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Winnerz a Fraud!

 von Birgule81
9.534 Ansichten 17 Antworten |

What is youre experience of this new casino? If you dont have any, stay far away.opened an account 27/1,lost some and asked emailed them asking them to close my account due to gambling issues. They instructed me to do it using a cooloff function on the site, i did so and blocked my self for 30 days…. 30/1 addict as i am I opened a new account on the same site signing and depositing with bankid /veryfing personalid, name and adress each time i deposit. I won some, and first today i got contacted by their Securitydepartment receiving info that my new account are blocked (of course) and the winnings confiscated (can understand that), when asking them to send back the approximatly 347 euros i deposit since yesterday, im told that they hav placed those money on the account i opened 27/1 and asked them go close due to gambling issues.. horrifying, when demanding them to pay those funds immideatly to my bankaccount (that i used for deposits) they answer me "As a loyalty gesture, we have refunded your deposits to your first player accouny", as a lotalty gesture? This is maffiabehaviour, and they should be blacklisted immideatly, everyone should stay far away, due to player safety matters. The fact that they can Hold except winnings Also youre money are horryfying. They should be blacklisted asap, they dont have a mgalicens i know and i feel stupid even considering opening an account with them, they are regulated through an Estonian licens, and as a EU-member i thought they were safe.


Hello, just to be sure - did you mean this casino, please?


https://www.winnerz.com/, this one-might be the same..not sure


There are cases where casinos deserve to be blacklisted, but this isn't one of them. You breached their terms and conditions by creating another account. They did what only a fair casino would do: They voided the winnings, but returned the deposits.

Of course, the problem is that they had to close the 2nd account immediately so they decided to move the deposits to your 1st account. If I understand it correctly, your 1st account is closed now due to self-exlusion for 30 days, but it will be reopen after that. Then, that will be the moment when you should be able withdraw back all your deposits.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the fact that they shouldn't let you reopen the account if it's closed due to gambling issues. It should remain closed when you mention that this is the reason for closing your account. But the tool you described probably works differently. It doesn't matter what's the reason for closing account, the player has always an option to choose a specific period (30days etc.).

Wie Sie und Ihre Funktion nicht unterschätzt werden sollten, agieren Sie in einem Markt, in dem der Kunde sehr anfällig ist. Als Spielsüchtiger, bei dem ich die Sucht aktiv erwähne und darum bitte, gesperrt zu werden, immer noch in der Lage zu sein, ein anderes Konto einzurichten und dann etwa 15-20 Mal einzuzahlen, ist schrecklich, zu gewinnen und die Tatsache zu kaufen, dass sie die Gewinne beschlagnahmen. Aus Gründen der Spielersicherheit und diesem Aspekt ist es jedoch haarsträubend, dass beide damit drohen, eingezahlte Gelder zu beschlagnahmen, und schließlich glauben, dass sie eine gute Tat tun, die sie auf dasselbe zuvor eröffnete Konto bringt, wegen dem Sie gebeten wurden, es zu schließen Spielsucht. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Sie mit Bankid erstellen / bezahlen, wo alle Informationen wie Sozialversicherungsnummer / Name / Adresse usw. überprüft werden, warum warten sie darauf, dass ich ungefähr 20 Mal einzahle und möglicherweise einen Gewinn beanspruche, bevor sie das Konto schließen? Wäre eine Freude, wenn Sie sich global abschotten und dieser Hölle entgehen könnten

Automatische Übersetzung

Bedeutet nur, dass wir alle Erwachsene sind und unsere eigene Verantwortung übernehmen müssen, aber es gibt Spieler da draußen, die ihre Verantwortung übernehmen und Veranstaltungen wie diese unmöglich machen, es wäre für mich völlig unmöglich, ein neues Konto bei Quick.bet zu eröffnen, da sobald ich mich mit meiner BankID einlogge bin ich gesperrt, das gleiche gilt für viele andere spieler, dieser spieler gibt dir die möglichkeit wieder zu öffnen, viele Male einzuzahlen und dann zu schließen. Genau das würde ein seriöser Akteur in einem Markt mit vielen schutzbedürftigen Menschen tun.

Automatische Übersetzung

It's interesting to see that you mentioned the option to shut yourself off globally. We started a global exclusion initiative during last year. It's gonna be a long process, but we'd like to help creating a tool that would enable this. Take a look: https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative

I agree that considering the fact you deposited with BankID, then it shouldn't be that difficult for the casino to block your account immediately. There are systems that can block you automatically when you add the same name and details about yourself, when you use the same IP address or even the same device. Then this should be possible as well.


Ich bewundere wirklich Ihre Arbeit bei der Implementierung eines solchen Instruments, ein globales Ausschlussinstrument würde einer unglaublichen Anzahl von Einzelpersonen und Familien enorm zugute kommen. Lesen Sie ein Interview mit einem Ihrer Vertreter, das mich beeindruckt hat, ich wende mich an und hoffe, dass alle Akteure, die diese Sucht und Probleme nicht ernst nehmen, ihre Regeln und Verfahren sofort überprüfen. Wichtig ist aber, dass sie geoutet werden und ans Licht kommen, es gibt enorm viele seriöse, verantwortungsbewusste und talentierte Schauspieler – es gibt sicherlich genauso viele schlechte, es ist wichtig, dass die Leute da draußen eine Vorstellung davon bekommen, wer an wen und an wen nicht

Automatische Übersetzung

All is fine until you try get money out. Then they use every rule against you. My neighbor country acts like nigerians. Very sad.

Unfortunately this message didn't show me before I registered. They have one their own review in main page. This is one man casino = zombie casino. No support, no cash history, no game history. Only automatic emails. Don't waste your time.


You don't have much responsible gaming options in your site. Your software have option to give clients possibility set deposit limits...but you have decided to not use it.

Unfortunately this message didn't show me before I registered. They have one their own review in main page. This is one man casino = zombie casino. No support, no cash history, no game history. Only automatic emails. Don't waste your time.


I answered you here.

Did you play with any bonus? Do you have some screenshots showing there is no history available?


We don't really have any software that would allow our clients to set deposit limits, since we're not a casino, we have no clients in terms of players who deposit and lose money and we don't even accept any form of deposits.

We also have a whole website section dedicated to responsible gambling: https://casino.guru/problem-gambling

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

I hope that this global exclusion thing will be implemented soon. Many friends of mine committed suicide. Online gaming is the only where we cannot be rescued at the moment.


Totally agree..

I hope that this global exclusion thing will be implemented soon. Many friends of mine committed suicide. Online gaming is the only where we cannot be rescued at the moment.

I would not say "only" but yes - there is a lot to be done in order to improve the current state of a proper safer gambling environment.

Winnerz.com<————-> fraud scammers dont play or deposit.yesterday 2020-10-21 i won 4600 euro and i Disney get the money out the keep asking for more end more dokumention of income and finlly about what car u have etc, etc just wont pay the money out the the shut my account down rest is hostory



it sounds like you had a real issue passing the account verification. Any particular document you find hard to provide, please?

I can imagine that you would like your winnings to be paid out immediately, but the casino must verify you and your payment option to accept the withdrawal, this is an inevitable procedure in every decent casino.

Let me know how it goes, please.

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