ForumCasinosMr Bet Casino - generelle Diskussion

Mr Bet Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 15)

vor 2 Jahren von michifran555
44126 Ansichten 381 Antworten |
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vor 2 Monaten

Its hard to read the responses you guys give some times, just to be politically correct. They are so empty and dont help the poor guy above, who is in a very stressful situation and mrbet is doing wrong by him. Like i read when u say there is no exact timeframe, blah blah. Nothing can justify what they doing to this poor man. Just read what you wrote to answer to him carefully and you will see how empty is your response, Romi. 😢

vor 2 Monaten

I surely thank you for your opinion, but sometimes, unfortunately, we can not do much, and we surely do not want to lie about it. I try to be as transparent as possible and always feel with the players and hope for the best, but if your hands are tied, you have no choice.

That is why we also have our Complaints Resolution Center, and we try to resolve every case if possible.

vor 2 Monaten

Leider fühlen sich Casinos völlig ungestraft, da ein oder zwei negative Meinungen für sie ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein sind und es für diese paar Leute eine Verschwendung von viel Geld darstellt.

Mehr als ein Casino hat mich ohne Angabe von Gründen betrogen, sie haben einfach mein Geld gestohlen, ohne dass es Konsequenzen für mich hätte.

Bis Casinos anfangen, für ihre Handlungen bestraft zu werden, werden sie dies auch weiterhin tun.

Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich dagegen ankämpfen soll, denn nur wenige Menschen wollen Menschen in solchen Situationen helfen. Es sieht aus wie ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

I think that if someone likes to play in a casino, it is good to find one where he had no or very few problems and stay with it. A lot of players try a lot of different casinos that are new and not very well proven, they don't look for so much information and then it can turn out quite sad. Of course it's not always the players fault and some casinos aren't very honest but the players experience can also give you an idea of what a casino can be like. 

That's why I wouldn't experiment and stay where I would be comfortable. 🤷‍♂️

vor 2 Monaten

Ich verstehe, dass das Problem in meinem Fall darin besteht, dass es in meinem Land nur wenige Casinos gibt, in denen man spielen kann, und Mr Bet war eines, in dem man spielen konnte, deshalb habe ich es ausprobiert. Nun, hier stehe ich mit einer schrecklichen Erfahrung.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Aber das Mr Bet Casino hat eine sehr hohe Bewertung und die Erfahrungen der Spieler sind, soweit ich gelesen habe, nicht sehr gut

Lassen Sie mich Ihnen ein Beispiel geben: Ein Jahr hat 365 Tage. Wenn mich ein Dieb 364 Tage lang nicht beraubt und mich am 365. Tag des Jahres beraubt, würden wir eine solche Person dann nicht als Dieb bezeichnen?

Wenn ein Casino seine Spieler mindestens ein- oder zweimal ohne Grund betrogen oder ausgeraubt hat, sollten die Bewertungen meiner Meinung nach sehr niedrig sein. Dies ist die einzige Chance, dass das Casino anfängt, zu kooperieren. In den meisten Fällen zieht es das Casino vor, z. B. 0,2 Punkte zu verlieren, anstatt einen großen Gewinn auszuzahlen.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

HEY Jaro, welcome back 😀 The thing about slots is you cant stay at one casino or they will eat you alive; you need to be constantly on finding new casinos. But you dont seem to be a gambling man so prob you dont know this. Anyways, great to see you back! My point to Romi was that sometimes her and Radka, in their comments, seem to formulate the post as if they side with the faulty casinos and thats where the problem is, in my opinion. If you guys cant help, which we understand, just say we see; will try to do something to help blah blah or sorry, there is nothing we can do lol. anyways, great to see you back! Much love to you and Romi ❤ 😀

