ForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 165)

vor 11 Monaten von kirekin
326919 Ansichten 3717 Antworten |
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vor 2 Monaten

Lol, you are just a scammer. You speak a lot but have 0 proof. You can't even explain how you would get the refunds. So top secret. Such a sad person, trying to scam others, you're just as bad as the casinos.

vor 2 Monaten

We removed all the posts from this user due to the safety of other users. We are not sure that it was a safe and relevant offer.

vor 2 Monaten

And what's your fees? You have no gaurentee that you can retrieve players funds. Do you charge fees upfront. If you really wanted to help people you would be sharing your knowledge on here openly.

vor 2 Monaten

We removed all the posts from this user due to the safety of other users. We are not sure that it was a safe and relevant offer.

vor 2 Monaten

@gaminglars, how do I speak with you?

vor 2 Monaten

We removed all the posts from this user due to the safety of other users. We are not sure that it was a safe and relevant offer.

Post von dvs7 wurde gelöscht
vor 2 Monaten

Can you add me to discord please? dvs78s

vor 2 Monaten

Sure. Just to be clear though, the reason I got refunded was that the merchant used mpgs which is mastercards own payment gateway. So they have violated their own rules. this method will only work for a few number of merchants.

vor 2 Monaten

Wie erkennt man solch eine Zahlung mit Bezug zu mpfs?

vor 2 Monaten

Woher wissen Sie, wer mpgs verwendet hat? Ich habe Mastercard eine E-Mail geschickt, aber keine Antwort erhalten. Wie gehen Sie vor?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

MasterCard kommuniziert nur mit Banken, jedoch nicht mit dem Karteninhaber. Auch wenn man MasterCard Mal eine Antwort entlocken kann, ist es eine Copy and Paste Nachricht. Sie sagt aus, dass man die Bank kontaktieren soll. Es hapert ab geschulten Personal bei der Bank. Oder auch um den Willen dies schieße zu bekämpfen.

Post von Glamors12 wurde gelöscht
vor 2 Monaten

Does anyone have any experience with Noda/Nauda pay? Do they refund? I'm still sorting alot of transactions out and they seem to be on a few bank transfers. I know bank transfers are more difficult but if anybody has had any success it would be great to know what was said etc. Thanks guys!

vor 2 Monaten

I’m trying to figure out how to get back bank transfers to.

mine are




vor 2 Monaten

Falcora is nauda pay! That's who mine are with and I have just given them the references after they asked so I can keep you updated.

vor 2 Monaten

Möchte jemand erzählen, wie Sie bei der Bank eine Beschwerde wegen eines falschen Mastercard-Händlercodes eingereicht haben?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

Do you have an email for them?

vor 2 Monaten

Here's my story. I have lost alot of money over the last few years at JOY Casino (Curacao company) including around 10 grand in the last month. I have used my credit card for alot of these purchases but also interac e transfer. I use triangle mastercard for the online deposits. Do I just call my bank and tell them that I deposited into a online gambling site for gambling but have since noticed all these charges are not from JOY Casino ? Do i report all of these weird names on my statements as fraudulent?

They are fraudulent because they are using these 3rd party merchants to defraud mastercard because they know they cant do it directly for online gambling? I really need the money back so if any of you can help me, I'd really appreciate it. I want to call my bank today or tomorrow and report these but want to make sure I'm well informed first. Do I not say I was online gambling ? I just need some help so I am successful.

vor 2 Monaten

Sei kreativ in der Begründung des Chargebacks. In Deutschland ist es so, dass die Banken einen Chargeback ablehnen.

vor 2 Monaten

Hello, I actually used my Mastercard for a casino before, I rang them up and said I didn’t receive the service, they refunded it as ‘Fraud Reversal’ this was for £500, so I’m not sure how £10,000 would go

vor 2 Monaten

Kompliziert wird es wenn es viele kleine Abbuchungen sind.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 2 Monaten
vor 2 Monaten

Bitte fügen Sie mich hinzu, Sandra08279

Automatische Übersetzung
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