HomeForumCasinosFunclub Casino - generelle Diskussion

Funclub Casino - generelle Diskussion

vor 3 Jahren von csw46
3.831 Ansichten 19 Antworten |
vor 3 Jahren
Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit Funclub Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.
vor 3 Jahren

As pointed out in the user reviews for one of this casino's affiliates, this casino are operated by the same company that operates Hallmark and Vegas Rush casinos. They have the owner listed as "Total Software Solutions SRL" rather than "Total Software Solutions SLR" which is probably why it wasn't caught.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else experiences issues with these casinos having very bad latency issues. Like, the "quickspin" feature on the slots takes forever (it's especially on the Rival and Saucify slots, but the BetSoft and Dragon slots aren't nearly as fast as they should be either.) When playing the Saucify blackjack games, there is a huge delay between ending your turn (either by standing, hitting 21, or busting) and the dealer's cards being revealed.

I don't know whether they just have a really poor internet provider or...?

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 3 Jahren
vor 3 Jahren

Have you tried to contact their customer support regarding the latency issues? It's quite interesting, especially if you don't have the same issues while playing the same games in another casino.

vor 3 Jahren

No, not yet, though I did do some experiments today and it looks like the problem only happens when you're logged in and playing for real money. I ran the experiments on Silveredge Casino, since I had a small balance there to play with, but as we just established, but the issues are the same across Hallmark Casino, Vegas Rush, and Fun Club.

I imagine it has something to do with the fact that if you're playing for real money, it has to check your account, make sure the money is there, deduct it from your balance, save your balance, then to communicate with the game server, get the result of the spin, and (if necessary) add the winnings to your balance and save your balance again?

When playing for monopoly money, that isn't an issue and is probably all done in the game software itself.

For instance, when playing Saucify's blackjack, I always know when I've busted or hit 21 before I even see the result of my request to hit, because it takes a long time, which means my turn is over and now it's time for the dealer to play their hand.

Another, unrelated casino (This is Vegas Casino, demo mode only because I don't have a balance there.)

Silveredge Casino - Not Logged In (Demo Mode):

Silveredge Casino - Logged in/Playing for Real Money:

It was even worse the other night when I was playing on a weekend evening, which I suppose would be peak hours.

And I don't even know what's happening with the Rival slot here, this wasn't happening the other night, it just took forever to get through the spin, similar to the Saucify immediate above this video, but even longer.)

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 3 Jahren
vor 3 Jahren

You could potentially submit a complaint regarding these issues. I mean, the casino didn't take any money from you, but it's a strange user experience.

vor 3 Jahren

Ironically, Silveredge casino called me today, ostensibly to ask me about the player experience but really to try to get me to make a deposit. I told them about the issue, and their recommendation was to clear my browser history. ::rolleyes:: As if that wasn't something I had tried multiple times.

I tried to wheedle another free chip out of them, but they wouldn't do more than $50, and a non-cashable $50 at that. Still, that gives me some wiggle room to test on other browsers.

ETA: Oh, God, the layout of their sites is as bad or even worse in Chrome and Safari. Back to Firefox! (I may try later on my PC instead of my mac, and also on my phone; I suspect the layout issues may be due to a lack of support for desktop as opposed to mobile browsing.)

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 3 Jahren
vor 3 Jahren

Yes, I'm really wondering if the mobile experience will be any better 😕

vor 3 Jahren

It wasn't. The links to launch the Rival games didn't work, just kept taking you back to the home page. The other games I tried worked, but honestly, I'm not inclined to mess with them anymore.

vor 3 Jahren

Yeah...I mean when you play casino games, you mostly lose so you pay for having fun. Having bad user experience isn't fun at all. I hope you'll find a casino where you'll be more satisfied.

vor 3 Jahren

I hope so too. I like this casino's mixture of Betsoft, Rival, Saucify and Dragon games, but it seems like all the casinos that offer that lineup AND allow US players are questionable, or worse.

