HomeForumCasinosQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 125)

 von kirekin
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Which bank are you with? Barclays opened a chargeback for me against this company & they sent the funds back.


No sadly it's on a credit card so I am stuck unless I can find the company and email them


Oh so you did tell them it was gambling related? The transactions I made were made with RBS (Mastercard) via debit card and they wouldn’t chargeback any transactions as it was put down as a scam claim and they would be the ones liable and stated Mastercard don’t allow gambling chargebacks. If wintermdse don’t respond I will gather the evidence and attempt to chargeback the last 2 transactions I made under a different chargeback code which my bank should accept as the deposits didn’t reach the gambling company.Hopefully Wintermdse just say they will refund me given there is so much evidence connecting ties which both parties have denied. The financial ombudsman are reviewing my case but the process will be longer and there is more too it as my bank have done other things wrong.Even with them they probably have loyalties to the million pound companies. Would they want to hamper their relationship?


Yeah I did, but i used my normal debit card to make the transactions. Chargebacks are more hard when you use a credit card, some have advised to say you’ve bought gift cards which you haven’t received. I had a credit card too and I gambled on there and they reversed the payments as fraud reversal.


Oh I see I will have to try with my bank again in 2 weeks if wintermdse don’t get back to me.If that don’t work down to the financial ombudsman.

whos your credit card provider Barclays too? If I had used my credit card I would have 100% been protected by fraud guarantee but would never have used a credit card.


I used a vanquis Mastercard

No, that is not likely as casino payments are treated very differently then all other payments.

It almost impossible to get a chargeback on casino transactions. But since most Curacao based casinos prefer to use fake webshops for your deposits you can simply contact such a fake store and ask for a refund. Some will reply or issue a refund and others will ignore you which is fine as you do have now evidence that you reached out to the merchant which is with most creditcards mandatory before raising your case.

Wo ein Wille ist, da ist auch ein Weg, und wer einen guten Berater bei seiner Bank hat, kann auf Hilfe hoffen.

Es ist eher das schlecht geschulte Personal bei den Banken. Heutzutage geht alles nur noch Online, keiner kennt sich so wirklich persönlich, da kann man keine gute Geschäftsbeziehung aufbauen. Aber in der Regel möchten die Banken Kunden haben, die keinen Ärger machen und eher Geld einbringen. Die Bearbeitung eines Chargebacks ist nach meinen Informationen recht aufwändig, gerade wenn man 10-15 Transaktionen einmelden muss. Daher nehmen die meisten Banken abstand von einer Rückbuchung, da es zu Zeitaufwendig ist. Es ist ja nicht das Geld der Bank was weg ist 😉 Dementsprechend wird eine Rückbuchung wo der Ausgang ungewiss ist abgelent 😉

Aus früherer Erfahrung kann ich jedoch sagen, dass es Banken gibt, die solche Transaktionen einfach als Betrug zurück buchen (geht nur 1x). Dann gibt es Banken die verlangen eine Anzeige bei der Polizei damit solch eine Rückbuchung durchgeführt wird. Dann gibt es Banken die reichen Rückbuchungen ein, mit der Begründung leistung nicht erhalten (Hier kann das Casino einfach Fakebelege einreichen dann ist der Chargeback verloren)

Visa und Mastercard müsste man auch mit in die Verantwortung nehmen, aufgrund der Zahlreichen Scheinfirmen jedoch unmöglich eine verantwortlich auszumachen...

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hello, ive read through the whole thread and found most of the companies, but do anyone have contacts for the below? Thanks in advance






BP W loading is bpwallet. Always got money back from them


Thank you! I will give it a try 🙂

For others ownrwallet.com answered me within 2 hours that they would refund me also if anyone got transactions from them!

Und weiß jemand etwas über Stickers. London ?

sie werden abgewickelt über Zinzipay

Has anyone got the email/website for lovin production? Seeing as they own ewave, maybe get a response from them?

I have threatened ewave with the French equivalent of the FCA and also the European. They have 48 working hours to respond or I'll be going to the consumer protection also. See what happens

Vom europäischen Verbraucherzentrum habe ich eine Ablehnung bekommen Bezüglich einer Beschwerde bei Revolut, die antworten denen einfach nicht. Der litauische Ombudsmann bzw. die Beschwerdestelle soll wohl auch eher im Interesse von Revolut handeln. Da gilt das Motto: Beiße nie die hand die dich füttert!

Alles koruppte bastarde!

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hi, if anyone plays at mystake casino or has deposited money to them. I would just like to make you all aware they have been operating without a license. They claim to been licensed by Curacao egaming and when I clicked on the link available through their logo on their website this is what appeared (see picture below). I have been asking them for a good will refund for a matter of months now as I had asked their support agents to close my account several times and they did nothing about it even after being aware that I am a problem gambler whom is signed up to Gamstop. I also questioned them with their miscoding of transaction to bypass restrictions in place on my bank and leading us down a garden path of untraceable payment providers. After making them aware they were unlicensed they immediately took it off their website and their staff were acting nothing but shifty. Moments after this they permanently blocked my account. When I asked one of the support agents why I had been blocked their response was that I had "violated" their terms and conditions and when I asked how. They said that they could "not share this information". However, their compliance manager has emailed me and said they closed my account on safer gambling grounds as I asked for an account closure and made it apparent to the team that I had a gambling problem. It’s got to make you laugh considering they’ve known this for months now and one person has said it’s because I’ve violated their terms and another says it’s for safer gambling purposes… so which one is it? Just an FYI for any of you whom have been playing with them. From research I believe this confirms that they are operating illegally so I will be reporting them and requesting a full refund through curacao egaming. file

Die Leute in Curacao lachen da müde drüber, ob Du sie meldest oder nicht, es wird nichts passieren. Selbst die Lizenzaussteller sind Korrupte affen. Spar dir die mühe.


I have reported Goriwire to the Polish financial authorities. I will see what they have to say.

I have just written a big letter to my bank via email and I will phone the disputes team on Monday and speak to them directly regarding everything in the email, I will not deny gambling but last night I had approval request for transactions that I did not make. These companies have no doubt sold my bank card details it's fucking scary.

I couldn't tell you my friend. If they are located in Strasbourg then more than likely!


I had the same! They sold my bank card details too 😕

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