HomeForumCasinosQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 394)

 von kirekin
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Bank has rejected all my chargebacks. And final letter to say this is their stance.

They said MCC misuse is unfortunate; but as the transactions were made to goldenbet, and I recieved the money in that account, they cannot chargeback for this.

is that correct? So they’re saying because I did get the goods from goldenbet (not the merchant on my transaction which is Nikoptf) it’s not eligible for chargeback.

so they’re completely fine with the potential money laundering? And saying it’s a dispute for me and the casino, not anyone else.

please help


All my merchants were none UK based 14 in total but all successful for chargeback thankfully, the other factor for people looking at this route is as it’s a civil case if the merchants close down the courts cannot pursue them/they only pay back pence in the pound.

I would say good luck if you are going this route but the chance of seeing 100% of the money back is slim and the cost to pursue not worth it unless you are owed 1000s

What do PAYOP transactions show as on my bank statement?

currently trying to speak to them and received a email from them this morning

Strange one that call at 7.20am this morning maybe im over thinking ! probs one of those dodgy ones I have not heard anything since I doubt the bank would call at that time

Anyone had any luck with elegro.eu?

currently emailing them but no response

Bezüglich Niko und Elegro:

Wurde mehrfach erwähnt. Entweder keine Antwort oder die selbe Antwort: "Kann nicht identifiziert werden, Bank Kontaktieren und Chargeback einreichen"


I reckon it’s a dodgy call being that early


Must be bud ffs !

Years a go I managed to sign up to one site and they used to call you with bonuses at all random hours, reckon it’s something like that if you signed up with a phone number?


Could be anything bud been getting loads of them but not with no caller id the bank was the last to call that way so it got me thinking but I would have heard again by now if they wanted me it could have been about my refunds im not sure really but doubtful they would call at that time ! Im sure there would be an email if it was a challenge

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I have also seen alot of these online gamers using Nikof. Inserted infront of user name i wonder if there is any corelation?


Apparently they can but only in the jurisdiction of caracaco. Usually casinos make this clear in terms and conditions, That any court action must be submitted in Caracaco. Which I think is bullish.. t,Surley if you are commiting an offence in another country then you can be prosecuted in that country for those offences .It's like you go to another country commit a crime leave get caught and no consequences. I don't think it works like that .I think you can serve legal documents to any entity regardless where they are. It's based on where the crime took place .



Vereinbarungen über den Gerichtsstand zwischen einem Verbraucher und einem Unternehmen sind in der Regel unwirksam, weil solche Vereinbarungen den Verbraucher benachteiligen. EU-Recht / deutsches Recht.

Welches ist das zuständige Gericht?

Die Verordnung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft Nr. 44/2001 (EG) sieht ein Grundprinzip zugunsten des Verbrauchers vor, der gegen einen Unternehmer mit Sitz in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedsstaat vor Gericht ziehen will. In der Praxis kann die Klage eines Verbrauchers gegen den Vertragspartner entweder:

- vor den Gerichten des Mitgliedstaates erhoben werden, in dessen Hoheitsgebiet dieser Vertragspartner seinen Sitz oder Wohnsitz hat;

- oder vor dem Gericht des Ortes, an dem der Verbraucher seinen Wohnsitz hat (sog. Gerichtsstand des Verbrauchers).

Somit hat der Verbraucher das Recht zu wählen, wo er den Unternehmer klagen will.


Die kommen nur zustande wenn ein legales Rechtsgeschäft vorliegt. Für illegale Geschäfte gelten keine AGB, auch wenn diese zuerst zugestimmt werden. Dementsprechend ist es völlig egal was in den AGB der casinos steht.

Das Casino macht sich haftbar wenn Du aus Großbritannien auf der Webseite einzahlen kannst, und spielen kannst. Somit haftet das Casino nach britischen Recht, weil Du aus GB aus gespielt hast, und das Casino gegen britisches Recht verstoßen hat, weil das Casino Zahlungen zugelassen hat.

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🤔Hmm is that what i just said??But the casinos are saying you must prosecute in their jurisdiction. I am not a idiot.


The bank would 100% call back/write to you. It has to be a dodgy site, I must get 20 texts a week from them. Kinghills who I have never played with called me last week to offer an opening bonus, it was just from a random UK number as well.


Yes its just been a coincidence I think bud I would have heard by now no way would they call at 7.20am I suppose I got the jitters a bit ! I get lots of texts mainly sometimes 6 at a time I just delete and report them then calls but they are disguised as Uk numbers


Dann glaub dass, was die Verbrecher Dir sagen, die in zahlreichen Ländern illegale operieren, und sich die welt so gestalten wie sie es möchten.

Es ist egal wo das Casino stationiert ist, es kommt auf den Sitz des Spielers an, von wo aus er am Glücksspiel teilnimmt, dementsprechend haftet das Casinos nach den gesetzen des spielers.

Mine just says gamingstore then

Northampton, but obviously smpaypf* is the payment provider so I will reach out to them as well as maybe the abr don't appear on bank statement thank you for info

Smpaypf* is smart payments estonia. You will get nothing off them. Even GDPR requests will be ignored


What are you on about? As I said I am not an idiot .I understand that these casinos use this tactic to deter people from taking legal action against them ,if players are in other countries. If a player who does not know law reads that they will think it will cost most probably a great deal of money to proceed with a criminal case in their jurisdiction and use their court system ,no doubt also have to obtain legal representation from overseas as well .It's basically scare mongering Also you do not have to use a ADR in their jurisdiction like they also request .You can obtain a ADR in your country but casino has to agree to use the services or give a good explanation why they refuse to if the ADR is a government official bodied and authorized by a gambiling commission.


If anyone GDPR Request is ignored then you report them to the European GDPR authority i am not sure of details but I know it's definitely illegal for a company to refuse a SARS request

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