ForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 76)

vor 9 Monaten von kirekin
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vor 1 Monat

Incrbleskins und KeyGo London sind meine großen Helden, die sich noch nicht ausgezahlt haben.

Hat jemand eine Telefonnummer von ihnen?

Habe jetzt eine neue Rückbuchung über Swedbank gemacht, aber mit dem obigen Text. Es war wirklich gut.

Verdammt gute Arbeit, Houdini. Riesen-Respekt.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Geben Sie eine Warnung nur in gutem Glauben ab. Wenn Sie gegenüber Swedbank das Wort Geldwäsche erwähnen, spielen Sie mit hohen Karten. Denken Sie daran, dass wir, die Kunden, auch eine große Verantwortung haben, sicherzustellen und zu überprüfen, dass wir nicht in so etwas verwickelt sind.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

Tut mir leid, das zu lesen, Bruder. Das überrascht mich nicht. Weißt du, wo man in Großbritannien diese Betrugsfirmen melden kann? Ich dachte, ich schreibe eine E-Mail an die englische Glücksspielaufsichtsbehörde, die ist wahrscheinlich auch daran interessiert. Ich dachte daran, mit Keylissimo, Eduntage usw. usw. anzufangen.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

From the casinos perspective, people chargeback for one of two reasons:

1. They want the money they lost back

2. They don't reconignize the charge because it comes up as something completely unrelated and for a different amount

Their optimal strategy is to first assume #2 and politely try to explain to the customer that the charges were theirs and hope the customer cancels the chargeback with their bank. I'm sure this works some percentage of the time. The next step is to threaten collections or legal action. I'm sure this also works some percentage of the time. The last step is to give up.

You have zero to gain by replying to the casino once you already filed the chargeback. You do not owe them any explanation.

vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

Hard to say really what to do.

If you ignore the casino, I am not sure what they are going to send to Revolut in their response to the chargeback. I would probably just ignore it. Right now, the casino/fake merchant, has no real proof of any delivery.

Anything you reply I guess is something the casino could send in their reply to Revolut for the chargeback.

Revolut really hard to chargeback through. They care 0 about their customers. Like everyone else involved in all this really.

vor 1 Monat

Yes, I am really disappointed with Revolut, I wrote in detail that they just ignore and deny a refund on Trustpilot without even trying.

when it would have been as easy as just sending a chargeback request to these scam companies, as most of them will not object as they lack proof that you ordered or bought something.

Do like me and go in and leave a rating with an explanation on Trustpilot, maybe they will start to address the problems now that people are complaining

vor 1 Monat


können Sie es anhand Ihrer Trustpilot-Bewertungen erraten.

Haben Sie die fehlerhaften Transaktionen vom Typ „Instant Casino" bei der Polizei angezeigt?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

brauche Rat für die Northmill Bank, die verlangt, dass dort eine Anzeige bei der Polizei gemacht wird, wenn man für Transaktionen werben will 😊

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

Did the casino contact Revolut, as well (meaning if their message is part of the chargeback dispute)?

If not, I would ignore them.

My thinking is that it is your upper hand that the merchant cannot admit your funds when through to a casino, because that would be an admission to the wrongdoing of using wrong merchant codes (which is base for a chargeback).

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

brauche Rat für die Northmill Bank, die verlangt, dass dort eine Anzeige bei der Polizei gemacht wird, wenn man für Transaktionen werben will 😊

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Tell them that the police told you to contact your bank 🙂

vor 1 Monat

Morning all,

thanks to the users of this forum, I was able to add new merchant details to the table on my site: (the link is safe)

Here's the table preview:


Wishing you all a great weekend full of positive experiences—gambling not included.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

I do not know destream, but the fact that they responded positively and then went silent is good for your chargeback odds! Hopefully they respond, but in case they don't, make sure to attach it to your chargeback form. I cannot imagine your chargeback not being successful in this particular case!

vor 1 Monat

How do you get a bankstatement from Revolut?

I tried to do chargeback on my transactions before and told them exactly how it was with the casino, they just reject transactions after transactions and didnt seem helpful at all in my case, Thanks.

Tried to contact all these but with no results:


vor 1 Monat

To get Revolut statement:

  1. On the main "page" of your account in the app, click "More" (three dotted icon).
  2. Choose "Statement"

An option is to wait a couple of weeks and then file chargeback on the grounds that you ordered whatever each of them is supposedly selling (i.e. CS2 skins), and never received it, as their business appears to be fraudulent, and you had been scammed.

Bear in mind that this may be considered fraud, and I do not advise you to commit fraud.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

I've had two users email me yesterday, providing Chillstock merchant details, informing me that they were refunded by them, but not indicating when. I can ask them if it's okay for you to contact them via email, if you'd like. Email me at if you're interested.

vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

Ok, danke, wie hast du dich gemeldet?

dass Sie kein Geld erhalten haben oder von Transaktionen nichts wussten?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

yes, have reported all the transactions to the police 🙂

vor 1 Monat

Ok, danke, wie hast du dich gemeldet?

dass Sie kein Geld erhalten haben oder von Transaktionen nichts wussten?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

I never did that. I admitted to gambling when filing for chargebacks with Revolut.

vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

Only found this: Please Help : r/Switzerland (

Funny how no one there speaks about the elephant in the room, which is that they gambled 😀

vor 1 Monat

I had the same, filled a form in last week and had nothing back.

Also had altpay deny my refund requests so I have opened a case with the financial ombudsman, they say to contact merchant but as they appear as the actual merchant on the statements I'm hopeful of getting somewhere.

Azurepayments had also got me to fill a form that was a few days ago.. will see what happens there.

Not had much luck with any others yet but will keep knocking at them.

My biggest ones seem to be

Kitchenments (non responsive)

Santeda INTL (have contacted their bank as these were open bank payments)

Gamerdir (non responsive)

Cscannerr (no details)

Dotascanner (no details)

Kaysofcourse/cgcourses (non responsive)

"Cross pay" Uzbekistan (found a company but claims not to be them)

I also did a lot of payments through binance pay... they won't seem to help at this stage, I may have to complain to their license authority but not sure if it'll do much

Also for rankbeast, I got given address details by revolut and it appears to belong to who are also non responsive.

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