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Beem Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 5)

 von franztheuerw
44.552 Ansichten 143 Antworten |
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I can see that Petronela already reacted to it. Let's hope you'll receive the money within a reasonable time.



are you struggling with the verification in Beem Casino as well?

I can see that you submitted the complaint against Casinoin and the verification was successful.

Kindly request the withdrawal in Casinoin.



scheint das Beem Casino die aktuellen Probleme besser in den Griff zu bekommen ?

Wie man sehen kann, nehmen die eröffneten Fälle ab und es werden dadurch mehr Fälle gelöst ?

Wie ist eure Meinung dazu ?


Hoffe das es klappt,war der totale Irrsinn.🙈


scheint das Beem Casino die aktuellen Probleme besser in den Griff zu bekommen ?

Wie man sehen kann, nehmen die eröffneten Fälle ab und es werden dadurch mehr Fälle gelöst ?

Wie ist eure Meinung dazu ?

Hi there,

I think they're dealing with it, some players got already paid and I can see that amounts paid vary so I'd say that they are working on this pile. I do not have any inside details to share, sadly.

Ok , dann hoffen wir mal, das sich der positive Trend fortsetzt und auch wir anderen unser Geld noch erhalten.

Hoffe das es klappt,war der totale Irrsinn.🙈

Hello there,

are you talking about KYC problem in the Beem Casino, please? If so, do you need any help or just comment your recent experience with Casinoin, please? 🙂

Hello Casino-Guru Team, i asked the Beem Live Chat some questions regarding my balance after finishing the wager of a bonus - because of the 10x max payout from a bonus. I was completely confused what happens with my balance if I have more than 10 times the deposit amount.

They basically told me i can withdraw 10 times the amount and play with the rest of the money - for fun.. that means previous times where i finished wagering and tried to up my balance and failed I just threw away money - i thought after wagering it would be like a real balance that i can play with. Very missleading but okay.

I then asked what i have to be aware of if I want to make another deposit, while still having that "fun" money in my balance - whereupon the Support Staff didnt give me a real answer just accused me of wanting to cheat the system and that they will notify their finance team to keep an eye out for me - very nice support staff..

Can I send the chat logs to anyone to see what they make out of that conversation?

Best regards



I must say that I would not play with any bonus if only a 10x deposit can be paid out due to this bonus, exactly for the reason that I would not want my money to be "converted" to fun money - no fun at all, I'd say.

Lots of players prefer not to take any bonus at all.

Feel free to post the screenshots here. Other players may have some comments and may be interested to see this conversation as well.


Hi, could you please forward me the chat logs to daniel@casino.guru? I'd like to take a look at it.

By the way, it's really good that you asked the support, but the part with the money that you can use for "playing for fun" sounds very vague to me. If you withdraw 10x your deposit, then the rest of the winnings should be voided. That's it.

What would happen if you hit a jackpot while playing with the money that would be real balance, but only used to play for fun? I know that the chances are very low, but in case you hit a big jackpot, the game provider pays out the jackpot to the casino. Then the casino could tell you - OK, but we told you that you can play only for fun so we keep the jackpot.

The situation where you have money that you can't use for anything than playing for fun should never exist. You either have bonus money where the wagering requirement must be complete or you have real money that you can use for playing, winning and then you can withdraw your winnings. There's nothing between.


Hi Daniel, thank you for your reply! I sent you the logs.

Right? From other casinos with max payouts from bonuses I'm used to that the rest of my balance is voided after finishing the wager or after withdrawing.

In another chat with the support I asked them if they can atleast void my balance (because I have absolutly no interest to play down 450€ just for "fun") and support told me that they can't do that and I have to play to zero..

Never thought about the Jackpot scenerio but that's a good point aswell, I just thought about what would happen with Daily prices from providers etc.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Best regards


Thank you, I already contacted the casino regarding it and replied to your email 🙂

Neues Update zu meiner Situation : 20 euro eingezahlt im beem casino, damit 400 euro gewonnen, natürlich nur 200 auf dem konto gehabt wegen 10 fachen umsatz...dieses geld ausgezahlt, Verifizierung Dokumente eingereicht, und seit 2 Monaten passiert nichts. Meine Auszahlung wurde storniert und meine 200 euro gelöscht, casino sagt ich haette gegen das Registrierung verfahren verstößt, da ich bei der Registrierung im Feld Land, das Land meiner Nationalität eingeben musste, und nicht wo ich wohne. Trotz allem hat die Seite jeglicher Art meiner Dokumente. Sprich Ausweis adressnachweis, alles. Casino guru team konnte mir leider nicht helfen da der Fall geschlossen wurde. Ich habe mich aber bei der Curacao egaming beschwert, diese waren sehr schnell und sehr hilfsbereit. Momentan wird per Email weiter diskutiert, aber ich habe jetzt all meine Dokumente geschickt und bin guter Dinge. So ein casino muss einfach ertappt werden.



we closed this complaint as "against fair gambling" simply because it is not fair not to pay any player just to stick to some unclear registering form:

"The unintuitive registration form and discrepancies in the translation of the casino's T&Cs were the reason for the unclarity."

Keep the good spirit and share your progress, please.


Hi, I remember your case. The casino even received black points for it https://casino.guru/beem-casino-player-s-struggling-to-pass-the-kyc

I'm glad you contacted the licensing authority and they actually reacted back! I'm not sure if I mentioned here in this thread or another one, but whenever a registration form says "Country", I supposed you need to add the place where you live at the moment. When it says "Nationality", then of course, that's another case.

Update: Die casino Seite hat vor kurzem die nutzungsbedingungen aktualisiert, jetzt steht dort ploetzlich das man die Staatsbürgerschaft eingeben soll,diese Screenshot haben sie per Email natürlich an die Curaçao Egaming company weitergeleitet und darauf bestanden das es die ganze zeit schon so war. da ich aber im März ein Screenshot davon gemacht habe, und dort noch WOHNSITZ DES SPIELERS stand habe ich diesen Screenshot der Curacao egaming natürlich auch geschickt 🙂 sieht fuer mich nach einem klaren Fall von Betrug aus. Sie hatten auch nicht damit gerechnet das ich davon ein Screenshot habe. Ich hoffe ich komme weiter Leute! Werde euch definitiv auf dem laufenden halten. Liebe Grüße


Hello and thank you for your update!

I must say I think it's a bit naive to pretend that the terms and conditions were like this all along... 

1 solid point for you! 🙂👍

We'll be waiting eagerly for development.

Stay well.

Hallo zusammen ich wollte euch updaten!

In this case, CEG rules in favour of the Player because:

We have concluded The Player has made a genuine mistake and entered Germany instead of Italy, we have reviewed the submitted evidence and can confirm the Carta d'identità sent by the Player can be accepted as valid government issued photo ID.

The Player has completed the necessary KYC / Account Verification requested by the Operator.

In this case, CEG rules that the dispute between parties shall be resolved as follows:

The Player to be reimbursed €200 (Two Hundred Euros)

Failure of parties to abide by this ruling may result in disciplinary action by CEG against any of the parties.

Ich hab es geschafft!!! Ein Danke geht raus an casino guru, ohne euch hätte ich es niemals geschafft!!! Danke❤️


Hello Ella092,

Justice has been served! 🙂

Thank you very much for sharing the good news!

I want to complain about the affiliate program of this casino. We got in touch with managers, agreed on a deal. For our part, we fulfilled all the conditions, after which the managers simply ignore us, do not answer. They read the chat and just keep silent. We cannot receive our funds. Terrible collaboration.filefilefile

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