HomeForumCasinosVulkan Vegas Casino - generelle Diskussion

Vulkan Vegas Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 23)

 von Jonas23111
125.889 Ansichten 474 Antworten |
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Ich habe 20 Euro auf mein Vulkan-Vegas-Konto eingezahlt, ich habe gespielt, ich habe gewonnen, ich habe eine Auszahlungsanforderung gestellt und sie haben sie abgelehnt, indem sie zu Beginn nach einem Ausweisdokument gefragt haben, sie haben mich um ein Selfie mit einem Personalausweis und ein Selfie mit einer Kreditkarte gebeten. Dann haben sie mich nach dem Arbeitsvertrag gefragt... mehr als ein Casino, es kommt mir wie die Digos der Polizeistation vor, es scheint mir, dass sie einen Trick finden wollen, um es abzulehnen. Überprüfen Sie... Ich habe bereits die staatliche Monopolagentur kontaktiert, um Unterstützung anzufordern... mein tatsächliches Guthaben muss mir per Banküberweisung überwiesen werden, wie es die anderen Plattformen tun, bet365 und PokerStars brauchen maximal eine halbe Stunde, um nur den Personalausweis zu überprüfen. Sie verlangen keine Selfies oder sonst etwas...

Wir werden sehen, wie es ausgeht..

Automatische Übersetzung

The whole process you have described here is an usual KYC in many online casinos. We always recommend to players that they fully cooperate with the casino because that is the only way to successfully withdraw their money.

Please let us know the outcome, we'll surely wait for your reply.

Hello, can someone can tell me how long time can take to withdraw 50 eur? Now it is 14 days of process, INSANE!!!



Not sure how to put this, but the longer it takes, the harder it is for a non-participating party to make a good guess.

I imagine you did not expect such a response but rather a good answer, yet without knowing details and not being part of the casino crew, that would be just guessing.

But rest assured, the complaint is about to serve its purpose. Give the team time to investigate the matter further and extend an invitation to the casino representative to participate in the complaint. That will undoubtedly be beneficial.

dont Know why this site continues to rate Vulkan as high as they do.

it is not a good site to play on. For numerous reasons.

please do not play on this site. Just look at the sheer amount of complaints Vulkan has thru casinoguru, almost 1400. Compare that to other sites, I don’t give a damn what anyone employed by Casino Guru says, this site is NOT player friendly. Terrible withdrawal policies;SLOW AS HELL, small amounts only approved. DO NOT PLAY HERE. There is many better CUR license choices than this BY FAR.

a rating of 9.8 is NOT justified in anyway


I know you are not interested in any response from us, but such a topic needs to be addressed:

The problem lies in the fact that we do not include withdrawal process speed in the Safety Index. It just says that the casino is trustworthy because it pays out the winnings, though the value does not say how quickly you will get the money.

We can't measure it; that's the only reason. That would require a special code for each combination of country, payment option, nationality, KYC measures, and so on.

Thus, to fill up information not included in the Safety Index, we provide user feedback. As you may see, the rating says "bad" 👈 mostly due to a slow, complicated KYC or withdrawals.

If you browse the complaint section, you will see that many complaints submitted so far were about the dealy. On the other hand, only one case out of more than eight hundred has never been solved.

I perfectly understand that players not familiar with our guides or processes keep saying which Safety Index is not adequate or what we should do better. It's about finding a balance between things we can measure and aspects found across the site. Sadly, some players simply see just one number.

Safety Index + user reviews + complaints + forum = full scaled picture

I hope it helps others understand the complexity of this site.

steht dieses Casino nicht auf der schwarzen Liste???


Automatische Übersetzung

Hallo, am Montag habe ich 20 € im Vulkan Vegas Casino eingezahlt. Ich habe 3000 € erhalten und diese zur Zahlung überwiesen. Gestern haben sie mir eine E-Mail mit der Bitte um Zusendung der Dokumente geschickt, die ich ihnen geschickt habe, und heute haben sie erneut nach einem Foto der Karte gefragt. Nach 2 Stunden wollte ich das Casino betreten und sie haben mein Konto gesperrt. Ich habe ihnen geschrieben und sie haben gesagt, dass sie mich gesperrt haben, weil ich mehrere offene Konten habe, und dass sie mich entsperren würden, wenn ich möchte, ich das Geld aber nicht bekommen würde.

Automatische Übersetzung

May I ask if you are aware of opening multiple accounts at this casino?

It is actually not allowed in most online casinos, and we believe that every casino should block it whenever a player tries to open more accounts with the same credentials.

Please provide us with more information, and hopefully we can resolve this issue together.

steht dieses Casino nicht auf der schwarzen Liste???


Automatische Übersetzung

Hello, the casino you posted is now closed and not working. It was a copy of the original casino that was also written in the review. Did you see it? This casino in the thread you are posting to looks like it is fine. 

But why do you ask ? 

Meine alte Kreditkarte ist abgelaufen und ich habe in der Vulkan Vegas-App die neue Karte eingegeben und nach all den Formalitäten, die sie mir auferlegt haben, bereits zweimal, wie z. B. Fotos mit Dokumenten und neuer Karte, haben sie das Geld immer noch nicht aufgeladen, sie weigern sich, es abzuheben.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
Automatische Übersetzung

Did the casino approve all the documents you sent? When exactly did you start this verification process, if I may ask?

Our complaint team would gladly look into this issue. Whenever the 14-day time frame passes, they will be able to intervene and see what can be done.

So, please keep us informed about any news.

I have been waiting for a withdrawal of around 200EUR, wayy past the 48 hours in their T&C. I try to contact customer support, but get the same lame answer about some "technical issues". No one can answer anything, there is no phone support. The KYC is also really slow. I would not recommend this Casino at all.


Ich vertraue diesem Casino nicht. Es hatte schon immer Probleme. Sein Ruf hier in Brasilien ist sehr schlecht.

Automatische Übersetzung

I have been waiting for a withdrawal of around 200EUR, wayy past the 48 hours in their T&C. I try to contact customer support, but get the same lame answer about some "technical issues". No one can answer anything, there is no phone support. The KYC is also really slow. I would not recommend this Casino at all.

So, is your account fully verified, and which payment method did you use, if I may ask?

I actually wonder what the technical issue could be. Sometimes it is caused by the large number of withdrawals, so maybe this is the case as well.

Please let us know if you have any updates, for sure.


Problem gelöst, danke

Automatische Übersetzung

Guten Morgen, ich habe eine Auszahlung getätigt, aber sie wurde noch nicht gutgeschrieben, ist alles in Ordnung?

Automatische Übersetzung

Hi there!

It seems the withdrawal is not fully resolved. Not every withdrawal is instant. I suggest giving it a few working days and then consulting with the casino's support. What payment option did you choose anyway?


I'm completely lost. I've done Vulkan Vegas kyc. When I wanted to transfer my winnings to my account, they made me send all kinds of additional documents. Now today I went to check things are far away, they have blocked me. How is that? I can't get my winnings now? How do they do this? without any kind of notification!


Hi, when did the casino ask you for additional documents and how long has the whole situation been going on? I would say that it could be due to the fact that while they are checking the documents, your account is blocked for the time being, and when everything will be fine, it could be unblocked. But that's just what I think and it doesn't have to be that way and the casino should always warn the player when something like that is going to happen, so that they at least have some info.

So let me know and if nothing happens in the next few days, then we will try to help you.

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