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BetPlays Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 4)

 von Darian
32.815 Ansichten 281 Antworten |
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These are tactics these kind of scam casinos resort to as when you complain to the regulator there is no proper response

No it's not my complaint 🙂, I have only one account.. And I believe that everything was correct, that's why I still insist to claim my money..


You know, the response belongs to another player, so no - it was not about your complaint. 🙂

I'm sorry to say that, but we can't help you resolve your problem. Have you found another company supporting your issue, please? I mean, I would try that if I were you.

These are tactics these kind of scam casinos resort to as when you complain to the regulator there is no proper response

I recall you mentioning seeking legal help. Perhaps there is any progress in that regard?

Lately, I've been thinking I need to eventually find some time to search for sports betting-focused websites that actually support players' complaints. So, if you happen to find any, please let me know. I also feel that, in many cases, the official licensing authority is not helpful.

That's something Iam not willing to disclose and I want to raise awareness that these scammers do not get any more traffic, they should be blacklisted from all reviewing pages. 4500+ cad is no pocket change. I do not want anyone else to go through this.


Yes, I understand that, but I hope that everything will move on and you will have a fair solution to the whole situation. Anyway, if you have done something you can let us know when it is over or when you can say something. I hope it turns out well for you because as you say, it is not small change. 

Good luck. ☘️


Hallo, mir ist das gleiche passiert, am 5. Mai habe ich eine Sportwette platziert und einen Gewinn von 5000 Euro auf betplays.com erzielt, nach etwa 8 Tagen haben sie mein Konto gesperrt und mein Geld konfisziert! Sie glauben, ich hätte ihre Geschäftsbedingungen verletzt (mehrere Konten und IP-Adressen, was absolut falsch ist). Ich habe mich an einen Anwalt gewandt, die Abmahnung und die Geldforderung sind in Bearbeitung

Automatische Übersetzung

Hi,I hope we can find a good solution against these sites that steal everything, keep me informed if there is any news


Hallo, diese Geschichte hat mich schockiert. Ich bin ein Sportwetten-Enthusiast und -Experte, ich spiele seit Jahren und so etwas ist mir noch nie passiert. Ich lade Sie ein, eine Bewertung auf trustpilot.com zu hinterlassen. Ich hoffe, mein Anwalt kann den Betrag zurückfordern, der mir zusteht. Ich werde Sie auf dem Laufenden halten

Automatische Übersetzung

Hi,thank you This happened to me with several sites, and I have already posted this on trustpilot, it is not making much progress but we will see what happens next, the sites which do the same things I will note compeonbet.com livebet.com betrebels.com,noxwin.com,betlive.com and pin-upcasino, i usually how this last one can be very high safety index!!!


Zum Glück hatte ich bei anderen Sportwettenanbietern keine Probleme, nur bei betplays.com: Betrüger!!!

Automatische Übersetzung

Betrogen von betplays.com, am 5. Mai 2024 habe ich einen Gewinn von 5000 Euro gemacht, ich habe die Auszahlung weitergeleitet und am 13. Mai 2024 haben sie mein Konto gesperrt und mein Geld konfisziert, weil sie glaubten, ich hätte gegen die Geschäftsbedingungen verstoßen, sie haben mein Konto und mehrere IP-Adressen angefochten, Fake False Fake, sie sind einfach nur Kriminelle, unehrlich und Betrüger file

Automatische Übersetzung

I'm serious, I'll do everything to get this site banned from Hungary... there's simply no such thing as you can deposit any amount here, it's not that you can't win, but you can't play a good game either... if the games here aren't fake, then the service providers too should be punished in such a way, never againstop your miserable games.. I played about €1,500 for max. 3 hours usually with a bet of €0.2 or €0.3....I would highlight the providers 3oaks and Fugaso...it's a shame what they do here..but the whole site is as it is it's disgusting... whoever works for this site, to make it like this, should all go to jailto close, to give them food once a week.. even if all my money goes to me, I will investigate, for sure they will regret this behavior

Betrogen von betplays.com, am 5. Mai 2024 habe ich einen Gewinn von 5000 Euro gemacht, ich habe die Auszahlung weitergeleitet und am 13. Mai 2024 haben sie mein Konto gesperrt und mein Geld konfisziert, weil sie glaubten, ich hätte gegen die Geschäftsbedingungen verstoßen, sie haben mein Konto und mehrere IP-Adressen angefochten, Fake False Fake, sie sind einfach nur Kriminelle, unehrlich und Betrüger file

Automatische Übersetzung

I read your situation both here and in the complaint and I immediately saw that it was about the sports betting. 

