HomeForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 96)

vor 1 Jahr von kirekin
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vor 7 Monaten

Ja, Sie können es an Terroristen, Drogenkartelle usw. senden. Dann ist es völlig in Ordnung und legal. Es ist nur illegal, wenn sie das Geld an Sie senden. Dann werden Ihre Konten gesperrt und Sie werden von den Behörden untersucht. Wenn Sie erfolgreich sein wollen, müssen Sie ein Krimineller sein

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten

Absolut verrückt, wenn das wahr ist. Wusste casino.guru, dass Sie aus einem verbotenen Land spielten und das Casino trotzdem Ihr Geld nahm? Das Casino war in einer Win-Win-Situation und hat trotzdem Recht behalten. Es fällt mir schwer, das zu glauben, und ich meine absolut nicht, dass Sie lügen. Können Sie diesen Fall verlinken?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten

casino.guru needs to protect their business.

Just like askgamblers. As soon as you get too critical in your reviews of a casino, the review get's deleted.

It's not really surprising, but everyone should be aware of it.

vor 7 Monaten

Es ist eine Sache, schlechte Bewertungen zu hinterlassen, da es vom Spieler ein wenig dramatisiert werden kann und wir alle Dinge anders erleben und sehen. Das kann ich akzeptieren!

Aber zugunsten des Casinos zu urteilen, wenn das Casino selbst gegen seine eigenen Regeln verstoßen hat, ist ziemlich herzzerreißend. Dann sollte man einen solchen Service vielleicht nicht anbieten! Aber das ist auch nur meine Meinung.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten

casino.guru needs to protect their business.

Just like askgamblers. As soon as you get too critical in your reviews of a casino, the review get's deleted.

It's not really surprising, but everyone should be aware of it.

vor 7 Monaten

I dare to disagree with what you write. If we protected the casinos like that, then we wouldn't have to have any resolution center and we wouldn't try to help the players at all, because according to your logic, we would be fighting each other, isn't that right?

We try to approach things fair and square and do not take sides with anyone.

In terms of reviews, each one is dealt with by a dedicated team, I'm one of the people who handles user reviews, and we certainly have procedures in place to resolve them. So when a review is rejected for something, there's always a reason given. We don't have a problem with a negative user review, but it has to have meaningful value as well. To give an example, if a player describes that they were dissatisfied, withdrawals took a long time, KYC was difficult to handle, support was not helpful, games had low RTP according to the player, and various other things are fine. However, if he comes into the game saying that he put $100 into the casino and didn't win anything, this review is pointless as it is not relevant and informative at all. 

So that's it from my side.

vor 7 Monaten



vor 7 Monaten

I dare to disagree with what you write. If we protected the casinos like that, then we wouldn't have to have any resolution center and we wouldn't try to help the players at all, because according to your logic, we would be fighting each other, isn't that right?

We try to approach things fair and square and do not take sides with anyone.

In terms of reviews, each one is dealt with by a dedicated team, I'm one of the people who handles user reviews, and we certainly have procedures in place to resolve them. So when a review is rejected for something, there's always a reason given. We don't have a problem with a negative user review, but it has to have meaningful value as well. To give an example, if a player describes that they were dissatisfied, withdrawals took a long time, KYC was difficult to handle, support was not helpful, games had low RTP according to the player, and various other things are fine. However, if he comes into the game saying that he put $100 into the casino and didn't win anything, this review is pointless as it is not relevant and informative at all. 

So that's it from my side.

vor 7 Monaten

So if I wrote a review on every casino and said to not play there because of transaction laundering, bypassing MCC codes, bypassing Visa/MC regulations, breaking several national and local regulations, you would be fine with it?

One would think that since these actions the casinos are doing, all these casinos should be blacklisted, as they are basically bypassing the only player protection there is, the 7995 gambling block. But I understand that you can't do it because that would really lower the amount of ok casinos on your site, there would be non left, except the properly licensed ones, such as UK/Sweden.

Anyways, it's ok, I don't expect you to do it, even though you really should 🙂

vor 7 Monaten

Did anyone get refund / help from Dimoco?

Serveral people on Discord said they got emails saying they were refunded, but nothing seems to show up and someone waited 1 week after the email and still no money.

vor 7 Monaten

Ich habe Quickbit jetzt bei FI und auch bei der schwedischen Glücksspielaufsichtsbehörde gemeldet. Fordern Sie alle anderen auf, dies auch zu tun!

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten

Habe ich auch gemacht 👌👌 der Thread scheint völlig tot zu sein, gebt nicht alle auf.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten


Hat jemand Informationen zu CLX*topsm Tallinn, EE , CSCANNERR / Dotascaner / webops ltd?

