HomeForumCasinosSpicy Jackpots Casino - generelle Diskussion

Spicy Jackpots Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 4)

 von jnunn215
19.312 Ansichten 105 Antworten |
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I understand that you are angry in this situation. 

Nevertheless, the casino still hasn't given you a concrete reason why it won't pay out your winnings ? So if you are not verified according to the casino, but on the other hand you said you did it like the first thing when you joined the casino, did you also try to ask what documents you should send ? Alternatively, did the casino ask you to provide any necessary documents ? I'm just trying to understand the situation better. 

I will continue to be interested in how your complaint is going and if you hear any further information, be sure to let us know. 

I sent passport and card details they told me that it went to higher management my account was closed now i can sign in with all my details gone they are saying that i am unverified from the beginning i sent my details they say that I'll never receive what I won fairly all they have done is steel from people lie cheat for there own pleasure and need stopping is someone going to do this or am I wasting my time ?

Update my account is open got access to live support apparently I was told lies again first it was 7-21 days for the withdrawal and in pending 3 days ago i was told it was complete then she asked what casino I was playing on then she said it went to higher management and they found nothing in this case they deliberately got rid of my records for there own purpose steeled from me they are ignoring my emails I have sent it seems to me they think that they can get away with it and they are as nobody is aproching them I am waisting my time and effort to get what's rightfully mine hope they get done for fraud as they have committed this over and over again with paying customers do not put a penny into spicyjackpots.com they will Rob you


Cancel the card you used with them and move on, I had to do it with them I wasted months, not worth the stress

I did that strait away as they took funds out of my bank yes I am have moved on just aware never join a non gamstop site they definitely think they are untouchable 1 day they will get done for fraud throw away the key on them


Oh, of course I understand your anger. If I were in a similar situation, I would be too. So if you send documents to a casino, what reason do they have for not accepting them? 

If you have a constant pending withdrawal, does the casino not even explain why that is ? I think that's quite a long time for everything to always go to the relevant department. 

Anyway, our team is still trying to help you and it will be good if you update Petronella as she asked you to do in the complaint. Do you think you can handle it? 

I'm a firm believer that everything will work out in the end and turn out well. Good luck for now.

I certainly can handle it I like to get to the point not all this messing around they are black listed I have proof of this they doint care who they lie to think they are untouchable using different names operating illegally no licence doesn't that say something copying other sites games what I mean by that taking games illegally this is copyright lie after lie from them even no telephone line the telephone number is fake believe me I definitely have done my homework on spicyjackpots.com but nobody comes forward to do something about this I am a very strong person but this is beyond me they just think they can do this to people I call them sly weak people who doint have any feelings whatsoever laugh and take money just for themselves just feed off people they doint deserve to have anything that's my sum up of the situation nobody comes forward with a solution to this problem and stops them there is no point in me even bothering to explain over and over again what they have done


I totally understand that you're mad. However, if we don't have enough evidence in the complaint, or Petronella hasn't gotten answers to her questions, it's harder to get to the truth. 

However, as I mentioned before, the license is not verifiable, so you are right. I have also outlined the casino's safety index and just from the information from there, I would avoid this casino and not deposit there. 

However, if you have anything else that would help Petronella in her complaint, by all means update it, because the complaint team is also trying to do their best. 

Would that be possible ? 

They have deliberately got rid of my records for there own purpose to steal from me convenient for them this could be going on and on mabe I day someone will get to the bottom of this


It is an unpleasant situation. But if we don't have enough relevant evidence, it's hard to confront the casino, because without it we are blind and can't just guess or make assumptions. 

So in this case, I recommend you definitely do not play in this casino anymore and if there is any evidence or relevant communication between you and the casino, you still have the opportunity to provide it or send it to Petronella.

Without them it will probably be difficult to help you.

petetty hat den Post gelöscht.


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Well if there is not enough evidence I have wasted my time explaining what spicyjackpots.com did to me and many others they win again the crooks so subject seems to have come to the end no point in carrying the conversation on its getting noware there was enough evidence on my side but on there's they are compulsive liers and get away with what they have done fraud

petetty hat den Post gelöscht.


I suggest you start with the home page saying:

"Explore world's biggest source of information about online casinos

Up-to-date reviews of all online casinos, bonus database, global community, complaint help, and more."

We do not advertise casinos, we provide information to help players make good decisions.

Judging from the fact that you willingly played in such a casino, it seems like a very bad call to me 🙁:



By saying the casino possesses a very low safety index combined with red warnings (yes, the license is among those warnings) we do not encourage players to play there.

Have you noticed the review, perhaps?

Well if there is not enough evidence I have wasted my time explaining what spicyjackpots.com did to me and many others they win again the crooks so subject seems to have come to the end no point in carrying the conversation on its getting noware there was enough evidence on my side but on there's they are compulsive liers and get away with what they have done fraud

May I suggest something to you?

Next time, play only in UK-licensed casinos with a high safety index instead of this "site". Do everything to stay safe.

Have you seen this article?


I think you should read that, at least. 🙏

Many people have complained on hear about the site nothing seems to be done all chat about them no action thought that you would help I was totally wrong about this it needs higher management the fraud team to stop this and as for gamstop I am on it for 5 years as I doint trust anyone now just questions no action all I have to say


Hey. Live spielen und speichern mehr. Ich habe zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung mit diesen Online-Casinos. Zahlen Sie niemals mehr Geld in diesem Casino ein. Du wirst mit ihnen nicht gewinnen. in jeder Angelegenheit. Das Casino ist gegenüber zahlenden Kunden nicht ehrlich und respektvoll. Vergiss das Casino. du wurdest betrogen. glauben Sie mir. Ich kenne all diese Casinos, welchen ich vertrauen kann und welchen nicht. Ich selbst habe jahrzehntelang fast alle Casinos besucht. und ich nenne die Eigentümer und Betreiber. Wer ist ehrlich und wer ist Betrüger und welche Seite ist zuverlässig und keine gefälschten Spiele usw. vertrauen jetzt. Lebe länger und spare. Dort.

