HomeForumCasinosCashalot Casino - generelle Diskussion

Cashalot Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 10)

 von ToniG81
52.113 Ansichten 239 Antworten |
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I can see that you have already filed a complaint. Kristina is waiting for your answer so please find the time to answer her questions and I'm confident she will do her best to solve your problem.

In the meantime don't hesitate to ask any questions.

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Warning to anyone who is stupid enough (like me) to play here.

Been trying to withdraw for a year.

I'm told payment methods unavailable, i put the wrong info in, max of 200 euro per day.

Over 20 withdrawals have been cancelled. I have a complaint open, but wanted to warn people.



Hello there and thank you for your post. Please do not be that harsh on yourself, everyone makes mistakes, and we are suppose to learn from them, as they say. 👌 It could actually help you next time to be more cautious, maybe, and choose a casino which could perhaps be more trustworthy. What do you say, would you agree?

You have done good that you opened a complaint with our team. I am sure they will do everything possible to get it solved, which is not an easy task for them when it comes to casinos with a very low safety index.

So let's keep fingers crossed 🤞 and hope that your experience will help others, as you wished when you wrote your post.

This site needs removal and/or clear theft warning.

Been trying to get 599 euros out for a year. Every excuse under the sun:

  • Tech issues
  • Kyc (completed twice)
  • Random new limit of 200 euro per day
  • No payment methods available in the country
  • etc

Have sent stuff to a solicitor.

Avoid like the plague!


Hello, I have read about your problem with withdrawing money. If you've been waiting a year for your funds, I'd say that's too much. I also noticed that casino gave you a lot of reasons why you still don't have the money, but I don't think that's adequate. 

Anyway, you have opened a complaint with us and our team will try to help you in your situation. I was just wondering if you thought you might want to get in touch sooner and ask for help ? 

Besides, I also find that you have sent this case to a lawyer, so I'll be curious to hear how this whole case turns out. 

Could you please let me know when you have something new ? 

I will keep my fingers crossed. 🤞

Hi, ich habe nun auch einen hohen Betrag im Guthaben dieses Casinos. Ich wollte 10000 Euro abheben und nun wurde mir gesagt, dass nur 400 pro Abhebung möglich ist. Nun bin ich gespannt, ob nun was passiert. Insgesamt habe ich jetzt 9400 Euro, die ich nun in 400er Schritten abheben soll?!

Sehr seltsam. Ich wollte hier eine Beschwerde schreiben, aber komme bei den Fragen nicht weiter.


They actually have a weekly limit of €5,000 and monthly limit is €20,000. I would recommend yo to get in touch with the support and ask them about this. Give us any update whenever you have one, please.


Hi Romi, vielen Dank für die Info. Ich habe jetzt wie vom Casino vorgeschlagen 400 Euro beantragt. Wenn diese Zahlung tatsächlich gekommen ist, werde ich den Support nach diesen Limits befragen.

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Hi, nun habe ich die ersten 400 Euro bekommen. Wegen der Limits fragte ich beim Support an.


Hey, that's great. Let us know, please, whenever you'll find out. I'd really like to know what the answer will be about the limits. Could you also take some screenshots for me of the conversation, or the email, where they say what the actual withdrawal limit is, please? Maybe it'll be a great information for our data team to know about.😉


Hi Romi,

nachdem die ersten 400 angekommen sind, habe ich direkt die nächsten 400 beantragt. Parallel habe ich folgende Mail an den Support geschrieben:


Bisher noch keine Antwort.


Hi and thank you for the update. I am really curious what the answer's gonna be. Please keep us informed.


Hi, im Support Chat sagt man mir, dass das Limit noch immer bei 400 liegt und sie wissen nicht, wann das Limit aufgehoben wird. Ich mache weiter mit denn Abbuchungen von jeweils 400 Euro.


Try to write an email to their official email address to request an explanation, if you wish. That is what I would do, for sure. They should be able to change the limit, as stated on their website.


das habe ich gemacht, bisher leider keine Antwort.

Viele Grüße

Hallo, ich warte seit rund einer Woche auf einen Betrag von 600 Euro. Diese langen Bearbeitungszeiten scheinen bei dem Casino aber normal zu sein oder kann ich mich gedanklich schon von dem Geld verabschieden? Solch langen Zeiten habe ich noch nie erlebt. Eine Verifizierung etc. hat im Zuge des Auszahlungsantrags stattgefunden.


Hi, ja, die Bearbeitungszeiten sind echt lang. Inklusive der Verifizierung kann das gerne mal zwei Wochen dauern. Zudem wird bei denen nur an den Werktagen gearbeitet. Bei mir kamen bereits insgesamt 800 Euro. Etwas Geduld noch 😉

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das habe ich gemacht, bisher leider keine Antwort.

Viele Grüße

I just hope you will be able to get to them, but especially to get all your money.



I understand your concern about this issue. I think the extended withdrawal period may be due to the fact that this is your first withdrawal from the casino and the verification was part of the process. Please try to be patient, according to our experience, most casinos, pay out within 14 days.

You can see here that Flohdreck who's also from Germany says that this process "can easily take two weeks" and after that he got his money, so please cooperate with the casino and I hope there will be positive news in the end!

If you have any new news, contact us without hesitation.


Hey everyone.

My question is how are Cashalot acting today. Because when i reed the post here the 99% is bad but from 10 months and older.

Because I love their bonus offers ,

But I got some worries with the Withdraws 550euro because I did an 16/4 and still Pending and it's was to mastercard. I talk to the chat the answer was it's in their service and was working on it. So is that normal to take so long for them to pay out.

I was hopeful that they today was better casino and the old reviews I Reed. Best regard M

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