syne5s Rezensionen

Casino Guru

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vor 8 MonatenOriginalÜbersetzung
I managed to win 2100 euros in this site,I could only make a withdrawal request for 820 euros that day so I set up gambling limit of 10 euros to not lose the balance because im a problem gambler,but the limits dont work,they let me bet every single euro and let me cancel the waithdrawal.
You think you are protected by this limits but you are not,also their self exclusion doesnt work you click the button in the setting but they never send you the email.
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  • friendly support
  • responsible gaming doesnt work
vor 1 JahrOriginalÜbersetzung
Not recommended casino,they send me an sms promoting me this new casino with 100% bonus,I registered made deposits worth 1200 euros and after I won 1400€ they closed my account and written off my balance because I had applied self exclusion on a sister site but they mention nowhere the list of the affiliated casinos.Still fighting to at least get my deposits back.Support is also useless and they don’t reply to emails.
Mehr darüber lesenWeniger darüber lesen
  • Unfair terms
  • Bad support
WinDetta Casino
vor 1 Jahr
Dear syne5,

All actions on your account were made strictly according to the current rules of our casino, with which you have agreed and pledged to comply. The points of the rules which you yourself have violated have been described to you in detail. Also, please note that our casino does not produce newsletters via SMS.

Best regards.
Windetta Casino Risk Department.
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