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Win tournament casino guru

 von Onoy30
8.822 Ansichten 33 Antworten |
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What should I do next after receiving this email?file


Hi, I think it's written quite simply in the second paragraph. You need to confirm your active email address by replying to the email you received. Then everything should be fine and just wait for the prize. 😉


Thank you sir, how long will the gift arrive?


Juraj will try to send the vouchers as soon as possible, I believe the other players also replied to the email. If it's prolonged I'll let you know for sure. 🙂


Why Until now there have been no prizes entered, sir?


Why Until now there have been no prizes entered, sir?

Juraj is in charge of this agenda, if he is still waiting to receive the vouchers, he did not send them, but I reminded him and I will give you an update when he writes me off.


Hello, how are you ? Are you possibly enjoying our tournaments too ? Or would you like to ?

You can see some here- tournaments.

If you will play just let me know how you enjoyed it. 😀

Why Until now there have been no prizes entered, sir?

Voucher has been sent, tell me when you get it. 🙂

Enjoy ☘️


Thank you sir, I have received the Amazon voucher


Well, I'm glad to hear that, may it be to your advantage and have a nice day.

I hope you will be able to place in other tournaments. 😉


hello sir, why can't the gift card be claimed?


What do you mean it can't be claimed ? Could you take a screenshot for me please ? 






Hi, I've written to Juraj and we'll try to find out what's going on. When I know more I will let you know.

What should I do after winning this tournament?



I think it is described quite clearly here. You should get an email to confirm your email address and then you'll have to wait for the prize to be sent. Be sure to check the spam folder as well, because it has happened before that emails from us have ended up there as well. 

Of course congratulations on winning. 🎉😊☘️


Yes, my email is active and waiting for the prize. thank you casino guru


You have to confirm your email address by replying to the email and not here on the forum. So please do so. 🙂

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