HomeForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenRaging Bull Slots Casino - generelle Diskussion

Raging Bull Slots Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 3)

 von Jamestroy
18.210 Ansichten 68 Antworten |
12 3 4

well, it’s been two weeks since my withdrawal was approved. No one has returned my emails. All 40+ of them and I find this review very odd and rehearsed.

My withdrawal was approved two weeks ago.

Let's see what our complaint team will be able to do with this issue. Hopefully the casino will cooperate and communicate with them, in order to get your case solved. Which withdrawal method did you use, I wonder? 🤔

Doyle Frady here and just fyi, I was paid in full just a few days after aporoval by bitcoin which I chose as my payment method, Raging Bull Casino did everything correctly, I had mistakenly sent the wrong bitcoin address so the casino is not and never has been at fault, and I wrote the casino and explained this to Nick, one of the supervisors at that time' so if your winnings are approved, you will get paid' just be patient

Doyle Frady

Hey, I am glad to hear such a positive news. Do you still continue playing at this casino? I reckon, that it could be really helpful for other players, if you wrote your experience in the review, what do you think of that? If you are interested, just do so by clicking/tapping on this link 👈🙂.

Haben 2500 Euro, die sie nicht zahlen wollen

Hat noch jemand das gleiche Problem?

Automatische Übersetzung

Hi, could you describe your situation a bit more please ? I can't figure out much from what you wrote. 

How long have you been waiting for your withdrawal ? Why the casino doesn't want to give you your money, did they say any reason ? Did you play with the bonus or not ? 

I also noticed that you have already filed a complaint, so our team will try to help you in your situation. 

USA players should just play at instant withdrawal casinos like stake. I was a loyal VIP 5 customer of the inclave casinos, but they lost my business for many reasons. 1) they offer semi good perks for vips status like 35% monthly cash back for vip 5. The problem is you will never get that because they will change your vip status before the end of the month. 2) they don’t understand their own terms and conditions. The terms and conditions have a section of rules for each type of casino bonuses. "Rules applying to NO DEPOSIT CHIP AND FREE SPINS" states you cannot have two no deposit chips in a row. The casino people thing that means you cannot have a free chip and also claim your comp points. Have they even read their rules? Comp points have its own section of rules. And if you want to know what rules apply to ALL casino bonuses you go to the section titled "rules applying to all casino bonuses". It’s really not that complicated.

3) they fail to disclose how much each game contributes to the playthrough. When using a chip that allows all games they do not disclose anywhere that black jack only contributes a small percentage. If you bet 100 on black jack you will see your remaining playthrough is only reduced by like $25. They tell you black jack counts the same as slots however that is a lie and I have recorded game play to prove that.

3) if they lower your vip status which they absolutely will, you can only cash out 2000 a MONTH on coindraw. Any other bitcoin withdrawal will take at least a month to get paid.

4) unless you are vip 4 or 5 you will wait for an hour to get someone on the chat.

I quit playing here and went to stake. Cashed out $3000 then $6000 instantly in 1 day. My vip status goes up regardless of winning or losing. There are no playthrough rules and no max cash out rules. I’m almost to vip 4 and the bonus is $880 for reaching 4. Your cash bonus doubles every time you hit a new level. Inclave casinos should take notes before they lose all their USA customers.


Thank you for describing your experience at these casinos and for your insides as well. I would suggest on writing a review for each casino if you're interested. This way, you could help others know what to expect, perhaps at both casinos. I will post the links for you where you can write the reviews for each one here:



man ive been having trouble with this website

Thank you for coming into contact with us.

One of our representatives will be with you shortly.

cashing out i did everything they asked me for

wagering rollovers and all that

its very unfair

that's scamming

Thanks for holding, in the meanwhile, you can play this mini-game:


I'm sorry, but from your post, we are unable to understand what exactly the issue is. Could you be more specific and try to describe it better, please?

Die Wahrheit ist, dass wir in letzter Zeit vielleicht nicht wissen, in welchem Casino wir spielen sollen. Bei mir ist es auch dieses, RAGING BULL...!! Ich habe am 26. Juni eine Anfrage gesendet, heute, am 17. Juli, wurde sie noch nicht einmal genehmigt...!! Obwohl alle Überprüfungen genehmigt wurden.

Automatische Übersetzung

Ja, ahala..!! Da die Gewinne aus dem Turnier stammten, an dem ich im Casino teilgenommen habe, habe ich 500 (Wettanforderung x1, maximale Auszahlung 500) gewonnen und bin mit einem Guthaben von 330 gegangen. Zum Abheben

Automatische Übersetzung

Sorry about the whole situation. You are probably right that it might be a bit hard nowadays, and we hope it'll get better and better. That is what we aim for here at Casino Guru, and our team works hard to achieve fairness in all online casinos.

So, did you meet all wagering requirements at the end and then request the withdrawal? Right? Is there any kind of explanation regarding this delay from the casino?

I can see that you managed to file a complaint, and our team has already started to investigate. Hopefully it can get solved soon and you will be able to get to your money.

Please keep us informed about any changes there.


Um ehrlich zu sein: CASINOGURU IST IMMER HIER, UM ZU HELFEN. Und sehen Sie, so habe ich das Turnier gespielt, nicht kostenlos mit einer Zahlung, um am Turnier teilzunehmen. Ich meine, es gibt hier überhaupt keinen kostenlosen Chipbonus!!! Ich habe zwei Turniere gewonnen, eines mit 100 und das andere mit 500... Nach Erfüllung der Wettanforderungen hatte ich einen Saldo von 89 und 500, 330. Salicite hat 89 und 330 abgehoben. Nach 12 Tagen wurde die Abhebung von 89 jedoch abgelehnt. Der Support sagte mir, dass ich mein Guthaben mit 100 auffüllen muss, um die Abhebung vornehmen zu können, und dass die 330 noch ausstehen würden. Sie sagten mir, dass die Genehmigungsfrist des Casinos bereits abgelaufen sei. !!! Ich würde sagen, das sind unterschiedliche Erklärungen für einen gleichen Gewinn.!!

Automatische Übersetzung

So, did you manage to get any withdrawals from this casino by now? I do not completely understand.🤷‍♀️


Romi!!!, deshalb stelle ich den Anspruch, ich habe nur eine ausstehende Auszahlung. Bisher nichts, nur mein erster Rückzug wäre das. ! Und entschuldigen Sie, aber sprechen Sie nicht über die erfolgreiche Auszahlung, nur über die ausstehende.

Automatische Übersetzung

I understand now. So the answer to the question of whether you had any successful withdrawals at this casino before would be "no." Thank you.

Well, now I hope that our complaint team can move forward with your case, and soon you will be able to see any updates.

Gut danke

Automatische Übersetzung

We're always glad to help. Come back with some news, please.


Danke, Romi, und gestern wurde meine erste Zahlung genehmigt, jetzt warte ich auf die Ankunft meines Geldes.!!

Automatische Übersetzung

That is great. Let us know whenever you get the money.

Do you have just this one withdrawal at this casino, or are there more?🤔

12 3 4

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