HomeForumCasinosLuckyDreams Casino - generelle Diskussion

LuckyDreams Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 2)

 von Radka
15.338 Ansichten 87 Antworten |
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Hello Radka,

It is scary, I am more and more concern about online Casinos... you spend so much money and when you hardly ever win than Casinos does not want to pay... you can clearly see that even that everything is legit from your side, they still trying every possible way not to pay.


If I may add, you actually broke the rules when playing with a bonus. So, technically, in your case, the casino was correct. I'm really sorry. We aim to stay fair and open, yet I understand you probably disagree with the result. 🙁

Hello Radka,

It is scary, I am more and more concern about online Casinos... you spend so much money and when you hardly ever win than Casinos does not want to pay... you can clearly see that even that everything is legit from your side, they still trying every possible way not to pay.

I think I would also be very skeptical given those circumstances. Thus, it's great that you managed to submit the complaint. I keep saying that casinos are ruining their own credibility every time they put each player in such a position.

I mean, if you aim to do things straight and fairly, you must be prepared to communicate with players on a much higher level. There is no place for uncertainty.

Sadly, it is much easier to state something in the rules than obtain pro-client support. I do not want to say all casinos are bad, I simply think it is about the approach towards players.

I hope we will uncover the issue and help you out from this spot soon!

Finally my account is now verified and I did received my winnings,

It is kind a strange that all sudden my document are good ever since I filed complain.


So that's perfect I'd say. Finally some good news. 😊☘️

I think you better enjoy the fact that you got them, because not many players would have similar experiences. 

If I may ask, how long did this whole process of verification to successful withdrawal took ? 🤔

Leute das ist alles Betrug dieses Casino

reine Mafia abzocke.

Ihr werdet nie nur einen einzigen Euro ausbezahlt bekommen von diesen Betrügern

Sie haben keine Lizens deswegen dürfen Sie nicht das Geld überhaupt annehmen ...

Es laufen gegen diee Casinos doch 100ert Klagen und jede wird gewonnen ...

Was meint Ihr warum diese Firmen auf Curacao oder Malta sind, nur weil das Rechtssystem dort keine Strafverfolgung macht.

Lest doch mal die Foren von den ganzen Anwälten.

Klagen sind nicht zustellbar ,da es Briefkasten Firmen sind.

Auch die Adressen sind alles Betrug

Diese und andere Casinos werden alle von Rabidi betrieben.

Schaut doch mal bei den überweisungen es ist immer der selbe IBAN wenn Ihr was überweist ..

Und wenn Ihr zig tausend Euros einbezahlt und einmal eine Auszahlung habt .....werden immer die selben Tricks angewendet.

Du sollt dich verifizieren, dann kann man angeblich die Fotos nicht lesen ,oder die Bank passt nicht , oder du sollst eine Stromabrechnung schicken usw usw immer die selbe verarschung.

Und wenn dann doch mal eine Auszahlung genehmigt wird , kommt nie was an ...alles nur Betrug

Eben eine Mafia

Und wenn zB Rechtsanwälte Kagen hin schicken ist es denen egal

Weil Curacao nichts macht .

Und wenn doch mal eine durchkommt , dann wechseln Sie einfach den Betreiber oder melden Insolvenz an .....

Alles nur Betrug

Sie akzeptieren ja auch nur Einzahlungen in Echtzeit die man nicht zurück buchen kann ?

Klar hat man 10 Jahre Anspruch auf Rückerstattung

aber bringt ja nix , dann geht halt einer für paar Jahre in den Knast , und ist dann trotzdem Millionär.

Sie berufen Sich immer auf Ihre AGBs und schreiben das es in der Verantwortung des Spielers des Landes liegt.

Das ist aber nicht so , wenn sie keine oasis lizenz haben , ist es illegales glücksspiel.

warum haben sie den dann 100erte von agenten die tag und nacht diese foren beobachten und dann schreiben wie sehr es ihnen leid tue und wie gut und seriös sie sind ....

ein gutes casino steht und fällt mit den auszahlungen

spielt lieber auf deutschen casinos , da gewinnt man mal 1000 aber es ist sicher

ich habe zb schon gewinne gehabt von über 50 000

und dann wird einfach dein konto gelöscht

eben eine mafia betrug

nur wenn die politik sich ändern würde und man könnte zb giropay und andere zurückbuchen könnte , dann gäbe es ne chance ....

aber bis dahin fliesen halt mio oder milliarden...

prüft das alles selbst

es ist immer Rabidi

immer der selbe iban

alles ist fake die mio gewinne wie autos etc alles fake

auch wenn du zb einen bonus bekommst von 1000 euro dann müsstest du ihn 45 fach umsetzen und 45000 gewinnen

das wird nie der fall sein

die einzigen die was davon haben sind die anwälte

und selbst solche foren wie trustpilot sind auch gekauft .......lol

alles fake


Hi, I see you haven't had the best experience with this casino. So I would like to ask you, is your problem still there and you can't make a withdrawal, or you just described the situation and you have no funds in the casino ? 

However, I agree with you that it is best to stick to casinos with a German license and avoid the problems that occurred with this casino.

Anyway, can you let me know how it is ? 

Lucky dreams casino!!!!

I’m doing this at my free Will and no influence whatsoever…

I play at a few casinos and when it gets to the pointy end on either winnings or issues. Somehow there is always a term condition or literally ridiculous replies and responses to my request on either withdrawing or issues that I have had.

Lately, I have been focusing and playing at I’ve been playing at Lucky Dreams Casino.. and yes I have had tedious issues arise, and I have had large winnings..