vor 3 Jahren

Unfortunately that's a common issue with many casinos available in US. The big brands with great reputation avoid the US for legal reasons and then many US players end up playing in questionable casinos 😕

Funclub casino has 5.5/10 on our website. That's far from being the best 😕

vor 2 Jahren

Well I’m cashing out of this place for $2500 on Monday and if it takes too long or they have some excuse then I’ll be posting on this site everyday and every other social media outlet including videos on tik tok by multiple people who I will give the $$ to blow them up on tik tok where they will be come all the rage ! But losing one player such as myself for $2500 as to paying me they will most likely get it back ten fold in 6 months if they treat me right so it should be a no brainer to pay everyone and quickly and most players or the many I know will blow it back to them the next day ✌️👍🤣well

at least we have the wonderful people at guru who try to keep some fairness in this big online mystery but it’s been fairly easy to track servers as time goes on they just have to make sure they are always moving them but in most cases their residences don’t change

vor 2 Jahren

Have you ever been paid ? And how long did it take ? Thanks I don’t have the patience others do when I’m being cheated lol

vor 2 Jahren

Omg the same thing happened to me yesterday and today exactly!! Wow

thanks for sharing Houston we have a problem time for me to get Batman cape out for next eeek I’m going to be busy ✌️🤣


vor 2 Jahren

Some people in the US have people to collect winnings that’s rightfully there’s

or they job hop on a plane or a jet and get it that way I give mine to charity after it’s collected ✌️👍👏 it’s easy to track the toll free numbers and when they actually call you from there own cell phones to bug you to play every day !! Yup nothings deleted in a digital world and for $500 a hacker can find out more information then you would ever want to know about and individual or a casino in the sky because they have homes and drive cars or most do

but not as much as people say in Malaysia Taiwan and the Philippines the islands where the cruise ships go is extremely easy to find and sometimes they have a physical casino on the street I even met one of my hosts for lunch last year in Rot-an Honduras and grand cayman next week puerto Vallarta , then to Costa Rica where a friend owns a casino , I have to move quickly before my terminal cancer stops me I have to remember to tell the groundhogs my address and my soon to be permanent home and I want them to deliver my mail lol🤣 Campeche? ✌️

my recent win today is going to charity or whoever collects it all I want is a KISS casket but are like 3k lol

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 2 Jahren
vor 2 Jahren

Hello I am located in New Zealand and I am wanting to withdrawal my money that I have won I have done all the requirements that were need for the bonus I have also emailed through KYC information several times and still no reply my emails are always ignored they say that my county isn’t being served right now but I still feel like I am entitled to get my money as I won it fair and square and each time I put in a withdrawal request it just gets canceled straight away

vor 2 Jahren


The way I see it, the main issue lies in the fact that your country seems to be off-limits, am I right at this point?

Once you could register as a resident of NZ and took the bonus, you also should be given the winnings if you have complied with all rules. In such cases, being from what casinos call a "restricted country" should never be used as a reason for not paying out.

May I know when exactly did the verification start, and whether you have received any update about its progress or result?

I want to know more details sooner than I introduce you to the complaint feature.

Please let me know.

vor 2 Jahren

Well I got the bonus 04/02/2023 and done %100 of the requirements and have tried to withdrawal my winnings but when I do it get canceled straight away saying due to lack of information but I always email a copy of my id and proof of address via utility bill and still each time I try it gets canceled I tried to talk to them via chat but they keep saying we don’t service your country right now we are looking to add more soon maybe your will be next then when I ask about my withdrawal and why I can’t get my money they just leave straight away and end the chat

vor 2 Jahren

also when I do the verification they never reply just ignore my messages

vor 2 Jahren

Does not sounds very fair to me. You should submit the complaint - just click or tap this link and get started,

You don't have to write it all down again. Just copy and paste your posts to the complaint. I feel it should be enough for the star.

After that, your complaint will be reviewed by what we call the first response team member.

I hope you agree that you could use some help now. 🙏

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