HomeForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenPGAM: Gambling risk assessment game is on again!

PGAM: Gambling risk assessment game is on again!

vor 11 Monaten von SimonV
5.197 Ansichten 2 Antworten |
vor 11 Monaten

Hi everybody,

It is Problem Gambling Awareness Month again. The initiative originates in the US and focuses on the risks involved in gambling. Even though most of us gamble within our limits (time and money), we are dealing with a risky environment that could lock us in at some point. It's better to keep that in mind.

To help you evaluate the risk within your gambling style, we are offering an accessible (and fun) risk assessment card game. While playing the game, your decisions and reactions reflect the riskiness of your style. The game evaluates this and gives you concrete outcomes of your style with tips on managing it.


I am not a person who gets convinced easily, but what I love about the game is that it gives you clear results and then lets you decide how you are going to proceed with your gambling. I was surprised that my style was actually pretty risky, and it helped me realise why I often feel unsatisfied about my gambling session.

What are your thoughts?


You can play the game in 9 different languages. Just change the language in the top right corner.

vor 8 Monaten


vor 8 Monaten

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