My issues were sorted immediately with no headache whatsoever, with a complimentary courtesy bonus on top.

I have had some big wins lately, and they were paid out immediately. No headaches whatsoever. I’ve been assigned a manager whom replies and also checks up on the my experience, and if I require any additional support.

i’ve been assigned a manager whom replies and also follows up and is always checks up on the my experience.

I don’t need to write this reply because I don’t need any special consideration, but during my time playing with online casinos, I feel that they’ve always got the upper hands and the CUSTOMER is never right.. and since I’ve been playing at Lucky Dreams Casino, I can honestly say that this is not the case.

Which has made me out of my own time free, willing to let other players know that this casino in my opinion is if not the fairest of them all!!! and I believe if I casino is doing the right thing then I good review is deserved by an independent person and allows my experience to be shared so others could feel comfortable..

in this case , I believe once you hit the status of a VIP player with a manager , your experience will be very fair and any issue I believe will be sorted again . This is due to a few obstacles are faced and I have not found the casino to be as fair as Lucky Dreams .

I had re-requested it withdrawal and we seen 25 hours. I had my money in my bank account and I’ve attached a screenshot of one of many withdrawalsfile

I don’t know if I am allowed to nominate and state my managers name, but he has gone on and beyond to make sure my gaming experience has been at its highest satisfaction with the most smoothest transaction.. I give Lucky Dreams 10 out of10


I'm so glad you created this overview!

With luck, it serves as a perfect motivation for other satisfied players. Since we usually tend to share issues or complications in order to ease the burden a bit, I admire your will to praise good efforts!

The user review is also a great thing to do. 🙌

I'm sorry, but do you think that playing a game with an unknown RTP for real money is wise?

Anyway, what explanation do you expect? Ask the game provider, please. I honestly do not understand what I am supposed to see in these screenshots. I bet the game provider would understand better.

Additionally, if you know all casinos licensed in Sweden do show RTP, why do you play here? I really wonder. I'm quite sure you know it is better to play on your locally licensed sites.

Frankly, I won't speak on behalf of any casino or game provider.

I'm sorry, but I do not understand what seems to be wrong. And what makes you think I'm defending casinos? I'm just asking you questions to find out more about the object of your own concern.

Of course, it is not good if the RTP is hidden - it's obvious. Thus, I wanted to know why you would play under such circumstances, especially when you compared this situation with casinos licensed in Sweden. Meaning you know the RTP should be freely visible.

Can you also please explain these print screens?

I kindly asked you for an explanation.

But it is also a fact that the game provider is more likely to explain than everyone else. Because you would be asking its creator, there is no better place to go.

Do you understand me now? I pray you do,..

I don't think it's cheating because not every casino has RTP values listed in the games, although I think honest casinos show these values in their slots. Did you also try to ask for example live chat what is the RTP in the games where it does not show you ? 

I also noticed that in this post you are talking about N1bet casino, so this whole case is related to this casino please ? I'm asking because you're posting this in the LuckyDream casino thread. 

Also, it would also be good to answer Radka's questions because we are just going in circles. 

Would that be possible ? 

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this sentence at all: "What do you mean by lucky dreams never played on Lucky dreams Posted but never played there."

I didn't mention anywhere that I have a problem with you expressing your experience in a casino. All I'm saying is that you're writing in a thread called LuckyDreams casino and you're talking about N1Bet casino, which as you can see are two different casinos. And that's why I'm asking which casino your experience refers to, nothing more nothing less. So don't take it personally, and certainly not with the idea that I don't want to know what kind of experience you've had. 

I won't comment on the rest because I feel there is a misunderstanding here, as I was just trying to understand what casino you were talking about. 

Ich habe bei Lucky Dreams gespielt, einen 30-Euro-Bonus erhalten und es auch geschafft, zu wetten.

Gestern um 16:30 Uhr habe ich 3.000 Euro abgehoben, mein Geld kam nicht an, es hieß, es würde 24 Stunden dauern.

Ich weiß selbst, dass es per Banküberweisung nicht so lange dauert, bis ich Geld bekomme.

Im Chat mehrmals gefragt, ohne die richtige Antwort zu erhalten. Auch dort bestätigt.

Was soll ich machen ?

Jetzt heißt es, man muss 1-6 Tage warten

Wie kann das überhaupt möglich sein?

Senden von Antworten aus dem Chat.


Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
Automatische Übersetzung

How long did you wait for a withdrawal? Because I wait 3 days, first they said 24 hours then 1-6 days.

I had like 5 withdrawals this year after the 24h wait then after that about 2 day hit my account in Australia


Go to google search… or type luckydreams5.comfile

yes there are other casions that try take or hijack new players … my thoughts are if that try do that how unprofessional or doggie they could be !!! Honestly I recommend luckydreams, just casino and new casino called lukki casino…. lukki.com there all under the same management!! There honestly honest casinos!


The first withdrawal I find any casino in cash not crypto take a day or too longer .. but regularly now I get my cash out in 2 to 3 day NO ISSUES!!! If you do email vip team and they sort it out for you pretty quickly!!

Guys luck dream am has nothing to do with them other casino when you search and they take to N1bet etc… honestly the wins I had there have been the most …. In two yeah I spent over 1.5m deposit La and I can honestly say lucky dreams is fair .. where other casino like Sky or jackpot Jill have done anything not to pay me !!! You mean thin is a good communication with your host or bio manger and at lucky dreams or just casino you will find host that bend over backwards for there players !!


need e-mail from the vip team

first they told me 24 hours yesterday and today 6 days to wait.

I am from Sweden

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