HomeForumCasinosBet-nox Casino - generelle Diskussion

Bet-nox Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 2)

 von luciacadaicocomucha
14.671 Ansichten 63 Antworten |
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Ich habe es versucht, aber das Casino hat überhaupt nicht auf Fragen der Websites geantwortet, über die ich Beschwerden eingereicht habe ;(

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Haben Sie Kontakt zum Bet Nox Casino?

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Sure, feel free to try, even though I have a feeling I've shared them with you once before. So it's possible you've already filed a complaint on one of them. But I'm attaching them here:




As for the casino not replying, that's a pity, and it seems they are not interested in replying here either, which is the answer to your question if we are in contact with them. If by any chance the casino does reply you could let us know. It's a really frustrating situation when you're trying to resolve something, but it's just a one-sided affair. I hope that you will succeed, although I am rather skeptical. 

Ich sehe, dass ein Vertreter des BetNox-Casinos auf die Beschwerde eines anderen Spielers reagiert hat.

Darf ich diese Gelegenheit nutzen und Sie bitten, sich mit ihm in Verbindung zu setzen und auf meinen Fall hinzuweisen, in dem ich um über 600 Euro betrogen wurde?

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Kann ich meine BetNox Casino-Beschwerde erneut erstellen?

Ich denke, das ist eine tolle Gelegenheit, endlich vom Casino zu erfahren, warum sie meine 635 Euro weggenommen haben, ich habe bisher keine Antwort erhalten

Als ich auf anderen Websites Beschwerden eingereicht habe, hat BetNox Casino mich kein einziges Mal kontaktiert, um meine Situation zu klären, nur hier hat der Vertreter des Casinos dies getan, vielleicht ist dies die einzige Gelegenheit, diese Angelegenheit zu klären

Für mich ist das eine sehr wichtige Angelegenheit, ich habe diesen Gewinnbetrag fast ein Jahr lang gesammelt und das Casino hat ihn über Nacht ohne Angabe von Gründen eingenommen.

Ich denke, dass das Casino zumindest meine Einzahlungen, die ich ihnen gezahlt habe, zurückerstatten sollte, das haben sie nicht einmal getan

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Hi, as we can see here on the forum casino representative did not write anything. 

As for your complaint, it is possible to reopen it, but your case was about sports betting from what I have seen, so since we do not have experts or enough insight in this area, I am afraid it would be useless. That's why I sent links to where you can file a complaint, even though I see that nowhere has the casino responded to what you wrote. 

I am therefore worried whether it makes sense to do something like that, as the complaint would most likely be closed again because of the sports betting. 

However, if it is not just about sports betting, then it could make sense. 


at the beginning of the adventure I played roulette several times, I play in the Lasamericas casino and the Betnox casino is a clone of this casino, so maybe we could try to file a complaint and wait for the casino's response

As I mentioned, the casino took all my winnings without giving any reasons and did not return the deposits I made.


If you say that you also played roulette and there could also be a reason why your winnings were taken away, then I recommend to reopen your complaint. Write in your complaint that you also played roulette so that our team knows about it. We'll see where we get and if you get the answer you've been waiting for. Let me know how it goes. 

Ich habe eine Beschwerde geschrieben ... Ich bitte um Ihre Hilfe und hoffe, dass der Casino-Vertreter antwortet

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Ist es Ihnen gelungen, Kontakt zum Casino herzustellen? War es möglich, eine Beschwerde einzureichen, damit der Vertreter des BetNox-Casinos zu dieser Angelegenheit Stellung nehmen konnte?

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Hi your complaint has been reopened and Veronica will appeal to the casino to respond, so we'll see where we get. I hope you get the answer you've been waiting for. I wish you the best of luck. When the case moves forward don't hesitate to let us know. 🙂

Vielen Dank dafür ♥️♥️♥️

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Since I was a few days off from the forum, I browsed the complaint just briefly.

Luckily, you've played roulette aside from usual sports betting, eh? I'm glad you have. As long as the ball is now on the casino's side, I'd also like to say I hope someone will reach out to us soon!


Ich hoffe, dass der Casino-Vertreter meine Fragen endlich beantwortet, nur Sie wollen mir helfen, andere Seiten wollten das leider nicht, wofür ich Ihnen sehr dankbar bin ♥️

Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich gegen keine Regeln verstoßen habe und das Casino wollte mir keine Gründe dafür nennen

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We also hope that the representative will write you off and state the reason why your account has been blocked. I hope everything will be resolved fairly. We will wait for further developments and for the casino. Good luck. ☘️😊


Guten Morgen 😀

Hat mich jemand vom BetNox Casino wegen meines Falles kontaktiert?

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As I have had the opportunity to see and hear, so far we have not succeeded. I can notice in the complaint that the timer has been extended for another 7 days, so I really hope that the casino will respond, although nobody can guarantee it. 😥

However, are you still trying to communicate with the casino about this problem ?


Hey there!

I must say it is very unusual for casino representatives to respond within the first 24 hours. 🙂

It has not yet been a day since Veronika invited the casino to join the complaint thread, so if I were you, I would check this link regularly to see the reply.

Speaking of which, did you know that as the person who filed the complaint, you get access to the casino's response as soon as it is released? 😉


Ich habe schon oft geschrieben, aber das Casino hat nicht auf meine E-Mails geantwortet

Glaubst du, ich sollte es noch einmal mit dem Schreiben versuchen?

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I know, I'm not Jaro, yet I think it would be wise to read my previous response.

Honestly, spamming - in a good manner - casino with emails is one thing; getting a response through open complaint is something a bit different. 🙏🤷‍♂️

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