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Casino Guru

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vor 3 JahrenOriginalÜbersetzung
I made my first deposit a hour ago and every game and every spin lagged I cleaned my cookies and data and didn't make any difference I missed 3 lots of free spins because of the lagging this casino site sucks.
vor 3 JahrenOriginalÜbersetzung
This casino is a big joke I made a $50 deposit and took the first welcome bouns I got the welcome cash but the haven't given me my welcome bouns free spins because I'm not able to get the slot game the free spins are on I haven't received my free spins and I've ask them to load them onto a different slot game and they tell me they can't as it's there rules and I have to wait till some free spins comes up they will email me. As far as I'm concerned this is so full of it and I would advise everybody DO NOT PUT ANY MONEY ON THIS RIP OFF CASINO SITE.
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