HomeForumCasinosQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 234)

 von kirekin
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Sie behaupten, dass Sie Casinos hassen, sollten aber trotzdem dafür bezahlt werden, den Leuten Trinkgeld zu geben und dann eine Provision, wenn die Rückerstattung erfolgreich ist?

Es überrascht immer wieder.

Automatische Übersetzung

Na ja. Was ist überraschend? Dass ein Spielsüchtiger mit 2 Mio. SEK Schulden eine Möglichkeit sieht, zu helfen, aber gleichzeitig etwas damit zu verdienen? Ich kann sagen, dass mich gestern ein paar Leute kontaktiert haben, und ich habe mehrere Stunden mit ihnen über ihren Fall geplaudert, und nur etwa 2 von 6 haben eine Chance, etwas zurückzubekommen. Absolut, es ist etwas, was ich aus reiner Herzensgüte tun könnte, genauso wie ich ohne Bezahlung arbeiten könnte. Aber das will und kann ich mir nicht leisten. Wenn ich hier genau schreiben würde, wie man vorgehen soll, würde es, wie gesagt, höchstens zwei Wochen dauern, bis diese Methode verbrannt ist, weil die Leute sie überstrapazieren, falsch anwenden und nicht selbst denken, sondern eine genaue „Vorlage" wollen, von der sie ausgehen können. Deswegen hatten viele mit den bisher von ihnen geforderten Chargebacks auch keinen Erfolg - weil sie alle die Argumente verwenden, die sie hier finden mit falschen MCC-Codes etc. Ich habe kein Geld im Voraus gefordert und schreibe grundsätzlich, dass man am Ende beim Bezahlen scheißen kann, ohne dass ich etwas dagegen tun kann - das muss man auf seinem eigenen Gewissen haben. Wenn du meinst, dass es ein schlechter Deal ist und dass es unmoralisch von mir ist, dann kannst du das ja denken.

Automatische Übersetzung

Wo ist das Problem? Es ist ein Job, den die Person macht. Ein Job, für den man bezahlt wird.

Sollte ein Busfahrer aus Nettigkeit Kinder kostenlos zur Schule fahren?

Sollte ein Polizist aus Nettigkeit einen Raubüberfall verhindern?

Ein Job muss bezahlt werden, also ist das nichts Ungewöhnliches. Die Person verbringt mehrere Stunden damit.

Automatische Übersetzung

Sehr nett von dir, dass du aufstehst und denen hilfst, die interessiert sind und nicht gierig darauf aus bist, für die geleistete Arbeit bezahlt zu werden. Ich habe dich bei Discord hinzugefügt. Vielen Dank im Voraus

Automatische Übersetzung

They just blocked my Kinghills account today nearly a week after telling them about my addiction

Do not use templates - be factual. You made transactions online and the amounts have been taken by a variety of merchants who provided no goods or services to you. Email all the merchants, show that they don't respond. Email the casino, show that they don't respond. There are various interpretations of chargeback rules and coding that can be used. You need to prove beyond doubt that the services you have allegedly purchased can be charged back under the rules of the chargeback scheme. If the bank say no then they have interpreted this differently and you need to raise a case to the ombudsman to get a decision.

Think I may bail out of this thread soon though - still think too many people will use this to freeroll and that is not what is intended here. If you are using this to do chargebacks again and again to freeroll these companies then I'm sorry, but I put you up there alongside these casinos who are engaging in the illegal practice in the first place.

What should be pushed is forcing the casinos to close the loop on depositing with debit/credit cards in jurisdictions where the practice is illegal e.g UK - transactions must be coded as gambling if they are for gambling. I have informed the UK Gambling Commission and provided a huge amount of evidence against some of these sites in the hope that something will shift in future. A co-ordinated effort is required by them in conjunction with Mastercard and Visa to stop this happening - this only works if these merchants are blacklisted going forward. I wish everyone the best of luck with their claims.


Also sent friend request


In which casinos it was?

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hi guys, I have a call with the bank in an hour regarding my complaint and they would like to know more about my case.. 2 questions as I don't really have time to go through the forum as I'm working.

1. What are the FOS case numbers I can refer too?

2. What is the Mastercard and VISA guidelines in regards to these transactions?

Any help would be so great! Thank you


Hi mate it was only with donbet...I don't know where or what I can do next as they have used the correct mcc code.

Need something in mastercard rules regarding whats on your statement they must be the ones you receive goods off.

Bank are saying because I've received funds in my gambling account they don't see anything wrong even tho I did not authorise them to give a 3rd party my details.

