HomeForumCasinosLucky7even Casino - generelle Diskussion

Lucky7even Casino - generelle Diskussion

 von Gretche70
10.707 Ansichten 53 Antworten |
1 23
Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit Lucky7even Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.

Hab dieses Casino hier als brandneu gefunden und mich registriert. Nachdem ich meine email bestätigt habe sollte ich mich neu einloggen. Dann kam die Meldung, mein Konto wäre gesperrt. Bin dann in den live chat um eine Antwort zu bekommen,wie das sein kann. Die Dame meinte ich hätte das Konto selbst gesperrt. Ich bin mir sicher das ich in diesem Casino noch nie gespielt habe. Ich fragte sie wann ich mich registriert und gesperrt habe, sie meinte das dürfe sie mir nicht sagen. Ich spiele auch in anderen casinos von Hollycorn, und niemals habe ich eins gesperrt. Die Dame hat leider nichts intressiert was ich sagte, es kam nur immer wieder sehr unfreundlich, das Konto ist geschlossen. Ich frage mich wie ich mein Konto schließen kann in dem ich noch nie gespielt habe. Hier steht 3/23 eröffnet, sehr seltsam. Aber in einem Casino mit solche unfreundlichen Mitarbeiter möchte ich dann sowieso nicht spielen.


Hi Gretche70,

thanks for sharing this story with us. I must say it is weird, the chat operator or customer support should always do their best to explain the situation clearly. Who would enjoy rude support, I wouldn't for sure.

What just occurred almost sounds like your email or registration details were flagged, still it should be explained by the casino. Is there any chance anybody from your household played there, or someone else uses the same internet connection? It still does not explain the part where she said you blocked the account yourself, though.

Hopefully, you'll find a better site soon ✌


Leider erklärt dieses Casino das nicht, auch auf email gibt es keine Antwort. In meinem Haushalt spielt dort niemand. Ich frage mich nur wie ich mich selbst dort sperren konnte obwohl es ein neues Casino ist und ich dort noch nie gespielt habe. Dieses Casino gehört zu Hollycorn? Ich bin noch in anderen Casinos von Hollycorn registriert, kann dort ein und auszahlen, ganz normal spielen. Na ja, es gibt noch bessere Seiten. Und mir ist der Kundenservice in einem Casino sehr wichtig, und hier ist er nun mal sehr unfreundlich.


To me, it does not make much sense, either. Sounds more like a very unusual sort of mistake🙁.

According to the review, this site is owned by Hollycorn N.V. - that's correct.


Das war es wohl auch, denn kurz nachdem ich hier gestern den beitrag geschrieben habe, bekam ich eine antwort von diesem casino. Angeblich hätten sie mein konto aus versehen gesperrt, sie wollten jemand anders sperren. Was ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, ich hatte weder meinen namen noch adresse eingegeben, also mich nur mit meiner email registriert, und paar minuten später gesperrt. Und wenn es ein versehen war, das hätten sie im live chat dann ja gesehen. Dort hatte ich nur meine email angegeben und es kam nur, das konto ist gesperrt. Und das aller merkwürdigste war, bekam ich von 2 anderen casinos Betibet und Lucky Dreams die über dama n.v sind jeweils eine email das mein konto wieder aktiviert wäre. 1 minute später wieder email, mein konto wäre wieder deaktiviert. Und dann paar minuten später bekam ich von lucky7even diese email das sie mich aus versehen gesperrt haben und mein konto nun offen sei. Das ganze kam mir einfach komisch vor, denn ich hatte all meine konten bei dama n.v geschlossen, bekomme von 2 dama casinos email das die konten wieder offen sind und kurz darauf wieder deaktiviert. Und dann paar minuten später von lucky7even das es ein versehen war? Mir kam das so vor als wäre lucky7even ein casino von dama, sie mir zuerst die anderen casinos aus versehen öffneten dann wieder schließen und dann erst das richtige konto wieder öffneten. Wäre schon ein komischer zufall wenn es nicht so wäre.


