HomeForumCasinosScooby Bet Casino - generelle Diskussion

Scooby Bet Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 3)

 von Ramirexxx
22.972 Ansichten 109 Antworten |
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As far as I can tell, the maintenance is still on, yet I agree that it feels quite long for an ordinary update.

Let's hope this casino makes it in the end.


Das sind also ihre Schwierigkeiten. Ermöglichen Sie den Spielern Zugriff auf ihre Konten, damit die Leute ihr Geld abheben können. Auf welcher Grundlage hält dieses Casino sie seit fast einem Monat?

Automatische Übersetzung

Ich bin neu hier und brauche ihre Hilfe


how are you still telling that casino is in "maintenance", they have not answer any emails in over 2 weeks and the "maintenace" quote on their chat page stated "until tuesday" 2 weeks ago. I certanly havent been able to contact them not even once. Have they answered you or your colleages? i doubt. It has been the most clear scam i have ever witnessed. Sometimes it is not that obvious, but this time you really cant have any doubt about that can you?


Hello. Could you be more specific, please, what do you need us to help you with? Thank you.



You probably misunderstood "As far as I can tell" with "I can assure you".

The thing is, we have no other information from the casino besides the same you already have.

So no, I'm not saying all is well and the maintenance is really what's happening.

We are on the same page, it seems—no updates so far.

I still have doubts, though, since no one here has any kind of confirmation that the casino will go down.

Maybe you are correct, or maybe you are not. The time will tell.

Betrügerische Casinos reagieren nicht auf E-Mails.

Automatische Übersetzung

I know a scam casino that excelled in email and Discord communication, though. 🤷‍♀️

Look I agree it looks bad, but we have nothing else to add for today. So, we are more or less running in a circle.

I think there's no point in waiting

now they'll make up an excuse

I don't find it correct, scoobybet a rating of 8 for a casino that hasn't shown signs of life for weeks, blocking the money of various users without official communication



Automatische Übersetzung

I think there's no point in waiting

now they'll make up an excuse

I don't find it correct, scoobybet a rating of 8 for a casino that hasn't shown signs of life for weeks, blocking the money of various users without official communication

I'd say that as long as new players can't register because the casino (for an unknown reason, I'd say) doesn't work, the risk is not so high.

Also, as soon as all submitted complaints end as "unresolved" due to casino unresponsiveness, the safety index will be adjusted accordingly. That's why the complaints are so important.

Though I agree, the situation is quite different for actual players whose money is stuck, yet no one can deposit, so again, there is no additional harm. For their efforts, the safety index will drop eventually.

I'm convinced the situation would be completely different if the casino were still open for every player, allowing them to register and deposit.


Das Registrierungsfenster öffnet sich und die Daten können eingegeben werden. Akzeptiert ein Betrugscasino mehr neue Spieler, um ihnen dann ihr Geld zu stehlen?

Automatische Übersetzung

Ich schließe mich den zahlreichen Vorschlägen an Casino Guru an, die Bewertung dieses Casinos zu überdenken.

In meinem Fall ist die Beschwerde auf die anhaltenden Schwierigkeiten beim Zugriff auf das Konto zurückzuführen und ich stimme der unhöflichen (eher unhöflichen) Behandlung des Supports zu. Ich kann auch ungelöste Beschwerden über die Nichteinhaltung von verantwortungsvollem Spielen lesen.

Kurz gesagt, eine so hohe Bewertung ist angesichts all dieser Probleme überraschend.


Automatische Übersetzung

Das Registrierungsfenster öffnet sich und die Daten können eingegeben werden. Akzeptiert ein Betrugscasino mehr neue Spieler, um ihnen dann ihr Geld zu stehlen?

Automatische Übersetzung

Just because it opens and you can enter information doesn't mean you can create an account. Will it let you continue after you have entered all the information ? 

However, I see that nothing has changed, so even though I hate to say it, we will have to wait until maintenance is over. I hope it will be soon. 😕

Ich schließe mich den zahlreichen Vorschlägen an Casino Guru an, die Bewertung dieses Casinos zu überdenken.

In meinem Fall ist die Beschwerde auf die anhaltenden Schwierigkeiten beim Zugriff auf das Konto zurückzuführen und ich stimme der unhöflichen (eher unhöflichen) Behandlung des Supports zu. Ich kann auch ungelöste Beschwerden über die Nichteinhaltung von verantwortungsvollem Spielen lesen.

Kurz gesagt, eine so hohe Bewertung ist angesichts all dieser Probleme überraschend.


Automatische Übersetzung

Hello, so I see that you've run into the same problem as the players before you. Do you have a withdrawal pending and are you waiting for your money ? As far as support is concerned, what is the issue ? 

Let me know if you also need help or if you wanted to express your experience in general. 

I'll be waiting


So more than 2 weeks ago your team stated that they try to contact scoobybet to get information. Have you been able to contact them and if not then why are you still in belief that its maintenance? There is nothing on their site that suggest there is a maintenance, they even have removed the chat box and they have not replied to any of the emails in last 3 weeks.

Have they told casino.guru team about maintenance or anything at all?

If i would have operating casino and i would do maintenance, i would do ANYTHING to satisfy customers and answer ALL the requests and questions as much as humanly possible. But clearly they ignore everybody and everything. They have clearly taken off with our money.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Since I didn't get any information back, there is nothing else to add. We operate with the last update we got from the casino. The rest would be based on assumptions. But I agree that this one big unknown maintenance stinks at least a bit.

Let me try another quick reminder; we shall see.

Update: The last contact with the casino was on 12.13.2023. It looks bad for now.

100% positive about this:

If i would have operating casino and i would do maintenance, i would do ANYTHING to satisfy customers and answer ALL the requests and questions as much as humanly possible. 

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Casinoguru why don't you increase the rating of scoobybet?

they fled with the money

a rating of 8 cannot be displayed

if you read my first comments on the casino, I predicted this situation

i tried to write to license issuer about scoobybet, but they have not replied anything in 2 weeks. Curacao license issuer is as corrupt as casino that it licenses. i wrote to complaints@gaminglicences.com as Casinoguru is suggesting. Should i complaint somewhere else or what else can we do? I understand that money is already gone, but perhaps something can be done for future.

Casinoguru why don't you increase the rating of scoobybet?

they fled with the money

a rating of 8 cannot be displayed

if you read my first comments on the casino, I predicted this situation

With all due respect, we do not change the safety index on the player's prediction.

I believe I already explained that first, we need some proof, in this case, most likely a set of ignored complaints.

(Not your case, as far as I see.)

Based on that, the score may be altered based on the disputed amount.

It's not perfect, yet in every systematic architecture, mathematically calculated measures are gathered retroactively. It works the same way for us.

Just imagine how the safety ratings would look if we aimed to change them for every single "prediction" mentioned on the forum or in emails. Even though I recognize your point, it's impossible to work that out for now.

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