Unfortunately we can't help you with such a case, but if you are interested I can provide some links where you could file a complaint and maybe something could be solved there. 

Or have you already tried it, because I saw that Tomas also suggested that he would send you some links by email. Nothing was solved ?

I'm serious, I'll do everything to get this site banned from Hungary... there's simply no such thing as you can deposit any amount here, it's not that you can't win, but you can't play a good game either... if the games here aren't fake, then the service providers too should be punished in such a way, never againstop your miserable games.. I played about €1,500 for max. 3 hours usually with a bet of €0.2 or €0.3....I would highlight the providers 3oaks and Fugaso...it's a shame what they do here..but the whole site is as it is it's disgusting... whoever works for this site, to make it like this, should all go to jailto close, to give them food once a week.. even if all my money goes to me, I will investigate, for sure they will regret this behavior

Hi, I don't want to be mean or anything in this case, but it seems to me that the biggest problem is that you didn't win anything, right ? According to the safety index I've been looking at, the casino is probably not the best anymore, but I haven't seen any mention of fake games or anything like that. I'm sorry you had to experience this, but I wouldn't give such a casino another chance and I'd rather leave. But that's just my opinion. 


Hallo Jaro, die von Ihnen vorgeschlagenen Links haben keine Ergebnisse gebracht. Ich habe mich an eine Anwaltskanzlei gewandt, die eine formelle Mitteilung an betplays.com geschickt hat, um die 5000 Euro zurückzufordern, die mir das betreffende Casino zu Unrecht gestohlen und konfisziert hat. Sie sind zutiefst frustriert, weil es sich um eine beträchtliche Summe handelt. Ich spiele seit vielen Jahren auf verschiedenen Plattformen, sowohl in Italien als auch im Ausland, und die Gewinne, die ich in anderen Online-Casinos erzielt habe, wurden immer absolut anerkannt. Ich glaube, ich bin auf einen echten Betrug gestoßen

Automatische Übersetzung

So you took about the last chance you had, I suppose. I'd certainly be curious to see the result, so when you have it, could you share it with us? I'm a firm believer and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's resolved fairly and you get your money in the end. 

I'll be waiting to hear when you have the news. 🤞☘️


my problem is not that I didn't win anything, but that there are games that don't give the free game even after 1000 spins, which is normally given elsewhere every 200 spins max... sometimes it gives a little but then it can give nothing after hundreds of spins through... even when it annoys you that you don't do anythinggives, especially the free game, I can buy the bonus spin, but for example I bought 3×20 € recently, I gave a total of 7 € in exchange for the 60 € .?each game is set so that it gives a little until 10 spins, but then almost nothing.. last night I lost more than €800 on bets of 0.2 and 0.3 to enter the free spins in 2 games.. one gave 1.6 then the other and 3€.. games are definitely not real...so disgustingI don't think official service providers dare to accept settings, because it's okay to have a bad day, but you can't do it all the time...but I'm giving up not only on this site but on all of them, the sites are getting more and more unscrupulous every day...I didn't win this year, but on average 100-150€ per dayI lost.. there is no point in playing, people are not satisfied with the many million € income, it is not a healthy desire for money among them... but this site is one of the top 3 worst that I have come across, only elsewhere I stopped at the beginning , but here for some reason I was at a loss of about €1,500it will be enough to feel... no matter how much you pay, you can't play a good game


You summed it up with a good attitude and therefore that it doesn't pay to play in casinos. I'm of the same opinion and if it was like that and you didn't do well I don't see the point in it anymore. I would have left the casino sooner in such a bad situation and I wouldn't have given it a chance that now the bonus has to fall. You've tried the bonus buy a couple of times and nothing has worked out so I'd move on from here. 

But I'm definitely in favour of you stopping playing if it doesn't make you happy. After all, nobody enjoys just losing.😕

Wie viele negative Bewertungen haben Sie gelesen!!!! Wir müssen betplays.com schließen, damit andere arme Spieler nicht betrogen werden!!!!

Automatische Übersetzung

Absolutely agree and that's what I m doing now, I post a review in forums, especially in trustpilot one time every two or three weeks, I invite you to do the same thing..

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