HomeForumUmfragePOLL: How many different slot games do you play in a typical month?

POLL: How many different slot games do you play in a typical month?

 von Daniel
10.337 Ansichten 46 Antworten |
How many different slot games do you play in a month?
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It's no secret that game providers keep supplying players with new games almost every week. Even though we don't have all of them on our website, you can still play over 18 000 free demo games on Casino Guru.

Is it worth it to produce so many new slots? Do players prefer to play new games over an over again or do they stick to a few that they like the most? That's the question for you!

Which slot is your most favourite? Let us know 🙂


I think a better question here would be, "How many different casinos do you play at every month?"

As for games, I'm constantly changing them up. I can easily go through 15-20 games in a short session.


I think that such a similar poll was already happening. I'm not sure if it was exactly the same question or a slightly changed one. Anyway, if not, we might as well include it in the future. 

Besides, on what basis do you change the games ? 

I think a better question here would be, "How many different casinos do you play at every month?"

As for games, I'm constantly changing them up. I can easily go through 15-20 games in a short session.

We've already made this kind of poll in past. Take a look here.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Keinen einzigen!

Diese Welt ist nichts für mich🥵


Well, that's sad. 

But the world of gambling is not for everyone as you say. Why are you of that opinion ? Do you find something unfair or have you had a lot of bad experiences with slots ? 😕


Ich habe keinerlei Erfahrungen mit Spielautomaten. Aber ich habe so das Gefühl, dass sie lediglich Groschengräber- und reine Zeitverschwendungs-Systeme sind und man damit höchstens einen Blumentopf gewinnen kann. Dann spiele ich doch lieber Lotto.

Liegt sicher an meiner Spielautomaten-Phobie😂


Hehe I've never heard of such a phobia before. 😀 😀

So what do you play, any board games? 

Ausschließlich Roulette mit der La Partageregel. Ich spiele nur die Außenchancen mit kleinste Einsätze und steuere ein langfristiges Ziel an. Mal sehen, ob die Rechnung aufgeht. Disziplin ist das Credo.


I understand, feel free to share then, if it works out for you in the longer term. I will look forward to your findings. 😀

Ja natürlich hört ihr von mir.

Wird aber einige Monate ins Land gehen. Vielleicht mach ich vor noch eine Zwischenbilanz🤔


It could be either way, at least we would have had some of your findings a little sooner. I'll leave it to you and hope you come up with a positive result. 🙂

Ja natürlich "so oder so", ist ja Fifti-fifti🤔 minus 50% Zero🥵

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser


But apart from roulette, you don't play many slots ? Or any other table game? 😀


Ich spiele ausschließlich Roulette.

Ein Automatenspiel wäre für mich ein No-Go.


So I see that not every player has it the same way and I like it when it's diversified. 

So I hope you will do as well as possible on roulette. 😀

es gibt eine nette Seite mit vielen Spielen, und eine tolle Idee mit Tuning-Spielen

Automatische Übersetzung

Hey, what casino are we talking about ? If you had to answer a poll question, how many different slots do you play ? Do you stick to one provider or do you prefer to switch based on gameplay ? 😉


ice cacino

Ice Casino und Guro

Automatische Übersetzung
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