HomeForumAllgemeine Diskussionen über das GlücksspielMifinity-Auszahlung auf das Bankkonto

Mifinity-Auszahlung auf das Bankkonto (Seite 7)

 von Joanna22
77.962 Ansichten 271 Antworten |
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Sie erlauben mir immer noch nicht, das Geld abzuheben. Ich werde meine Situation gut erklären. Schauen Sie, sie haben die folgenden Unterlagen angefordert ... Personalausweis, Bankkontonachweis usw. Alle meine Unterlagen sind also auf Spanisch, aber ich bin es Ich komme aus Brasilien und lebe seit vielen Jahren in Spanien. Tatsächlich habe ich die spanische Staatsangehörigkeit und bin in Spanien selbstständig. Ich meine, ich habe ein kleines Unternehmen, daher verstehe ich manchmal nicht, warum sie meine Unterlagen ablehnen, aber hey, ich werde es weiter versuchen, danke für alles 😊

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To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what I would say. We're all trying to help and I think the players are recommending some pretty reasonable things since they've been through it too. I don't understand what the problem is if they keep rejecting your documents. The email that player nigeljc59 recommended, you already wrote there ? 

Of course, if you manage to manage everything in the end, let us know, because it's quite a complicated situation. 


Hey is there something you want to add or are you just following what's going on ? 🙂


file Schau, was er sagt😤

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Ich lehne erneut ab 😒

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Normally if I have a problem with something I find a friend to share the issue with and see if you can resolve it together. It's not that difficult you have to follow the process

file Schau, was er sagt😤

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I still think the main point is to get in touch with support and provide the correct documents to pass verification.

file Hallo, was bedeutet das?

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You need to verify your account within 21 days to enjoy higher deposit/withdrawal limits. I explained it before. You have reached the initial threshold that mifinity set for depositing and withdrawing so you have to use the app verify the necessary documentation and go through KYC and then you can deposit and withdraw up to 10,000 without having to do it again

I have never used this method for deposits and cashouts. Is it used by New Zealand players?

in casinos which I personally play I use only cards and withdraw directly to them. Usually receive my money the same day, can be delay but no more than 3 days


In my experience in the UK you can deposit with cards but only withdraw with a bank transfer which is more expensive than ewallets like mifinity and take more time.

Hallo, ich verstehe nicht, warum ich das Geld nicht von der Mifinify-Plattform abheben kann. Sie haben alle angeforderten Unterlagen gesendet und gesagt, dass sie nicht korrekt sind. Verdammt, was ist mit diesen Leuten los?

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Are we still talking about the same problem ? It's been dragging on for a long time. What is wrong with the documentation you sent ? What's not correct?

As long as you have followed the verfication process as stated on the app you should be fine. Also your bank account that the withdrawal needs to go to has to be verified. If this is all done then it should be ready for withdrawal in 24hrs and then minutes once you withdraw.

I think you have to do it through the app for address verfication I sent a bank statement and that was accepted.

If it's address verfication it needs to have your home address on it. Bank verfication your banks address and Iban. For further clarification contact customerservices@mifinity.com

Hallo, ich habe rund 14.000 Euro gewonnen und das Casino sagt, ich kann über mifinity abheben. Ich versuche mich dort einzuloggen, aber das Konto ist gesperrt, kontaktiere sofort den Support, habe 4 Tage lang nichts gehört!!!!! Hat jemand Tipps, was ich tun soll? Wo kann ich das Geld von mifinity am besten überweisen?

Usw. Mike

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Können Sie auf Ihr Avanza-Konto überweisen? Werden sie sich an die schwedische Steuerbehörde wenden?

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Email customerservices@mifinty.com they will answer that enquiry


Warte jetzt schon 4 Tage!! Hat jemand Tipps, wo es am besten und einfachsten ist, Geld von Mifinity zu überweisen? Hat jemand von Revault gehört?

Bitte beraten

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My dealings with them were always good maximum 24hrs reply time. I can't advise anything else if you can't get verified through the app

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