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Kubo Mulder

Casino Analyst & Complaint Specialist

Kubo is a Casino Guru's Casino Analyst and Complaint Specialist. He began his career as a facility engineer for a car company. Following that, he gained valuable experience by starting his own business. He now spends his time handling player complaints, researching potential new casinos for our database, and keeping our website up to date.

Kubo is a quick learner, and in his spare time, he enjoys learning new things, particularly in the areas of computer science, coding, and 3D modeling. Problem-solving is a significant hobby of his, and, as he jokingly admits, if there isn't a problem, he always comes up with one.


Beschwerde wurde beantwortet von Kubo Mulder

Dear ackee, I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. ... vor 7 Monaten
Dear User999,I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success... vor 7 Monaten
Thank you for your confirmation, acid.Since you have received all of the acti... vor 7 Monaten
Hello Peter,As the casino has failed to respond within the given timeframe, I... vor 7 Monaten
Dear simonecald7,Thank you for providing this valuable update regarding your ... vor 8 Monaten
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Co... vor 8 Monaten
Dear rickyrocky8631, I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved succe... vor 8 Monaten
Hello everyone!Thank you, Mr Bet Casino, for providing the evidence. Dear Sha... vor 8 Monaten
Dear Ayten97,Unfortunately, Virgin Games Casino has declined to cooperate wit... vor 8 Monaten
Dear LBALZER,I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully.... vor 8 Monaten
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