Ach ja ich gab dem casino doch nun eine chance und bin auch grad beim spielen. Nur hab ich ja gestern noch luckydreams das von dama o.v ist angeschrieben warum sie mein konto wieder geöffnet haben. Nun bekomme ich doch wirklich antwort das ich meine frage genauer beschreiben soll und sollte mich an letslucky wenden???? Letslucky ist auch ein casino von hollycorn, ich habe aber definitiv an luckydreams geschrieben. Also ist es doch so das Dama und Hollycorn eins sind. Dann lag ich mit meiner vermutung doch richtig, warum sie mir aus versehen das konto schließen

Ach ja ich gab dem casino doch nun eine chance und bin auch grad beim spielen. Nur hab ich ja gestern noch luckydreams das von dama o.v ist angeschrieben warum sie mein konto wieder geöffnet haben. Nun bekomme ich doch wirklich antwort das ich meine frage genauer beschreiben soll und sollte mich an letslucky wenden???? Letslucky ist auch ein casino von hollycorn, ich habe aber definitiv an luckydreams geschrieben. Also ist es doch so das Dama und Hollycorn eins sind. Dann lag ich mit meiner vermutung doch richtig, warum sie mir aus versehen das konto schließen

This is quite a bizarre situation. Now I'd say that more than one mistake was done. I would definitely ask Letslucky where they got the request. Could be useful. I have never heard about the connection between Dama and Hollycorn, but maybe you find it unintentionally.

If you're going to ask the casino, let me know what they tell you, please.


Das casino ist nicht in der lage mir diese frage zu beantworten. Schauen Sie bei letslucky ,da hab ich auch was in der diskussionen geschrieben. Das neue 50crowns Casino von Hollycorn, genau das gleiche thema, casino von hollycorn aber in der email steht dama. Hab ich auch in den diskussionen geschrieben. Dort hab ich mich gestern auch angemeldet 20 euro eingezahlt, das geld wurde mir bis heute nicht mal gutgeschrieben. Die email von denen existiert nicht, denn ich bekomme sie immer wieder zurück als existiert nicht


Hello Gretche70,

I read that all today. What a very surprising coincidence. 🤔I honestly don't know what to say, it almost sounds like those casinos can't figure that out either.

Once you think you need support, the complaint is at your service.

Hi my name is Melanie Beland okay I'm complaining about this casino because of the fact that I was playing with them for a few weeks now and as soon as I went and make a withdrawal and now it's soon it was I was up it was at pending and now it's in progress and they're telling me that they have to wait because it's on my side that's pending or or you know it's my bank that's holding up everything but they're lying pure Line because I already looked I already got an email from gigadat and it clearly told me that there was nothing pending on their side okay so they're trying to tell me that and then I showed them the screenshot of the email when I spoke with interact and they said oh it's the bank on our side so I said you lied to me you straight up lied and you just told me you was on my side. And then I come on your site and I see the reviews for this casino and they have a problem with paying out like withdrawing money 5 to 10 business days bro it's an interact okay it takes two to three minutes it could take 24 hours it doesn't take 5 to 10 business days I know because I'm a Canadian and it's Canadian based company so I know how long it takes you know and they're trying to play games with me bro I have all the screenshots I'm going to show you nowand now I'm still waiting like literally it's in progress it doesn't make any sense of telling me it's on my side I just caught them in the lie read everything that you could see on that side okay I sent you what they were telling meThat's the thing my account is very verified okay my withdrawal has been approved and right now it says it's in progress so this is the problem I don't understand when they're telling me that it takes 5 to 10 business days when it doesn't we all know it doesn't I'm verified I have no kyc problems okay I have no problems with them at all so all of a sudden they give me problems when it comes down to my withdrawal tell me it's 5 to 10 business days read what I wrote you they told me that they don't have time for some entity on my side to open my bank which was totally rude and unaccepted because it's their Bank when I caught them in a lie I said actually no I screenshotted what you said yesterday and you told me it is your bank on your side and you're telling me the same thing today that's why I said I sent you guys a screenshot if it's in progress I've been playing for several years okay and if it's in progress and your kyc you should get your money within 24 hours not even less if it's interact it's a Canadian based company interact so I know how it works they're playing games because I see all the reviews on here and they're having problems with withdrawing their money so I'm not the only one


Hi, could you tell me how long you are waiting for your withdrawal ? Is this your first withdrawal at the casino ? I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to settle a withdrawal. 