Really stuck

Just got my "kortreklamation" denied by Swedbank. They are saying because they used the wrong merchant code the bank couldnt stop the transactions. And therefore did nothing wrong.

1800 Euro of Canapay transactions. Canapay asked for KYC 3 weeks ago and then stopped answering.

Feels kind of hopeless

Still up for the fight with my bank and still a £100 reward for any successful help regarding this.

I need information stating that the merchants on your statement must be the ones to provide you goods or services.

I have looked and can't seem to find anything to help.


Großer Fehler von Swedbank. Sie glauben, sie müssten Rückbuchungen vornehmen, weil Sie E-Mails von Canapay erhalten haben und diese sich weigern, zu antworten.

Ist es nicht unsere Schuld, dass die Banken die Transaktionen nicht stoppen können und der falsche Code verwendet wird? Die Banken sollten stattdessen Druck auf all diese Unternehmen ausüben und bei einem Verdacht auf etwas Verdächtiges sofort eine Rückbuchung veranlassen, sonst ist es der Kunde, der das ganze Geld verliert.

Automatische Übersetzung

Hello mate,

Let me know what you need help with specifically. I currently have my ongoing complaint with the ombudsman, so I have time to help.


Still up for the fight with my bank and still a £100 reward for any successful help regarding this.

I need information stating that the merchants on your statement must be the ones to provide you goods or services.

I have looked and can't seem to find anything to help.

They don't have to be the same name. However, you can prove that the merchant companies are not linked to the place you deposited the funds quite easily. For example, some book shop in Nigeria is unlikely to sell a gambling product are they? If the gambling company want to take ownership of the merchants then they are admitting their fraud aren't they? So they never will.

Firstly, get the Certificate of Incorporation or company details of the merchant, their website, emails you have sent contacting them asking for receipts. Figure out the MCC coding - it 100% won't be 7995.

Still up for the fight with my bank and still a £100 reward for any successful help regarding this.

I need information stating that the merchants on your statement must be the ones to provide you goods or services.

I have looked and can't seem to find anything to help.

Who are the merchants and what MCC code was used?

The merchant code used is the correct one 5815 for pixeleum and finnart.io for NFT's as that fits into the same category as bookes and music etc.

The bank are basically saying because the funds were received on the gambling site they can't do nothing about it that's where I'm struggling to go from here.

I have tried explaining everything to them in this thread I just really am stuck.

Tried the fact they should have been blocked by chase is its crypto related but the mcc code 5815 doesn't bypass the blocks as NFT's fit into the same category as mentioned above.

Really want to sort this out with my bank rather than the FOS and I know there will be some way I'll be able to.

I have screenshots from donbet that matches up with the same date and time as my statements. Obviously pixeleum and finnart.io are not responding to me emails now.

Also on my statements I have like 3/4 declined deposits from other merchants then straight after one that's been approved by pixeleum. This has happened a fair few times.

The merchant code used is the correct one 5815 for pixeleum and finnart.io for NFT's as that fits into the same category as bookes and music etc.

The bank are basically saying because the funds were received on the gambling site they can't do nothing about it that's where I'm struggling to go from here.

I have tried explaining everything to them in this thread I just really am stuck.

Tried the fact they should have been blocked by chase is its crypto related but the mcc code 5815 doesn't bypass the blocks as NFT's fit into the same category as mentioned above.

Really want to sort this out with my bank rather than the FOS and I know there will be some way I'll be able to.

I'll be honest - haven't seen the NFT side of things before mate and I don't know the answer. The clearer ones are the likes of Bamimahas Enterprises who are a bookstore in Nigeria who have used some weird education MCC code - it is straightforward as it clearly shouldn't then be transferred to gambling. NFT's and Crypto are far more difficult to chargeback I would imagine.

The merchant code used is the correct one 5815 for pixeleum and finnart.io for NFT's as that fits into the same category as bookes and music etc.

The bank are basically saying because the funds were received on the gambling site they can't do nothing about it that's where I'm struggling to go from here.

I have tried explaining everything to them in this thread I just really am stuck.

Tried the fact they should have been blocked by chase is its crypto related but the mcc code 5815 doesn't bypass the blocks as NFT's fit into the same category as mentioned above.

Really want to sort this out with my bank rather than the FOS and I know there will be some way I'll be able to.

If they have rejected your chargeback then you won't be able to sort it with them other than by raising a complaint. If the complaint still rejects your claims then you need to deal with FOS. You can also bring about legal action against the financial institution but you would need to consult a knowledgeable civil lawyer.

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