs as an afterthought so I don't know if they needed them for a Bitcoin withdrawal or not. Most sites take forever to verify your docs but not Ignition!

The only thing that was lacking was their Live Chat service. I tried several times to reach them but after 20 minutes, it just disconnects you. I was never able to reach anyone.

I did reach out to the Forum moderator (Davy) and he answered my questions very quickly.

They post your balances in a weird way and I am still trying to figure it out. Davy helped me, but I am still trying to unscramble it all.

Bottom line: Bitcoin paid out in under 24 hours. Nice.

  • Quick Bitcoin withdrawals, good games, the moderator is very quick and helpful
  • Live Chat was not working
• vor 2 Jahren
This casino is similar to Slots lv
They were great on the withdrawal request,and quick on the payout.
I love the variety of games and so forth.
I give only three stars because they ended up gearing towards using "Bitcoin" and almost pushing you to choose that method of deposit payment.
Also they don't have any extra bonus options after your initial couple that a new sign on user would get.
But other than that the are good !
Thanks- happy winning lol
• vor 2 Jahren
The crypto exclusive deposits are a joke, actually all bonuses are a joke because it's almost impossible to get through the 35× playthrough. The site is unstable, games disconnect at random and customer service is horrible at best
  • If by some miracle you get to withdrawal they are pretty fast with crypto
  • Everything else
• vor 2 Jahren
I play at all their sister casinos but for the first time I deposited $200 there last week and hit for 10 grand and have my money within 4 hours love it
• vor 2 Jahren
I have been on Ignition since its inception. Slot player. First 3 years it was a good site for slots. The last couple it has gone downhill tremendously. My guess for original payouts was close to the mid-nineties. Now, I would be surprised if it was over 80. Too bad, good games to play, quick bitcoin payouts. I'm guessing bad management is their problem
  • Fast payouts
Erklärung des Sicherheitsindex

Die Erklärung des Sicherheitsindex von Ignition Casino

Sehen Sie sich die Erklärung jener Faktoren an, die wir bei der Erstellung des Sicherheitsindex von Ignition Casino berücksichtigen. Der Sicherheitsindex ist die wichtigste Kennzahl, die wir verwenden, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Fairness und Qualität jedes einzelnen Online Casinos in unserer Datenbank zu beschreiben.

Sicherheitsindex:Unter dem Durchschnitt5.8/10
Ein sehr großes Casinos, basierend auf unseren Analysen und Schätzungen
Wir halten die AGBs dieses Casinos für eher unfair
Wurde auf keiner relevanten Schwarzen Liste gefunden
Ein durchschnittlich hoher Betrag der einbehaltenen Spielergewinne und der Spielerbeschwerden im Verhältnis zur Größe des Casinos
Wir berücksichtigen auch andere Faktoren, die in diesem Fall keinen bestimmten Einfluss auf den Sicherheitsindex des betreffenden Casinos hatten
Der Sicherheitsindex dieses Casinos wurde mit Hilfe unserer Analysen und Recherchen sowie der von unserem Casino-Bewertungsteam gesammelten Daten berechnet und erstellt. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Methodik unserer Casino-Bewertungen

Hat Ihnen dieses Casino etwas Unfaires angetan?

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Wichtig: Das Casino hebt Gelder von ruhenden Konten ein Dieses Casino zieht den gesamten Spielerkontostand (oder verrechnet eine sehr hohe Gebühr für ruhende Konten) ein, die für einen bestimmten Zeitraum (18 bis 24 Monate) inaktiv waren.

Unfaire Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

  • Dieses Casino zieht den gesamten Spielerkontostand (oder verrechnet eine sehr hohe Gebühr für ruhende Konten) ein, die für einen bestimmten Zeitraum (18 bis 24 Monate) inaktiv waren.
  • Dieses Casino verbietet bestimmte Einsatzmuster oder spezielle Strategien beim Spielen mit Bonusgeldern, aber wir haben noch nie feststellen müssen, dass diese Regel gegen Spieler angewandt wurden.

Beschwerden über Ignition Casino und ähnliche Casinos (208)

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Weitere 52 Beschwerden anzeigen

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Ignition Casino Zahlungsmethoden

VISAMastercardAmerican ExpressBitcoin (BTC)Litecoin (LTC)VoucherMatch PayBitcoin SVUser2User TransferCheck (Cheque)Bitcoin Cash (BCH)Ethereum (ETH)Tether (USDT)
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