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Andrej Pauls

Process Innovation Specialist

Andrej is a Process Innovation Specialist in Casino Guru's casino review team. His daily responsibilities include reviewing entered data and checking our existing casino list for any necessary updates or changes. Before joining our team, Andrej studied languages, computer science, and mechanical engineering.

On his off days, Andrej enjoys mountain and road biking, snowboarding, and drawing traditional art. The rest of his free time is dedicated to hanging out with his family and friends or just relaxing with a good show.


Beschwerde wurde beantwortet von Andrej Pauls

Regrettably, we have not received any communication from the player. Despite ... vor 1 Jahr
Regrettably, we have not received any communication from the player. Despite ... vor 1 Jahr
Dear Naty91,We haven’t received any additional information from the casino te... vor 1 Jahr
Dear all,Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be reject... vor 1 Jahr
Dear Patrik3990,Unfortunately, to put it simply, this was all caused by a mis... vor 1 Jahr
Dear all,Unfortunately, Keimonty has not responded to our messages and questi... vor 1 Jahr
Dear all,Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. vor 1 Jahr
Dear jvarelas87,Unfortunately, we haven’t received any relevant answer from t... vor 1 Jahr
Dear all,As we have not received any additional explanation as to why the cas... vor 1 Jahr
Thank you, Betmaster Casino team, for the response. Dear SergeySm,I understan... vor 1 Jahr
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