Vielen Dank

vor 7 Monaten

Cscanner and Dotascanner are all part of the same fraudulent UK registered company and they will not respond as I have tried many times. I have reported them to Action Fraud UK but sure they will continue to get away with this like the rest of these criminal enterprises.

vor 7 Monaten

So if I wrote a review on every casino and said to not play there because of transaction laundering, bypassing MCC codes, bypassing Visa/MC regulations, breaking several national and local regulations, you would be fine with it?

One would think that since these actions the casinos are doing, all these casinos should be blacklisted, as they are basically bypassing the only player protection there is, the 7995 gambling block. But I understand that you can't do it because that would really lower the amount of ok casinos on your site, there would be non left, except the properly licensed ones, such as UK/Sweden.

Anyways, it's ok, I don't expect you to do it, even though you really should 🙂

vor 7 Monaten

In such cases, we would recommend you to file a complaint and if what you say is confirmed, then we would not have a problem with it, or we would reconsider in the team how to deal with such user reviews. After all, if it has a telling value and it is true and our team has found it to be true, then there is no reason for us to reject such user reviews. 

However, the important thing to add is that if it's just about one thing, it's not so much a casino review, because we'd probably want to know more if you played there. Also, we don't deal with local regulations and anything to do with legality, so you have to take that into account that something like that wouldn't be accepted. 

Additionally, we always try to add as much information as possible to our review, especially the important ones, and it always gets better and we bring more and more of it. But an important part of playing in a casino is to find out some information about it beforehand. If you don't like something at the beginning, find out more details, because I'll tell you an example, if someone plays in a casino and for example two months sees that his money is leaving somewhere else on the bank statement and in another country, I would be interested in it on the first or second time. In my experience a lot of players don't care about almost anything until there are problems. And that's a mistake. 🙂

vor 7 Monaten

cosmobet casino is perfect casino guys , lets play

vor 7 Monaten

hello how did you manage to get deastream

vor 7 Monaten

Hi, in total i deposit 7k euros , and after, I won about 24k and withdrew full money amount. When I try to chargeback 7k by contacting my bank, they block my account!! And I don’t know for how long. This is not right! !!!

I will talk to my lawyer, it’s NOT ok! Casinos hide their merchant code to avoid taxes, it is criminal activity.. it should be stopped somehow/

ALL non local CASINOS are TRUE EVIL! And looks like banks are on their side now. Something is not right.

SCAM scheme 


Ps Please tell me how did you unblock your bank account, I really need your help 🙁 maybe some of you have the same problem? HELP HELP

vor 7 Monaten

What is that you mean? I win and that is MY money and i withdraw it but what about all my deposits? they scam scheme and now i even got blocked

Bank is also ignoring ,...

seems like i will not be able to enjoy online gaming becasue of this situation. they hide theyre merchant codes and then even claim that i am the bad guy for wanting to get my deposits back from this scam that i got involved in, that is not fair . there must be a way or legal action i can take to solve this

vor 7 Monaten

Ich verstehe nicht, wie sie Sie betrügen? Sie haben eine Rückerstattung für Ihre Einzahlung erhalten, die Sie sogar gewinnen konnten, und eine erfolgreiche Auszahlung vorgenommen. Ich würde verstehen, wenn Sie eingezahlt und gewonnen hätten und das Casino Ihnen die Gewinne nicht ausgezahlt hätte. Sie könnten eine Rückbuchung beantragen. Wenn Sie eine Rückbuchung vorgenommen und der Bank mitgeteilt haben, dass Sie die Dienstleistung nie erhalten haben, handelt es sich um Betrug, denn das haben Sie tatsächlich getan und sogar gewonnen.

Sie wissen nicht, was Sie der Bank gemeldet haben?

Ich selbst habe meine Bank kontaktiert und die Situation vollständig geschildert. Ich habe gemeldet, dass die Transaktionen an das Casino gegangen sind, aber die Händlercodes manipuliert wurden, die Zahlungen gingen an Blumen-, Taschen- usw.-Läden. Ich habe auch gemeldet, dass die Glücksspielbeschränkung meiner Karte auf diese Weise umgangen wurde. Die Bank wurde auf die Angelegenheit aufmerksam und untersucht den Fall derzeit.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 7 Monaten

Go away you scammer!!!

vor 7 Monaten

Go away you scammer!!!

vor 7 Monaten

Hi, in total i deposit 7k euros , and after, I won about 24k and withdrew full money amount. When I try to chargeback 7k by contacting my bank, they block my account!! And I don’t know for how long. This is not right! !!!

I will talk to my lawyer, it’s NOT ok! Casinos hide their merchant code to avoid taxes, it is criminal activity.. it should be stopped somehow/

ALL non local CASINOS are TRUE EVIL! And looks like banks are on their side now. Something is not right.

SCAM scheme 


Ps Please tell me how did you unblock your bank account, I really need your help 🙁 maybe some of you have the same problem? HELP HELP

vor 7 Monaten

Bist du völlig zurückgeblieben? Du hast 24.000 Euro erhalten und willst jetzt auch noch den Einsatz

Automatische Übersetzung
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