ForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenPlay free simple card game to test your gambling style

Play free simple card game to test your gambling style

vor 1 Jahr von SimonV
6315 Ansichten 5 Antworten |
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vor 1 Jahr

Hi folks,

I am thrilled that we are running the campaign with a gambling risk assessment game again! It is for Safer Gambling Week 2023 now and you can test your gambling style by playing a simple card game. You might remember it from last year.

The science-based algorithm will calculate your style based on your decisions while drawing 80 cards from 4 different packs. Your goal is to maximize the winnings.

At the end of the game, you will gain access to a deep analysis of your gambling behaviour, with detailed feedback on your strategy and sensitivity to rewards, losses, and frequency of wins.

We do these campaigns as part of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and Safer Gambling Week with the goal of making everyone's gambling safer. Check out websites for important information about safer playing.

It is fun as well!



protip: you can play the game in Spanish, German and Portuguese as well

Let me know your thoughts and results! Have fun!

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 8 Monaten
vor 1 Jahr
vor 1 Jahr

Thank you!

vor 1 Jahr

That sounds like a fun and interesting way to raise awareness about the importance of being aware of the risks in gambling. It's great that there's a science-based algorithm that can help players understand their gambling style and potentially make adjustments for safer and more responsible play.

vor 1 Jahr

It is so cool!

you must spread this to all casinos

vor 1 Jahr

Or you could give a hint to your fellow casino buds to come here and try it on their own 😉.

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