gamonbryzys Rezensionen

Casino Guru

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vor 5 MonatenOriginalÜbersetzung
So to obtain your 10 X 20fs welcome bonus you must log in and ask for via live chat. The que because of can range between 20 - 100+ people then when you finally make contact they stretch this process out. Took nearly an for 20fs that made 45 cents.
When you complain the treat you dismissively, after the 3rd time I no longer wanted to continue with and proceeded to poke fun and trigger chat out of frustration admittedly not adviseable if you want to continue but I didn't.
So I said close my account I believe they wanted this as well.
But to spiteful all associated casino to which I had no issue with were also closed by this management, they include Wazaba, crown casino.
Goodbye and farewell.
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