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Stefan Manson

Casino Analyst & Complaint Specialist

Stephan has joined our family as one of Casino Guru's Casino Analysts and Complaint Specialists. During his typical work day, he is trying hard to ensure that our casino database is featuring only the latest information and that any data that is no longer relevant for a player is promptly replaced with new input. What's more, he is always ready to help players in resolving their casino complaints.

Being a former professional poker player for over 5 years, Stephan really knows his craft. He also likes to play chess, table football, listen to music, ride a bike, and occasionally play computer games.


Beschwerde wurde beantwortet von Stefan Manson

We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending ... vor 10 Stunden
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending ... vor 12 Stunden
Hello isslemchettab49,I received the evidence from a casino representative, a... vor 13 Stunden
Dear Ybets Casino,Thank you for your response and the information provided.Co... vor 15 Stunden
Hello jitendaryadav,Could you follow the casino's instructions and complete t... vor 15 Stunden
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending ... vor 17 Stunden
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending ... vor 17 Stunden
Dear Smokace Casino,I have responded to your email.I'll be awaiting your reply. vor 20 Stunden
I have tried to contact the casino but had no success. I’m afraid there is no... vor 20 Stunden
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