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 2 Monaten
vor 2 Monaten

Bro, just do exodus as I explained to you. After that, MrBet will have no excuse. Thank me later! 😀

vor 2 Monaten

No problem Romi! Much love ❤ 😀

vor 2 Monaten

Ich verstehe, dass das Problem in meinem Fall darin besteht, dass es in meinem Land nur wenige Casinos gibt, in denen man spielen kann, und Mr Bet war eines, in dem man spielen konnte, deshalb habe ich es ausprobiert. Nun, hier stehe ich mit einer schrecklichen Erfahrung.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Yes, there are countries where it is not easy to play in casinos because of regulations and so on. I'm very sorry that you got into this situation, but hopefully everything will turn out well in the end and you will get your money. Our team will try to do their best. 

vor 2 Monaten

Aber das Mr Bet Casino hat eine sehr hohe Bewertung und die Erfahrungen der Spieler sind, soweit ich gelesen habe, nicht sehr gut

Lassen Sie mich Ihnen ein Beispiel geben: Ein Jahr hat 365 Tage. Wenn mich ein Dieb 364 Tage lang nicht beraubt und mich am 365. Tag des Jahres beraubt, würden wir eine solche Person dann nicht als Dieb bezeichnen?

Wenn ein Casino seine Spieler mindestens ein- oder zweimal ohne Grund betrogen oder ausgeraubt hat, sollten die Bewertungen meiner Meinung nach sehr niedrig sein. Dies ist die einzige Chance, dass das Casino anfängt, zu kooperieren. In den meisten Fällen zieht es das Casino vor, z. B. 0,2 Punkte zu verlieren, anstatt einen großen Gewinn auszuzahlen.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Our team in charge of the safety index keeps a close eye on such things and has a procedure to decide how it will change. If the casino doesn't pay out a large amount, then the more black points there are if we accept that the player is right. 

Also, from what I've seen, the casino only has 2 unresolved complaints, and most of them are eventually brought to a successful conclusion together with the player, which would definitely give me hope if I handle something myself.

So you have to look at it anyway and try to be a little positive even though sometimes it's not easy. 🙂

vor 2 Monaten

HEY Jaro, welcome back 😀 The thing about slots is you cant stay at one casino or they will eat you alive; you need to be constantly on finding new casinos. But you dont seem to be a gambling man so prob you dont know this. Anyways, great to see you back! My point to Romi was that sometimes her and Radka, in their comments, seem to formulate the post as if they side with the faulty casinos and thats where the problem is, in my opinion. If you guys cant help, which we understand, just say we see; will try to do something to help blah blah or sorry, there is nothing we can do lol. anyways, great to see you back! Much love to you and Romi ❤ 😀

vor 2 Monaten

I think sometimes the situation is just misunderstood. After all, we're just writing to each other, and maybe if we talked in person, the players don't feel that way at all, that one of us would pawn the casino if there's a mistake. That's not what we are trying to do, but on the other hand we are trying to find out what is happening to the players and take a stand based on that. It doesn't always have to be 100% good because we are the admins, then the complaints are handled by another team. But believe me, whenever we have a feeling that something is wrong with a situation, we try to assist and help as best we can. We definitely won't call if we know we can't help, but sometimes we on the forum don't get as much information as the complaint team and we find out later that it's impossible to help.

Anyway, I am also happy to get involved and hopefully we will talk about something nice. 🙂 😊

vor 2 Monaten

Hallo Leute, guten Morgen! Ich kann sagen, dass ich sehr glücklich bin, dass sie meine erste Geldabhebung vorgenommen haben. Ich bin sehr glücklich. Ich hoffe, dass sie nächste Woche den nächsten Betrag freigeben, da das wöchentliche Limit bedeutet, dass ich in 3 Schichten abheben muss, aber ich bin sehr glücklich. Ich habe Curaçao Egaming direkt kontaktiert und wie durch ein Wunder haben sie mein Geld freigegeben, haha, danke euch allen für eure Zeit

