HomeForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenDo you believe in the reinsertion of ex-gambling addicts in a society with such an exposed gambling public?

Do you believe in the reinsertion of ex-gambling addicts in a society with such an exposed gambling public?

 von Wubbach
6.797 Ansichten 17 Antworten |

I think it's an interesting question among the many games and advertisements we have today 


There are always people who are more vulnerable than others so I would say yes, if you have experience with gambling addiction and you see great bonuses for casinos or sportsbetting in TV, the probability is higher that you start betting/playing again.

That's an interesting question! Well, I think there's a possibility especially after they've gotten professional help. Gambling addiction is a serious thing, but these people should be given another chance

Die Trigger sind Pro Person und Affinität anders, allerdings bleibt Sucht ein Sucht und begleitet einen somit das ganze Leben. Lernen damit umzugehen, auf einem Maß und Mitte-Level scheint mir das beste für den Casual Gamer, bzw. bei zwanghaften Highrollern wirklich den Cut machen und lernen bzw. schätzen, welche Lebensqualität mit aufgeben des Spielens zurückkehrt.

My brother was a gambling addict and advertisement sometimes really trigger him. He wanted to play pc games instead but in NBA2020 it was the gambling section once again. Too many triggers in modern life.

And I personally like to get lottery tickets and check out how lucky I am. I usually buy toto online because it's the fastest way to get them. Honestly, I think that TV advertisements about lotteries really trigger me to buy them and I don't really know how to fix that problem.

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Wow? 😲 Are there really possibilities to gamble in PC game like NBA? Never heard about it. I've only heard about different skins in Counter Strike (different looks for weapons etc.) that you can buy for real money and then there are websites where you can gamble with them.

It's a big deal, because there are even children gambling with it!

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Ich denke mit der Spielsucht verhält es sich ähnlich wie mit der Alkoholsucht. Nach erfolgreicher Therapie können beide wieder durchstarten . Der Alkoholiker hat seine Gesundheit wieder. Der Spielsüchtige wird einen Schuldenplan haben. Aber in den Köpfen bleibt die Sucht. Und kann jeden Moment getriggert werden. Bis ans Lebensende. Die Gesellschaft sollte sie unterstützen und nicht in eine Schublade stecken mit den Label "einmal süchtig, immer süchtig.


That's why we work on a global self-exlusion tool that would allow to be banned from ALL casinos in the world. The problem is that you can self-exclude from any casino, but nothing stops you from registering in another one.


Neben der Selbstausschluss Option hat Deutschland jetzt auch die Oasis Speerliste. Jedes Casino muss die Spieler Daten dort eintragen. Wenn man da gesperrt ist kann man kein Glücksspiel mehr spielen. Nicht mal Lotto. Ob das ganze was bringt wird sich zeigen. Die EU sieht das ziemlich kritisch. Das ganze weltweit? Wer überwacht das oder übernimmt Verantwortung?


I believe we have the biggest online casino database in the world so we could be to ones who will monitor the new ones and try to make sure they're included on the global self-exclusion list.


Frag doch mal auf Reddit. Bei Ende der Woche hast du deine Liste und nebenbei hat Reddit dann das ganze Online Casino Business übernommen 😂


Reddit? Interesting, I never used it for anything related to gambling.


Auf Reddit gibt es Gruppen für was.auch immer. Erinnerst du dich noch an die Game Stop Sache im Januar? Um Gamestop zu retten hat eine kleine Reddit Gruppe sich mit einen 4 Billionen schweren Hedgefond angelegt. Am Ende der Woche hat sich Gamestop Wert verzehnfacht und der Hedgefond hat geweint. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/gamestop-reddit-wall-street-stock-b1792929.html%3famp

That's why we work on a global self-exlusion tool that would allow to be banned from ALL casinos in the world. 

That sounds amazing Daniel, a global self-exclusion tool. I myself is struggling with addiction , and that would make it so much easier when the urge comes. I have paid for stuff like Gamban on the phone, that can't be uninstalled.... Well, I found out how to uninstall it, and signed up on casinos I haven't been excluded on etc. (And there goes this month money to live for!)

If you ever need someone to do tests, or any help in any way, please let me know.

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That's why we work on a global self-exlusion tool that would allow to be banned from ALL casinos in the world. 

That sounds amazing Daniel, a global self-exclusion tool. I myself is struggling with addiction , and that would make it so much easier when the urge comes. I have paid for stuff like Gamban on the phone, that can't be uninstalled.... Well, I found out how to uninstall it, and signed up on casinos I haven't been excluded on etc. (And there goes this month money to live for!)

If you ever need someone to do tests, or any help in any way, please let me know.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It's gonna be a tough process, but we believe that we'll manage to create the tool one day. It's not just about developing such a tool, but it's more about getting support from the gambling authorities.

Yes! Same here! I think it is possible especially that they have already received professional help. I have read personal stories about gambling addiction from my friends in Gamdom and I am quite proud of how they were able to escape that dark hole.


Well, I guess it's part of the process. Society wont change, especially in a place where gambling is a really big part of our ''culture''. If you're in therapy, this is something professionals should be helping you with.


Have you noticed the Global Self-Exclusion initiative we started, I wonder?

One of our goals is to create the possibility of self-exclusion from all casinos at one. I think it's a very interesting and ambitious vision.

There's even more. 🙂

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