ForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenIst es schwierig, mit dem Glücksspiel aufzuhören?

Ist es schwierig, mit dem Glücksspiel aufzuhören? (Seite 3)

vor 1 Jahr von ksjmk2800
15586 Ansichten 62 Antworten |
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vor 2 Monaten

Yes I got what he was saying. But you can’t compare something like smoking to gambling.

This forum is supposed to be here to help people who struggle with gambling and not for people to make stupid comments such as that👌🏻

vor 2 Monaten

Maybe he just wanted to support someone by comparing it to smoking. We don't have to make a big deal out of it, but I also understand what you're saying.

vor 2 Monaten

I think like every other addiction, the will to stop is the most important factor in overcoming gambling. The journey to reclaim control over your life begins with a strong, personal decision to change. Recognizing that gambling has become a problem and deciding to quit is a courageous first step. This resolve must be rooted deeply within you, as it will be the foundation upon which all other efforts to stop gambling are built.

vor 2 Monaten

Hello, I am also of the opinion that it has to start with realizing that the player is addicted and wanting to do something about it. It's impossible without that and sometimes the first step is the hardest. 

Have you had that experience too ?

vor 2 Monaten

Ohne persönliche Motivation und den Wunsch, das Leben zu ändern, kann jede Anstrengung vergeblich sein.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Right. Was it necessary for you too, or do you know how to correct your playing ?

vor 2 Monaten

I came into contact with gambling at a very young age and stopped for certain periods. There were times I hadn't gambled for months. The biggest cause of my gambling was my friends. When you're around people who gamble all the time, you get sucked into it. I noticed that when you have a past with gambling and you start again, it escalates rapidly. If you want to stop, I recommend going cold turkey and not touching gambling at all. The first few weeks will feel unpleasant, but after a few months, you won't even think about gambling. I know gambling won't profit you in the long run because the statistics are always against you, but the thrill and excitement of winning give you so much dopamine that it's like you're on drugs, and it isn't even about the money anymore.

vor 2 Monaten

I would say money is the limiting factor for a gambling addiction. When you are out of cash, you can't continue to gamble and have to wait for your next paycheck. This break in gambling can serve as a forced pause, giving you time to reflect and potentially seek help. On the other hand, if you can gamble with excess cash and don't have to borrow or face financial problems, the situation might seem different.

However, it's important to recognize that gambling addiction isn't solely about the availability of money. It's also about the psychological and emotional factors driving the behavior. Even those with sufficient funds can still experience the negative consequences of gambling, such as strained relationships, neglect of responsibilities, and mental health issues.

Ultimately, responsible gambling involves setting limits, both financially and in terms of time spent. It's crucial to be aware of the signs of addiction and seek help if gambling starts to negatively impact any aspect of your life.

vor 2 Monaten

I came into contact with gambling at a very young age and stopped for certain periods. There were times I hadn't gambled for months. The biggest cause of my gambling was my friends. When you're around people who gamble all the time, you get sucked into it. I noticed that when you have a past with gambling and you start again, it escalates rapidly. If you want to stop, I recommend going cold turkey and not touching gambling at all. The first few weeks will feel unpleasant, but after a few months, you won't even think about gambling. I know gambling won't profit you in the long run because the statistics are always against you, but the thrill and excitement of winning give you so much dopamine that it's like you're on drugs, and it isn't even about the money anymore.

vor 2 Monaten

I understand, such feelings were described by more than one player who struggled with addiction. It's definitely not a pleasant feeling and as you said, if you have people around you who gamble, it's easy to fall into it. But if you can adjust to the fact that it's not a good way to go and quit even with help, that's a big plus. 

I wish there were as few gamblers like that as possible.

vor 3 Tagen

My thoughts exactly mate.

Until you have experienced the destruction that gambling addiction causes then it isn’t possible to accept comments such as the one like that.

