HomeForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 365)

vor 1 Jahr von kirekin
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vor 1 Monat

When we win they don’t payout. They cancel/delay withdrawals as much as they can until you then spend the money again.

The whole point is if you have a gambling block on your bank these payments will bypass that.

you must be a rat for the banks. You’re not wanted here

vor 1 Monat

Beruhige Dich Bruder. Ich bin keine Ratte. Reiße Dich zusammen und werde nicht ausfallend.

Stellt Euch auch den Unangenehmen fragen, dies gehört zu einer selbstreflektion dazu. Wir sind in einem Diskussionsforum, da sind auch unbequeme fragen zulässig.

Das Aufladen des Kontos im Casino ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen, das nicht auszahlen ist dann ein Zivilrechtlicher Aspekt . Aufladung und die Teilnahme am spiel sind 2 unterschiedliche Paar Schije.

Viele sagen, sie sind krank - Spielsüchtig, dann geht zum arzt und sucht Euch hilfe.

Post von Missdaisy wurde gelöscht
vor 1 Monat

Many have been to the doctor and sort out help many! Would you walk in to a shop and pay for goods and not expect to walk out with them no.

If you were on a list to be banned from all gambling then all casinos in every country should adhere to that rule period!

The fact is they are not and they are being crafty by doing what they are doing so if you haven't actually got any advice on the matter your point isn't valid at all.

vor 1 Monat

Let's change the question, what do you do if a casino operates illegally in your country. But does accept registrations and deposits but once you want to pay out they refuse?

Thanks to their shady banking system with incorrect merchant codes you can fight back easily and return the favor by filing chargebacks which in many cases are won resulting in a (full) refund of your deposits lost to this casino.

vor 1 Monat

Please delete I’ll email you x

vor 1 Monat

I received similar from a different casino in their group. I’m not holding out that it will happen. Please let me know your outcome

vor 1 Monat

Great news from how far back do you think these deposits go? I've only been chasing my most recent ones because alot of my older transactions seem to be closed merchants now I've only looked up a few. Fingers crossed you get your deposits back 🤞🏻

vor 1 Monat

Ich registriere mich dann dort nicht!

Oder besser gesagt, wenn ich mich dort Anmelde dann weiß ich ja nicht, dass dad Casino illegal ist. Wenn ich es jedoch weiß, ist es vorsätzlich und bewusst und jegliches Recht nach einer Erstattung erlischt.

Wenn ich mich jedoch ohne Kenntniss über die Lizenz im Casino anmelde, nehme ich in Kauf mein geld zu verlieren. Dementsprechend wurden die interessen beider Seiten befriedigt . Der Grundgedanke ist: Spielen und Gewinnen.

In wenigen Fällen hier ist eine Auszahlung schwebend, die meisten haben das Geld verloren.

Jedoch erkenne ich anhand von den Zahlungsdienstleistern, dass einige schon mehrere Monate vorher gezockt haben, und erneut trotz Kenntnisse der illegalen Lizenz gezockt haben. Weil die Dienstleister neu sind. Dementsprechend scheinheilig von den Usern (Ich nenne keine Namen) zu behaupten sie seien betrogen wurden.

vor 1 Monat

Also Casinos must use regulated and registed 3rd party processing providers to process players funds. Not unregulated ones These casinos are giving sensitive information out to FAKE merchants with fake or dissolved companies or to people,foreign nationals who will then enter your card details manually into handheld devices so therfore your name address full card number expiry date CV numbers have been compromised. All transactions on sites should be secure and encrypted and they are not .my son works in cyber security and said that once cards are exposed the likely hood it does not stop there information is then sold on black market .I have had numerous attempts on a brand new card used on 1 site to take over €870 of the card luckily bank flagged it due to it coming from Kenya and again in Estonia within minutes of each other .The new laws for Caracaco Governing licence laws is that gambiling establishment must hold players information securely and Have bank accounts to process players deposits and withdrawals using 3rd party merchants and miscoding transactions and misrepresentation of descriptive to bypass banking system to obtain funds so they avoid paying taxes is illegal .The more revenue they bring in higher taxes ,hence why they out source to these unregistered 3rd parties

vor 1 Monat

Can you have a look on website for me to find out licence jurisdiction so I can address the email correctly 😊

vor 1 Monat

If you do know it is a different discussion. But some casinos (at least for The Netherlands) target the market through Dutch affiliates and don't say anything about legal/illegal.

Fact is that as long as there are problem players there are rogue casinos that will try to benefit from this by opening new casino brands to lure the same players.

For example, I visited a few illegal casinos in the past. Yet, I am still being bombed with spam mails and SMS messages to join new casinos which all have ties to those illegal casinos I previously visited. If a casino operator behave like that I don't feel sorry if players fight back with chargebacks as they harm casino players too.

vor 1 Monat

Those are the casinos people are trying to fight back against

vor 1 Monat

Yes of course. I think the blocked url you have sent may be a different casino? X

vor 1 Monat

Emailed you, thank you

vor 1 Monat

Can I ask what wording they used to see if they are sending us the same / fobbing us off?

vor 1 Monat

Send me the url

vor 1 Monat

Even so the casinos from costa rica their licence laws state that they are not allowed to except UK players and must block ip addresses from restricted areas

vor 1 Monat

Right folks going to have a cuppa and sort my act out then I will get on it.Do you think it's worth posting in Casinom Sorry guru lol.to get more people involved also 🙏 the more the merrier?

vor 1 Monat
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