Automatische Übersetzung

Your only telling me what I already know about these sites what are you a professional? If so why doint you do something about this I had enough evidence to sink the casino it seems to me its all questions hear no action against compulsive lies the corupt sites has anyone got the balls to do something?


I'm sorry, but I have to step in:

Have you ever tried to close a casino down? This is not something a regular player may accomplish thus, your response is far from fair, I'd say.

Furthermore, casinos without a license - yes, I take unverifiable as the same as a missing license - are virtually untouchable. I suggest you make yourself familiar with the legal processes first, then ask yourself: are you up to it? Instead of pointing at other players...

I'm sorry you count yourself among compulsive players! Care to get in touch with others, perhaps?


Additionally - and speaking about complaining, we are waiting for proof:

"Please understand that in order to confront the casino about your voided or unpaid winnings we will need some supporting evidence. You can forward any relevant communication or supporting evidence to petronela.k@casino.guru."

Kindly address the complaint: https://casino.guru/spicy-jackpots-casino-casino-closed-account-and-winnings

Thank you for your kind collaboration.

Answer to all your questions I have told you all I know even sent you the conversation I have been intouch with other people it seems these sites are untouchable and continually getting away with what they are doing to customers yes bad choice on my side they have the cheek to send me offers I am sorry if I came across like i did I call a spade a spade no I am trying to get them prosecution for what they did it's a hard task coming across liers like them I had to get my card details changed because they took funds out of my bank never again will I trust anyone a non gamstop site no certainly not my bank picked it up I got a complete new card different numbers so if the bank can't do anything about them nobody can so I rest my case just want to move on count my losses


Hey. Rechts. jene Casinos, die keine Lizenz haben. was sie den Spielern garantieren. Nichts. Was ist mit denen, die eine Lizenz haben? Sie garantieren auch nicht, wie das Casino funktioniert. ist zuverlässig. Gibt es eine sichere Zahlung? wenn du gewinnst. mit dem Spieler. ist ein Einzahlungsrisiko. zum Casino. auch wenn das Casino eine Lizenz hat. Aber selbst das gibt den Spielern, die die Einzahlung tätigen, keine Garantie und Sicherheit. Ich selbst wurde von den Casinos betrogen, die betrügen. Sie haben viele Beschwerden über Casinos. und normalerweise beziehen sie sich auf denselben Casinonamen. Das ist der Grund, warum Casinos schließen und aufgeben. Weil. Auch wenn es nicht genug Spieler in den Casinos gibt, können sie es sich nicht leisten, monatlich Lizenzgebühren an mga zu zahlen. So arbeiten sie. wenn die Spieler das Casino verlassen.bemerken, dass das Casino keine Gewinne auszahlt. auch wenn es ein erstes Konto und ein neues Konto gibt. ohne Boni zu nehmen. Einige zahlen immer noch keine Gewinne. appelliert an das Schwestercasino. Hatte einmal ein Konto. oder die Gmail-Adresse hat sich geändert. Mit einem .account können Sie die gmail.address nicht selbst ändern. Sie können jedoch Ihre Wohnadresse und Telefonnummer ändern. selbst. Sind das nicht eher persönliche Einstellungen als Google Mail? man könnte meinen, es wäre umgekehrt. Die Gmail-Adresse der Person ändert sich in .ja und stattdessen wird eine neue Gmail-Adresse verwendet. Bei der Gmail-Adresse handelt es sich nicht um Kontoinformationen, sondern um eine Sozialversicherungsnummer und eine Straße. und Bankauthentifizierung. Bei Google Mail handelt es sich nicht um ein Konto, mit dem man das Casino eröffnen kann, sondern um eine persönliche Identifikationsnummer und Bankdaten. Jeder kann eine Gmail-Adresse erstellen, auch unter dem Namen einer anderen Person. und Konten bei Casinos erstellen. Sozialversicherungsnummer und eigene Adresse können im Einwohnermeldeamt überprüft werden. Heutzutage locken Casinos mit Doppelwetten. wenn Sie Ihre neue Gmail-Adresse eingeben. Warum ist die ID-Nummer kein Doppelkonto? wenn Sie sich im Casino anmelden. Ich habe in einem MrGreen-Casino eingezahlt und mein neues Google Mail-Konto nach meiner Einzahlung in die Leiste gelegt, die nach meiner Einzahlung vor mir auftauchte. Ich habe mein neues gültiges Google Mail-Konto eingegeben. und mein altes Google Mail-Konto wurde für mein Konto geschlossen. Mir wurde eine doppelte Rechnung vorgeworfen, als ich dort mit meinem Personalausweis auf eines meiner Konten eingezahlt habe. und deshalb. wenn jemand fehlt. So etwas wie einen Doppelteller gibt es nicht. wenn eine Person nur eine Sozialversicherungsnummer hat. und Leben. Sie können Gmail nach Belieben öffnen und schließen. Sie können die persönliche Identifikationsnummer jedoch nicht ändern. also wird da auch geschummelt. wenn Doppelwetten vorgeworfen werden. wenn Gewinne zurückgezahlt werden. davor. dort kann man beispielsweise eine Million Euro auf das Spielkonto einzahlen. bevor die Zahlungsfrist vom Casino kommt. und Stoppschilder stehen den Spielern zur Einzahlung zur Verfügung. dem Reppanat vertraut, glaubt und hofft.

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