But like you say. No need to make a big deal of it. We are here to support each other ❤️

vor 3 Tagen

Hallo zusammen, ich schäme mich, meine Geschichte zu erzählen. Ich habe vor weniger als einem Jahr mit dem Glücksspiel angefangen, aber es hat mich an den Rand des Abgrunds gebracht. Ich bin depressiv, nehme Psychopharmaka und befinde mich in einer geschützten Umgebung, um mich nicht selbst zu verletzen. Und ich habe drei Gewissheiten: Ich werde mein Geld nie zurückbekommen. Ich habe mein Leben für immer ruiniert und werde mit dieser Schuld leben müssen. Ich habe zweimal große Summen gewonnen, das letzte Mal bei Dachbet, aber gemäß den Regeln zahlen sie das Geld einmal pro Woche und nicht immer pünktlich aus. Als ich diese große Summe sah und wusste, dass es Monate dauern würde, sie abzuheben, wenn sie sie mir auszahlen, verlor ich die Kontrolle. Ich spielte erneut und verlor alles. Sie halten mich vielleicht für dumm, und Sie haben recht. Ich habe verstanden, dass dies Manipulatoren sind, denn wenn ich das Geld sofort auszahle, kann ich den Gewinn nicht sofort erhalten. Diese Frustration hat mich ruiniert.

Bitte halten Sie sich von Casinos fern, insbesondere von Online-Casinos.

Ich habe nur Trümmer vor mir und so zu leben ist unerträglich geworden.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 3 Tagen

First of all. Do not be ashamed to tell your story.

This is the first part of gaining back control of your life.

You must not try to understand why you did it. Instead focus on not doing it again.

You can beat this addiction. Trust me. It is possible

Stay Safe.

Charlie ❤️

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 3 Tagen
vor 3 Tagen

Danke, Charlie

Aber der Schmerz wird immer unerträglicher, ich würde am liebsten die Macher der Spiele und Plattformen umbringen, sie sind Sadisten,

Aber zum Glück wird es mich nicht lange beeinträchtigen, ich möchte es einfach hinter mich bringen.

Ich kann und will nicht in diesem Zustand der Armut und Schuld leben.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 3 Tagen

Die einzige Lösung, die ich sehe, besteht darin, dem ein Ende zu setzen, aus dem Weg zu gehen und mit dieser Belastung zu leben.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 3 Tagen

Try not to be so angry against the game my friend.

Invest your energy in putting distance between yourself and gambling.

Until you can do this you will still be stuck in the same mindset that you are now.

Do not try to find the reason why you gamble. This is something that you may never understand.

Look forward to find your way out of this situation ❤️

vor 3 Tagen

Der Gedanke, mich umzubringen, ist das einzige, was mir Frieden gibt. Wenn ich mein Leben nicht leben kann, dann sterbe ich lieber.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 3 Tagen

That is never a solution my friend

vor 3 Tagen

Leben ist ein Recht und keine Pflicht

Und ich möchte kein Leben mit der Aussicht auf Schulden und Armut führen. Ich habe keine Angst vor dem Tod. Ich sterbe jede Sekunde, wenn ich daran denke, was ich getan habe.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 3 Tagen

Luca I will post you my number and you can chat to me on WhatsApp. I will delete this message as soon as you text. So that my number isn’t on the internet. I will try to arrange for my number to be delivered to you

text me to talk

Bearbeitet von Romi gestern
Gründe: Sensitive information
vor 3 Tagen

nothing you can do is worth death bro

vor 2 Tagen

Das tue ich, denn sie sind berüchtigte Diebe.

Sie spielen mit der Psyche der Menschen, sie kennen weder Gnade noch Skrupel. Wenn ich einem von ihnen gegenüberstünde, würde ich ihn in zwei Hälften spalten.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Tagen

Hi there,

Charlie's phone number is included in an email I just sent you. Please contact him without holding back. You are definitely not alone in this mess, so go ahead and share your burden. Try to make yourself feel better.

vor 2 Tagen

Okay, danke

Automatische Übersetzung
12 3 4

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