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Lol gratz bro, has nothign to do with you contacting Curacao lol. I told you they will pay. Its just their bussines model that they budget the payouts. Still, download that exodus wallet or buy an offlien one for crypto. Wish you quit and never played again but hard to do, I understand lol. Gratz! 🤗

vor 2 Monaten

Its not missunderstood Jaro, you guys just following a correct political line to keep the site going. I get that! But sometimes the replys seem too biased. Anyways, its how the world goes!

vor 2 Monaten

Ich versichere Ihnen, dass ich nur locker spiele und nicht mehr als 50 Dollar zum Spaß einsetze. Das war eine Menge Glück auf einmal verschwendet, haha

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

yea, mrbet slots can hit with 25$ depo lol they sick 😀

vor 2 Monaten

Hallo Leute, guten Morgen! Ich kann sagen, dass ich sehr glücklich bin, dass sie meine erste Geldabhebung vorgenommen haben. Ich bin sehr glücklich. Ich hoffe, dass sie nächste Woche den nächsten Betrag freigeben, da das wöchentliche Limit bedeutet, dass ich in 3 Schichten abheben muss, aber ich bin sehr glücklich. Ich habe Curaçao Egaming direkt kontaktiert und wie durch ein Wunder haben sie mein Geld freigegeben, haha, danke euch allen für eure Zeit

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Well, that's perfect. Finally something has moved forward and you could be pleased, hopefully it will be easier from now on and the money will go faster. ☘️🎉

vor 2 Monaten

Its not missunderstood Jaro, you guys just following a correct political line to keep the site going. I get that! But sometimes the replys seem too biased. Anyways, its how the world goes!

vor 2 Monaten

I would say that we are here mainly for the players. For them we do reviews, complaints and many other things without any demand for reward. So if we want to stick to a line and say that the casinos have a priority for us, it's not true. But we can't blindly trust everyone who comes here with problems. A lot of these players were the ones who made a mistake in the end. 🙂

vor 2 Monaten

what mistake, Jaro? Guy just wants his money out lol 😀Some casinos have way too high of an artificial score, for example, Magic Red. Its a disaster lol.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 2 Monaten
vor 2 Monaten

Hi there.

I imagine you are not willing to trust anyone who works for Casino Guru, but I still want to add a few points to this topic because we take transparency extremely seriously. Sometimes, far too much, I'd say. 😀

You obviously have your opinions, while me and Jaro know how Casino Guru works. That's natural, and probably the reason why we got so well used to such conversations.

How about I tell you this:

Players are the ones who feed us. Not the casinos. If we disappoint the players trust by showing wrong data or supporting unfair casinos, it will return to us like a boomerang. On the other hand, it doesn't mean we'll always blindly decide in favour of the player whenever they submit a complaint against a casino, or whether an untruthfull user review is submitted against the casino.

You won't find any "artificial ratings" here, because we are not paid for "promoting casinos," as is so common these days. We have set such tight boundaries that pretty handful of casinos are not willing to cooperate with us due to our strict policies and transparent approach. Daily, we have to explain there is no way to buy "top positions" for specific countries. Believe me or not.

Life is a constant change, and even the best and most fair casino in the world may disappoint a player. Here we come with a free complaint feature. Each time we find out the casino does not treat the player fairly, the Safety Index gets involved. that's the main difference between all the general complaints or concerns presented on the forum and proven facts. Only carefully investigated matters affect "casino ratings", not just because we would not even know how to randomly recalculate ratings solely based on forum posts, but also because we would not be able to get the casino's point of view on the accusation. Fair means giving both sides the chance to speak up, I'd say. In this regard, Jaro most likely wanted to say, that many players make mistakes by not adhering to the casino rules, yet they are still convinced we should fight to get them their rightful winnings. Not every claim can be decided in the favour of the player. Thus, forum posts are not subject to change for the Safety Index value - they are recognized as a source of information mostly generated by players for players.

Perhaps some replies sound biased to you, but I'd say that Casino Guru Team members respond in the same way simply because we are familiar with all these facts. I know it's quite easy for me to say that, though.

Thanks for reading!

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