HomeForumCasinosJackpotCity Spielbank - generelle Diskussion

JackpotCity Spielbank - generelle Diskussion (Seite 2)

 von Rocanda
11.734 Ansichten 41 Antworten |
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Hallo, wie geht's dir?

Ich habe Probleme mit der Auszahlung meines Geldes, ich habe mit mehreren Leuten aus dem Casino gesprochen und sie haben mir gesagt, dass sie es schaffen, ich habe seit einer Woche meine Auszahlung beantragt und sie haben mich umgedreht und sie haben mir gesagt, dass das Die Verifizierungsadresse ist ungültig. Sie haben Ihnen bereits mitgeteilt, dass ich mehrere Nachweise geschickt habe, dass es sich um meine Adresse handelt. Sogar der Direktor des Casinos in Malta (in den Büros) hat mir gesagt, dass er mitteilen würde, um den Prozess zu beschleunigen, aber immer noch nichts.

Ich kann diese schlechte Erfahrung mit dem Casino nicht glauben.

Automatische Übersetzung

Hello there.

I dare to say I'm fine 🙂. Thank you for asking.

Things could be better on your side, right?

You know, this is a particularly interesting issue considering you come from Malta, when the casino has a place too...!

I also checked your complaint to find out more about this struggle, but I could use your help now.

I fail to comprehend what caused the change in your address. I mean, is this banking statement showing a different address, perhaps? Some people live in a different place/address than stated in the IDs, or passports. Could this be the problem?

I'll wait for your update, and I thank you in advance.

Verdienstbetrug, sie sagen, sie schicken es auf ein Casino-Konto und das Geld kommt nie an

Automatische Übersetzung

Has someone told you "they" would send the money into the casino on your behalf? I must say I do not understand the problem. Can you help me with that, please?


Lassen Sie mich es Ihnen erklären: Es wurde eine Auszahlung für den Betrag beantragt, den sie abheben wollten, die Einzahlung auf das Konto kam nicht an und ich habe mich direkt beraten und sie antworteten, dass die Einzahlung auf das Casino-Konto getätigt wurde, was nie geschah. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Geld nie sein Ziel erreicht hat

Automatische Übersetzung

Thank you.

May I try to sort it out? Are you struggling with the payment provider used for the deposit rather than with the casino?

Which payment option did you use, please? I'm sorry, I'm still not sure who "they" are.

Jackpot City ist ein Casino, das nicht auf Auszahlungen reagiert. Am Samstag habe ich eine getätigt und habe immer noch kein Geld. Ich habe E-Mails gesendet und sie antworten nicht file

Automatische Übersetzung

Of course, it's not a good experience. They should reply to your emails at least. Have you previously made any successful withdrawal in the casino?


Ich nicht, mein Mann hat eine Einzahlung getätigt und die Einzahlung nie erhalten. Wir haben viele Beschwerden geschickt und sie haben geantwortet, dass das Geld auf seinem Casino-Konto sei, was falsch sei

Automatische Übersetzung

By "they" do you mean the casino support or someone else ? 

As for complaints, where did you file them or did you only complain to the casino? Both you and your husband have casino accounts ? 

Die Einzahlung ist kein Problem, aber die Rücknahme ist eine Tortur, sie fragen nach einem Dokument nach dem anderen, ich warte seit mehr als 15 Tagen, der Support sagt, dass sie sich später mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen werden, und das tun sie nie, ich habe bereits die Hoffnung verloren, dass sie werde mich bei jackpotcity.com auszahlen

Automatische Übersetzung

Well, it is time for a free-of-charge complaint, I'd say. Because, the way I see it, you could use some help.

If you agree, please submit the complaint there and now. Use this link to begin. 🙏

We shall see what the casino has to say about the delay... Are you in?

hi everyone , my question is my spouse joined jackpot city casino over the Christmas holidays , in total she had deposited 1200 dollars through entarac , which the casino gladly took her money, she won 5000 dollars and attempted to withdrawal the winnings , they requested identification and banking document showing her name and address , she then received an email stating her account has been verified and identification approved ,they are still giving her grieve trying to collect her winnings ,she has contacted there support team several times and they keep saying more information , they want her too send her documents and identification again and again , avoiding paying her winnings , what should she do about this ?


Hi, what is the problem with the documents when she has to send them over and over again even though you claim she has been verified ? Are the documents rejected or accepted and do she still have to send some additional ones ? How long has this whole situation been going on ? 

Let me know.


Hi Jaro, her documents have been verified and she has recieved an email stating this , on her opening site page where mail and messages it states your account has been verified , however they are still stating to send id and documents , aswell as proof of enterac account for deposits , the money she deposited was allways done and accepted by them through entarac with her deposites , now she has recently noticed when she tried making a deposit too her casino account through Gigadat , it comes back as rejected by the casino and her deposit she made she has to wait for it too be sent back to her from enterac. basicly they have blocked her account for deposites and refusing too process her winnings. She has a copy screen shot of her withdrawl request and screen shot of all her deposites and her email they sent her approving her id and documents verified. This has been going on through the holidays till now about 3 weeks now.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Then please ask her to register here on Casino Guru to submit a complaint - personally.

This guide follows the process right from the beginning 👈

When she is ready, the complaint starts by using this link 👈

In my books, this is the best she can do for the moment.

Can you tell her, please?


I sure can Radka , she is not that great with computers , i will help her on her end , thank you for the support for her and replying right away.


No problem, we'll be here to assist her. Don't worry.


Thank you for the support , she has uploaded information and pics on her account with your site.


So, the complaint has been created, right?

I'm glad to hear that. Please give our dedicated Complaint Team some time to get familiar with the situation. They are all quite occupied, but I can assure you they're doing their best.


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