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Pavel Kaczynski

Casino Analyst & Complaint Specialist

Pavel is working as a Casino Analyst and Complaint Specialist at Casino Guru. His main responsibilities include adding new casinos to our online casino database as well as updating existing data. Pavel‘s background is a bit more academic than work-based: he spent one and a half years studying linguistics, worked as a waiter, and then studied two additional years of tourism, after which he joined Casino Guru.

Pavel is a big fan of calisthenics and Italian cuisine. Every time he home preps one of his Italian meals, adding his own basil as a final touch is a must. Should he feel the need to move his body, basketball and nature are Pavel’s ultimate choices. And in times when he just wants to chill at home, pizza and movies are his best companions. In short, Pavel is happy to welcome anything good life has to offer.


Beschwerde wurde beantwortet von Pavel Kaczynski

Dear LAMB3RT,We're glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. We'll go a... vor 1 Monat
Dear nickthequick166,We're glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. We... vor 1 Monat
Dear BrunoDeOliveira, I am sad to hear that you have lost your funds. Unfortu... vor 1 Monat
Hello, Jcmoney72,We have received evidence from the casino that you have had ... vor 1 Monat
Dear dadan,We're glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. We'll go ahe... vor 1 Monat
phichit, unfortunately, the evidence says otherwise. Moreover, it shows you w... vor 1 Monat
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid ... vor 1 Monat
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Co... vor 1 Monat
AleKing44, unfortunately, the casino has chosen to ignore our requests. I am ... vor 1 Monat
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid ... vor 1 Monat
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