Also I saw that your account is already verified. Did the casino also say why there is a delay in withdrawal ? I am thinking that it is a holiday and the casino may be understaffed and therefore it may take longer. 

However, I also saw that you have filed a complaint so our team will try to help you if your issue persists and you don't get the money by the mentioned time. 

Could you update me on how this is going? 


Hi Jaro

Thank you for your reply.

I will keep you posted. I still haven't received my payment. Holidays are over so also I made A withdrawal with interac e-transfer . I'm from Canada so I know interact and gigadat are Canadian based company's so I know how long it takes. Weird vibe . I never heard 5 to 10 business days on a e-transfer it's rather shocking and everytime I ask them it went from pending to progress and it hasn't said accepted yet they said they approved my withdrawal and processed it and said it had something to do with my bank ?? impossible for the simple fact in order to receive my money it has to be with interact and I emailed them I have the email they that they saw nothing pending and to talk to the merchant . So I did. I told that there's pending with interact and it's on there side . Then they told the truth . They said that they approved the withdrawal and processed it but that's not true it's still at the bank on there side and they said yes it is and these type of transactions take up to 10 business days I was like wow you lied to me the whole time I clearly knew that they were lying and stalling for what I don't know but other reviews on here say the same thing I'm verified . Spent a good amount there a few times, no problem taking money right. Anyways they repeat the same thing over and over again like robots . That's why I came here cause I've been playing for several years and this is ridiculous I've never experienced being KYCed and having to wait 10 business days for 229$ e-transfer. Anyways I'm going to get my money trust I don't give up and I go straight to there license provider and complain about the nonsense chamber of commerce in Curacao egaming.... Didn't do it yet hoping they will come to there senses before that. That's why I'm here you guys always helped me so I stay loyay to the ones who stay loyal to me .

Thank you very much I appreciate your response I will keep you posted.

Regards Melanie Beland


It is definitely not pleasant when you are in the middle of a problem and the casino tells you that your withdrawal has been processed and that the bank is at fault, and the bank tells you that there is no fault on their side. 

That's why I think it's good that you came here and filed a complaint so that our team can investigate this situation and see where it ends up. 

However, I firmly believe that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible and there will be no further added problems. 

I will be waiting for your update. 🤞


Thank you Jaro I truly appreciate it.

I definitely will give you that update. Regards

Melanie Beland


Great! We'll be here. 🙌


Thank you for your support.

I really appreciate it Radka.

Regards Melanie Beland


I just came across the good news! I'm thrilled to see your money is where it belongs!


Do you have any additional details regarding the cause of the issue at all?

Hi Radka

Well for starters good morning.

Well they ask me to do a request for a withdrawal again because there were experiencing a technical issue. They knew right away as soon as I said I was going to complain and I made a complaint with you guys and then everybody else that I was just joking about my money so all the sudden now I got my money and there was a technical issue on their side you know it just so funny it's so happens to be like I need to make another request for my withdrawal because it was a technical issue so I said that you know you have to make a complaint and that you have to threaten them with you know I'm making a complaint with them casino little ruler you know any authority that comes with Curacao all I mean it's just sad. In essence I got my money and I'm happy I'm just not going to play it that casino anymore that's the bottom line honestly.


Sometimes technical problems can occur which is not pleasant but as long as the casino communicates and tries to somehow resolve the situation and help you, it's fine. In this case, you should have re-submitted your withdrawal and everything turned out well. 

As for not playing here anymore, it's up to you and you know if it's worth it. 

Anyway, I'm very glad you got the money and can enjoy it. If I may ask what method did you use to withdraw the money ? 

1 23

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