HomeForumCasinosWinsmania Casino - generelle Diskussion

Winsmania Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 4)

13.973 Ansichten 88 Antworten |
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It looks like you’re actually siding with the casino, CasinoGuru?

Surely you can see the pattern here? Have a look on trustpilot they have fake reviews and so many band ones, especially with GB players..

Surely as your job running this website you can see exactly what’s going on here, unless you are involved with them? Which I don’t think you are ??

They are a 1000% a scam, I can’t tell straight away now after doing my research. They have even replaced already the merchant account that was blocked.

They are rude, even if you are nice to them, you still get blocked and suspended.

Explain why on Trustpilot (please check) person after person saying they verify the account and the casino keep saying they’re processing the withdrawal and then suddenly the users accounts blocked. It’s a regular thing with them. It’s so obvious!!

We are, actually, not siding with any casino, as you are trying to say here. We are mostly on players side, whenever we have a good proof that a casino is not being fair. Of course, it always goes also the other way around, whenever we believe, after seeing the proof of that, that a player is trying to "harm", in some way, the casino, we will turn to its side. We believe in fair play, and that is what we are trying to achieve here, in Casino Guru, really.

We always try to "examine" every user review, which comes to our hand, and not to let slipped any fake ones. I do not know, how the other sites work, to tell you the truth, I can just speak from our point of view.

I really am sorry for the complications you're experiencing at this casino, an am sure our team will do whatever it's in their hands to help you out. There is no need to do any accusations, though. We are here to help players, for free, and willing to do as much as possible to achieve the best solution.

Spiel dort nicht einfach alleine......

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Sorry, was this comment meant for someone specific, perhaps? Try to use the "reply" button next time, so the person can be notified.

I have been waiting a few days now for my withdrawal of 250 pound online chat don't reply to me anymore I also have 3 thousand in account which I can't withdraw untill the 250 as been processed what can I do. The site is winsmania. Casino guru can you help me.

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May I ask how many days are you waiting, exactly, please? We actually give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payment, especially if it's the first one. Is your account fully verified at this casino? Will wait for your reply.


Oh ok it is my first withdrawal and only done the 26th i didnt knoe it could take up to 14 days or is that just how long you guve before getting in touch. when I read reviews I became worried I spoke on live chat Friday they said by end of day then they would not respond to me then did today and said same thing but still nothing. Yes I am fully verified

As I previously mentioned, this site is fake and they will never pay anyone.

er hat recht, sie zahlen nicht

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Oh ok it is my first withdrawal and only done the 26th i didnt knoe it could take up to 14 days or is that just how long you guve before getting in touch. when I read reviews I became worried I spoke on live chat Friday they said by end of day then they would not respond to me then did today and said same thing but still nothing. Yes I am fully verified

Yes it's as you say, we give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process and if that doesn't happen then we contact the casino once our team has all the relevant information from you.

So you'll have to be a bit patient, as there are holidays and so on. I strongly believe that you will get your money as soon as possible. 

Of course, if not, be sure to let us know, we'll be here. 🙂

As I previously mentioned, this site is fake and they will never pay anyone.

Hi, I see that your complaint is still open and Petronela is waiting for an answer. Are you still interested or not at all ? 

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Ok thank you


You’ve been scammed mate, they are as fake as they come.


I’ll just have to accept the lost from these criminals.


Our team is actually waiting for you to update your complaint, so, please do so as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no possibility to get it solved.

Guten Abend, ich brauche Ihre Hilfe, ich möchte, dass Sie mir mit dem Casino helfen, ich kann keine Möglichkeit finden, eine Einzahlung zu tätigen, die erste Einzahlung wurde mir und der Willkommensbonus gegeben, ich habe sie verloren und den Bonus verbrannt und einen sehr guten Betrag von 5840 Euro erreicht und heute um 4:30, als ich mich in mein Konto einloggte, ist mein Kontostand 0, das Geld wurde von meinem Konto abgebucht, ich habe die Kundendienstmitarbeiterin angerufen und sie sagt mir nichts, das einzige, was sie mir sagt, ist, an iMail S zu schreiben upport@winsmania.com wir haben ein großes Problem, wenn wir zu einem guten kommen, wie viel sie uns nicht geben, wir haben Tausende von Euro verloren. Ich warte auf eine Antwort, nur Sie können uns helfen, vielen Dank

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Sorry about the issue you are having at this casino. Have you gotten any answers from the support team regarding all this, perhaps? Did you request a withdrawal, and only after that did your money disappear from your account? Am I right?

Will wait for your reply here.

Mein Geld ist von meinem Konto verschwunden. Der Kundenservice ist überhaupt nicht höflich. Sie erklären nichts. Sie sagen nur, dass Sie eine Nachricht senden sollen und wir uns bei Ihnen melden werden. Ich habe 2 Nachrichten gesendet und keine Antwort erhalten. Ich bin sehr enttäuscht.

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Please don’t fall for this scam casino

I warned people not to play here

You won’t get a penny out of them

er hat recht, es ist ein Casino.........

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Vielen Dank, ich wusste nicht, dass es Betrüger sind

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