HomeForumCasinosLemon Casino - generelle Diskussion

Lemon Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 8)

 von Sina787
18.717 Ansichten 148 Antworten |
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I have just a short experience with lemon.casino. Nothing to say yet.

But now I am not sure I am in the right place to have fair information about casinos.

I am just amazed reading this.

In fact lemon.casino violated it's rules when confiscated SMasters balance, treated to petitgamer like with a scammer and also confiscated balance. Casino.guru "resolved" their cases in favor of casino)) And gave this casino "very high" safety index + systematically blocks negative reviews)). Lol)))

Oh..I see also Post by tvoyboy1 was deleted.. another nice story about this casino?

I have a simple question: Is there any naive creature here to trust Casino.guru??


Hey. I can try to help you better understand our work and how we review all online casinos on our website, if I may.

Here you can read about it more and maybe better know how the safety index is calculated and why it doesn't go down if a complaint is marked as "resolved." Please know that the safety index can actually be lowered only in cases when some complaint is "unresolved" or when we believe that a casino acts against fair gambling.

Well, if you have any questions, we are here, of course, and hopefully you don't run into any issues with this casino.

Also know that we always try to collect as much information as possible about all online casinos on our website and hope for the fair play in each of them. It is completely up to you and everyone, of course, whether you trust us or not. No worries.



Cases also resolved by casino.guru. Not only ratings are under your control but cases also. I can't say in what are you worst but I see you're bad in both. I didn't see any calculations of any casino following your link, I see only words.

All I read here about the casino is enough to understand that it can't be called "safe". Even more "very safe"))

And the rating given to it by you shows that casino.guru is more "unsafe".

BTW Why is the content of some cases invisible?


The content of some casinos is invisible, as you called it, due to the regulations of each country.

To see everything, though, you can use VPN, if you wish. Even though, from your post, I am not sure if you would like to see any review of the casino from us. Right?

Never mind, everyone is free to choose what to read and whom to trust. Good luck, of course.


hi, I'll tell you honestly, I've been playing in almost 10-15 casinos for a couple of years on the advice of Guru casino and not a single casino has lived up to my expectations, I've lost about 60 thousand dollars in those casinos where Guru gives a high rating 😄 and yes, a couple of months ago Exstreme casino was rated the highest, I also lost a lot of money there, and now they have a rating and reputation here as a powerhouse, in a word, Guru casino, as I remember, takes money for rating and advertising))) and I lose tens of thousands of dollars


oh yeah and my comment was deleted when I wanted to write for Lemon casino )))))


Und warum zahlt ihr das Geld, das ihr verdient habt, nicht an die Leute hier aus??? Zum Glück habe ich es rechtzeitig gesehen, bevor ich bezahlt habe. Das ist reine Abzocke... wehrt euch ab! Danke

Automatische Übersetzung

hi, I'll tell you honestly, I've been playing in almost 10-15 casinos for a couple of years on the advice of Guru casino and not a single casino has lived up to my expectations, I've lost about 60 thousand dollars in those casinos where Guru gives a high rating 😄 and yes, a couple of months ago Exstreme casino was rated the highest, I also lost a lot of money there, and now they have a rating and reputation here as a powerhouse, in a word, Guru casino, as I remember, takes money for rating and advertising))) and I lose tens of thousands of dollars

Hey there. Just to help you sort things out about Casino Guru, do you know what the Safety Index stands for? I'm asking because it seems like you mistaken that number with a sort of win indicator, which is not.

Not sure what you remember, but it is not us who "takes money" for ratings. Not to mention, there is not a single advertisement on our website.

Perhaps we can talk about your casino experience to clear things out. Let me know what you think.

oh yeah and my comment was deleted when I wanted to write for Lemon casino )))))

Are you perhaps talking about user reviews instead? No posts of yours have ever been deleted by me or my colleagues. Just so you know.

Und warum zahlt ihr das Geld, das ihr verdient habt, nicht an die Leute hier aus??? Zum Glück habe ich es rechtzeitig gesehen, bevor ich bezahlt habe. Das ist reine Abzocke... wehrt euch ab! Danke

Automatische Übersetzung

Well, I hope the question was just badly translated because it is so out of a reasonable field that I think it is pointless to even respond to that.

Why don't you give your salary to players for some reason? I really do not understand the point here.

This was your post here on this forum, so do you care to give it context? We are just a bunch of people talking about casinos, so I do not see any harm in that.

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