ForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenWhat Should Be One's Daily Limit?

What Should Be One's Daily Limit?

vor 9 Monaten von fancypeace521
4351 Ansichten 12 Antworten |
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vor 9 Monaten

In the past as a beginner, I have lost quite a huge sum of money on bets, both online and physically. But I have understood now that you can't always win but can control and minimise your losses by embracing responsible gambling. But still yet to set a daily limit.


vor 9 Monaten

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you had a similar problem in the past. But it's important that you realized that this is not the way to go, and you realized that it can be different. Responsible tools are very important resources for players, although not every casino has them of course. Daily limit is the tool that helped you minimize losses ? 

However, if you need any help with responsible gambling, I recommend you to read this guide where you can find a lot of useful information:

I hope your approach will last and you will continue to play sensibly. 

vor 9 Monaten

I can't say for now, hence, am seeking more professional/experienced tips.

vor 9 Monaten

Well, I would start with things I hope you can do on your own:

  1. always set a budget before you play in a casino
  2. set all the gambling limits you can; if you can't, try to find a casino with such limits
  3. take regular breaks to ease your mind and break the spell
  4. play a demo or fun version if you feel the urge is getting over you

If you feel you are at risk of becoming a problem gambler, the very first thing you should do is confirm or disprove these suspicions.

I suggest this page.

Do you think you can manage that? I hope you do! 🙏

vor 9 Monaten

Just stay away from gambling. It is the only solution to free you from your pain

vor 9 Monaten

I would probably recommend that too. It is the easiest way to avoid problems. 

vor 9 Monaten

These are great suggestions!

If I may add, one good way in setting your limit is pay/allot money for all bills/payables/food/travel expense for the day, then the remaining, you use for playing. If it's not enough, then that only means there's really no budget for playing. I think this is applicable for longer terms as well (weekly budget, monthly budget)

vor 9 Monaten

Yes! That's a perfect addition - thank you 🙌

I'm glad you obviously thought that through and through.

vor 9 Monaten

Indeed, avoiding gambling can be a wise choice to protect your finances and well-being.

vor 7 Monaten

For me personally, the daily limit is 10% of my discretionary funds

vor 7 Monaten

Interesting but isn't that quite enough for a daily limit ?  🤔

vor 6 Monaten

Hey there! When it comes to a daily gambling limit, it's all about what feels right for you. I'd say pick an amount that won't mess with your bills or savings. Something you're cool with losing for the sake of fun. It's like setting the budget for a night out. Just keep it reasonable, and you'll enjoy the games without any stress.

vor 6 Monaten

I think you summed it up quite well and I agree with your view. You have to set aside a certain amount of money that you are willing to lose, and it certainly shouldn't be more than that, or an amount that might interfere with paying bills and the like. 

So thank you for your input. 🙂

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