HomeForumUmfrageHow often do you play online casino games?

How often do you play online casino games?

 von Daniel
29.207 Ansichten 76 Antworten |
How often do you play online casino games?
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We're quite curious about how active you are when it comes to online gambling.

Do you think it's OK to play daily or do you believe it's unhealthy and dangerous? Let's find out!


Yeah it's Not a good idea to play everyday , unless you got millions of spare cash you don't feel like donating to a good cause. AND just would rather waste at a casino


I also think it's wiser not to play every day, because I think it can cause addiction if you don't play responsibly. But it could also develop if you play less, so that's just my opinion. Gambling should be a source of relaxation, so certainly if it's for me, the most I'd be willing to do is maybe a couple of times a month or just occasionally. What's your opinion? 


My opinion is don't gamble and never start , then you won't know what ya missing out on. That's what I tell my kids .

Sie fragen und verlangen Geld, dann zahlen sie dir nicht, was du verdienst, es ist besser, nicht zu spielen

Automatische Übersetzung

My opinion is don't gamble and never start , then you won't know what ya missing out on. That's what I tell my kids .

Yes, that's also quite reasonable I would say. Of course the best thing is never to start. I mean, there are many better things to spend money on. 

Anyway, I reckon you're setting a good example. 

Sie fragen und verlangen Geld, dann zahlen sie dir nicht, was du verdienst, es ist besser, nicht zu spielen

Automatische Übersetzung

Hey. If you're of a similar opinion, do you have a problem with the casino at the moment ? 

In general if you have bad experiences, it's best not to play that's true. 

Anyway, as the saying goes "we are each the makers of our own luck" , so it's up to everyone whether they choose to play or not. Nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck and that such a mindset lasts as long as possible 🙂


Automatische Übersetzung


As a content creator i play as often as i can most days of the week

Personally myself I'm either selling accounts or playing slots online so it's a 24/7 thing for me. I'm surprised that one can just set there all day and night watching slots spin. Me and that money is what I'm hooked too. I don't even think about time most of the time? One second I'm looking down playing slots and it's dark and I'll look up and it would be day light lol. It's really nothing to me to set there 24 hours and think it was a quarter day. Is there anyone else like me or worst? Cause I feel as like I have something wrong with me bad in my head? To many slots selling or playing! scared money doesn't make money! Right?

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If you don’t mind me asking, can you please elaborate on the instance of selling accounts because that seems crazy intriguing


What is a content creator? You work for a online casino or you run your own casino?

As a content creator i play as often as i can most days of the week

What content do you create? Sounds interesting🙂

Personally myself I'm either selling accounts or playing slots online so it's a 24/7 thing for me. I'm surprised that one can just set there all day and night watching slots spin. Me and that money is what I'm hooked too. I don't even think about time most of the time? One second I'm looking down playing slots and it's dark and I'll look up and it would be day light lol. It's really nothing to me to set there 24 hours and think it was a quarter day. Is there anyone else like me or worst? Cause I feel as like I have something wrong with me bad in my head? To many slots selling or playing! scared money doesn't make money! Right?

What you described sounds like a terrible thing to do, speaking about selling accounts, and it won't be supported on this forum.

As it comes to your playing habits, would you say you are pretty close to obsession, or is it just me?

One way or another, it is not a healthy approach, if you ask me.

So stop advertising Facebook casinos or selling some accounts, for a start. I would hate to see you banned. Noted?


I thought we are here to discuss casinos and different games right? How can you talk about them without talking about them? I'm very confused of what I'm doing wrong I'm not running a ad or anything just talking that's all.


There is a difference between free discussion and offering services to other members directly (like you did). Do you agree?

Also, the fact that you mention you're selling accounts does not bring you much trustworthiness in my eyes.

Care to explain how you sell those? For what purpose?

I suggest you get more familiar with our policies:



I appreciate your cooperation, that's for sure!


I'm not trying to sell anything I was just saying I deal with the casino life on a daily basis and that I'm either playing or selling. You don't trust me because your trying to dictate every ones discussions and throw your accusations around saying something about banning me. Idgaf if you ban me or not nosey. Maybe you should stop going around in folks forums starting drama?




Is there anything else you have in mind? Like:


Once again, read the rules. Actually, it is my goodwill to give you a chance to remain here. But you must keep the rules in mind, like any other member. That's all.

This is a forum, not a market.

Deal with it or leave.

Ok, your right I did try to pitch my casino out there but I thought we could talk about whatever we wanted to about slots. I apologize for trying to sell the account. You want have any more trouble out of me.

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