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Kostenloses wöchentliches Turnier

 von kanitamg
2.530 Ansichten 16 Antworten |

Guten Morgen,

Das Turnier ist mit einem Einsatz von 1,20 € voreingestellt, es sollten aber 2 € sein.

Sie können nicht spielen, da Sie den Einsatzbetrag nicht ändern können.


Automatische Übersetzung

Regarding Fortune Hit N Roll ... apparently the game has worked for some people ... but I have the same problem - it only offers 1.20 or 240 ... but says the accepted bet is 2.


Hello, I've already told Juraj, who will work on fixing this bug. I have it the same way and I really hope that soon it will be playable again. 

I hope you both will do well. 🙂☘️😊

Same problem here.

Alright! ... thanks for the fix. It is working now.

hello..same problem with the bet at 1.2

It should be fixed now, I tried it and everything went fine for me. If there are still problems, please let me know and I will report it.


All good. Look really promising by the way


That makes me happy, I hope you manage to place well. 😀

its not fix it to me yet


Am I to understand that you still haven't fixed it? It's not working even with the preset bet 1,20 and it still shows the same thing and refreshes your page? 

Guten Morgen

Ich habe beim wöchentlichen Turnier von Casino Guru 30 Euro gewonnen. Wo sind die 30 Euro? Niemand hat mir etwas über den Gewinn gesagt. Oder ist das Blödsinn?

Automatische Übersetzung

Hey it's not foolishness you really won. But the money will come to you in the form of a voucher to amazon. 

An email is always sent to players after they win, so check if you got one. You have to confirm your email address there and then you will just have to be patient while Juraj sends the winnings to the players. 

Can you do it?🙂


Ich habe keine E-Mail von Casino Guru erhalten, in der steht, dass ich die 30 Euro im wöchentlichen Spiel gewonnen habe

Automatische Übersetzung

Sure, well, I saw that Juraj probably hasn't sent any emails for this tournament yet so you'll have to wait a bit for that too. He's trying to do his best but sometimes it's a lot, so as I mentioned you'll have to hang in there and you'll get an email and a voucher for sure. 🙂


Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort von Casino Guru

Automatische Übersetzung

Of course, if you won't even get an email next week, definitely let me know and I'll let you know so I can give you some pertinent info.

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