HomeForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenMALINA Casino erstellt gefälschte Website Spanien

MALINA Casino erstellt gefälschte Website Spanien

 von Curritokira
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Das Malina Casino erstellt für spanische Spieler eine Website mit der Endung .es (Websites mit spanischer Lizenz).

Es ermöglicht auch gesperrten Spielern, zu spielen. Hier ist der Link:


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Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, den Fall den zuständigen Behörden zur Untersuchung zu melden.


Ich bereite es vor ... ich habe sie bereits kontaktiert. Der Betrieb ohne Lizenz in Spanien bedeutet eine Geldstrafe von bis zu 100.000.000 €.

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Es ist im Gange....das Betreiben ohne Lizenz in Spanien wird mit einer Geldstrafe von bis zu 50.000.000 € geahndet. Und die Blockierung

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file Web-Erfassung

Automatische Übersetzung

It's important to note that not all URLs ending in "es" are associated with casinos licensed in Spain. ES essentially indicates that the website is made to be accessible to users in Spanish. The same is true of our URLs, which are designed differently for every language we support.

However, I can attest that this casino does not hold a DGOJ license, which is why you are probably unable to access the casino review that we offer to players from other nations. Speaking of which, can you access this link, please? You will see the actual license there by the way.


Ich kann nicht darauf zugreifen. Bevor ich mich bei Lamabet beschwerte, konnte ich darauf zugreifen.

Automatische Übersetzung

Radka has sent you the link to the Malina Casino review, actually.



Ja, ich denke, es ist auf Spanier beschränkt.

Automatische Übersetzung

That's why I added this note " However, I can attest that this casino does not hold a DGOJ license, which is why you are probably unable to access the casino review that we offer to players from other nations. "

Do you have a VPN, please? If you can't access the link I sent you earlier with the note, you may try to use VPN to see the review page of this particular casino.

Ich benutze kein VPN. Ich weiß nicht, wie das geht ... Ich dachte, es wäre illegal

Automatische Übersetzung

I think it's good to think about the perspective. The VPN as a safety tool is not legal or illegal. When it comes to casinos, having the VPN active (not to mention having it set to a different country) while playing in the casino may be accepted or forbidden. It is always good to know that before setting up the VPN.

What I was talking about, however, is a completely different situation. I was showing you how to use the Casino Guru website to get around a restriction that was probably put in place by your country's gambling authorities if you wanted to see casino reviews that were not available to players from Spain without using a VPN.


Nun, ich finde es interessant. Ich dachte, die Einschränkung betreffe das Internet.

Danke für die Info!!!

Automatische Übersetzung

Of course, you need to be really careful when using the VPN, and don't forget to turn it off when playing at the casino so you don't get into trouble. Right?

When browsing our side, on the other hand, feel free to use it at any time.


Danke für die Klarstellung. Ich werde herausfinden, wie es geht.

Automatische Übersetzung

I forgot to say one thing! Silly me...

Good VPN services, however, do not come for free; it is a paid service, so be picky and try to learn as much as you can to decide whether it is a worthy option for you. If you don't need to secure your internet connection, for example, for job purposes, or "mask" your location, you may not need it.

I found this description quite easy to comprehend; it might help you too:

"A VPN, which stands for virtual private network, establishes a digital connection between your computer and a remote server owned by a VPN provider, creating a point-to-point tunnel that encrypts your personal data, masks your IP address, and lets you sidestep website blocks and firewalls on the internet."


Sehr lehrreich. Danke.

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We're glad to help. Anytime.


Ich habe eine Beschwerde beim Malina Casino eingereicht, deren Frist vom Casino-Guru abgelaufen ist. Was passiert in solchen Fällen?

Automatische Übersetzung

Don't worry; in your case, it only means that the mediator did not update the complaint within the deadline. It does not mean the case is about to be closed.

Just to be sure, did you send the requested email, please? I'll catch up with Nick if he's available. Hold on, please.

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