HomeForumCasinosBitKingz Casino - generelle Diskussion

BitKingz Casino - generelle Diskussion

vor 2 Jahren von Milaxavier
4.576 Ansichten 30 Antworten |
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vor 2 Jahren
Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit BitKingz Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.
vor 2 Jahren

Ich kann den Bonus nicht erhalten

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Jahren


I guess you should ask the casino what is causing this problem. Which bonus you tried to take, please? Kindly mind that if you are interested to take any bonus listed on our side, you have to take it properly, by clicking/taping "get bonus" in the bonus tab - for example.

Let me now what you learn from the casino, please. 🤔

vor 1 Jahr


vor 1 Jahr


This is already an exaggeration (:

It's time to leave Dama N.V. forever.

vor 1 Jahr

I think when things don't go well, it's probably best to take a break. It's gambling, so that's the risk every player takes when playing in a casino. But I understand that just losing is probably quite frustrating. 

Anyway, I hope that similar misfortune doesn't stick to you and fortune will smile on you. 😊

vor 1 Jahr


The deposit was small, followed by several very high winnings, until at some point pragmatic play disabled the winning algorithms for my account. In 13 minutes the casino recovered the entire loss.

This is how it works nowadays... We will let you win, but only for a moment. (:


RETURN: 954,87 PLN

vor 1 Jahr

I would probably stop playing and quit if I won more. I think you have similar cases quite often, but you can't win in a casino all the time, especially when the casino always has a long run advantage over the player. I think we have discussed this several times. 🙂

vor 11 Monaten

Hallo, ich habe bei Bitkingz 2000€ gewonnen und wollte meinen Account verifizieren. Die Verifizierung schlägt aber die ganze Zeit fehl, da die im Chat ein Dokument verlangen was mir so nicht bekannt ist. Und zwar ein Kontoauszug wo der Name des Casinos drauf steht. Das gestaltet sich als schwierig, da ich über paysafecard eingezahlt habe und paysafecard über utorg krypto kauft um dort einzuzahlen. Ich bitte um Hilfe

vor 11 Monaten

Hello. Have you explained to the support of the casino that you actually used the Paysafecard to deposit and did not deposit from your bank account? Try to contact them by email and they should give you an alternative to provide some different document to prove your deposit. Please let us know if you have any news about this.

vor 11 Monaten

Habe bereits mehrfach mit dem Support geschrieben, sie fordern abwechselnd an das ich einen Screenshot von Paysafe hinterlege der aber immer abgelehnt wird. Meine Erklärung das es unmöglich ist einen Auszug von der Bank zu hinterlegen wird ignoriert.

vor 11 Monaten

Try to ask them in which format should the screenshot be. Many times the reason for rejecting documents is, that they are in wrong format. Have they explained that to you , by any chance? Do you know which format should be used? Let us know, please.

vor 7 Monaten

Ich habe auf Bitkingz gespielt und habe dann 150 Euro gewonnen, als ich diese Auszahlen wollte wurde 2h später meine Auszahlung abgelehnt, ich schrieb mit dem Support und mir wurde direkt erklärt wieso, es lag daran dass ich meine Bankverbindung verifizieren musste. Ich spielte am Abend noch ein wenig und habe sogar noch mehr gewonnen, ich habe dann am Abend eine Auszahlung von 500 Euro beantragt und in wenigen Stunden war das Geld auf meinem Konto. Also ich finde das Casino gut und konnte mein Problem durch den Support sehr schnell lösen.

vor 7 Monaten

This is nice to hear. So, were you able to provide the document they asked for that quickly? Really great!

It is really important when support can solve issues or requests quickly and well. Right?

vor 4 Monaten

I asked for a lifetime ban on my account, making it clear that I am addicted to gambling, and they allowed me to play again to lose my funds. Can you tell me if you will do anything about this aspect? They do not adhere to the principles of safe gaming policy and should be severely punished by the body that issued their license. I ask for casino guru to intervene in this matter. I asked for a transcript of all chat conversations to confirm my words, which they have access to - they refused to send it to me.

vor 4 Monaten

Hey, when did you request a ban on your account? Is there a reason why the casino didn't close it? Did you mention to them that you are a gambling addict or not? If you did and the casino still did nothing, then I think it's not right on their part and if you file a complaint, our team will deal with it further. 

So please let me know the answers to my questions. 

vor 4 Monaten


I found these messages from bitkingz in my email. I think this is enough evidence of how this casino don't adheres to the principles of responsible gaming. Can I claim a refund of the funds I lost since they reopened my account, which was effectively closed for life? They allowed me to reopen it at my request so I could continue playing and losing my hard-earned money. Unfortunately, this is due to the continued lack of control over the game. It's a bit sad, but unfortunately true.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 4 Monaten
vor 4 Monaten


Free gift after losing deposits, upon reopening an account that was already closed for life.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 4 Monaten
vor 4 Monaten

I won't promise if you will get a refund, but I would definitely file a complaint if I were you because this shouldn't happen if you have a closed lifetime account. 

Our team will try to help you and we'll see where this goes.

Definitely keep me posted on how it goes and if you've managed to resolve it. 

I'll be waiting. 

vor 4 Monaten


Answer to my demands. But wait.. they probably don't understand that they opened an account that was permanently closed again. My screenshots with email dates only confirm this. Should I file a complaint and will you help me wipe the mocking smile off their face of this casino?

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