HomeForumUmfrage2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship

2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship

 von Daniel
6.933 Ansichten 1 Antwort |
Which country is going to win the current 2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship?
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Even though an ice hockey isn't the most followed sport in the world, it's still followed by plenty of fans. How about you? Have you watched any games on the ongoing 2023 IIHF World Championship? Which country is going to win it this year?

It may sound harsh since I'm from the Czech Republic, but if I had to bet on one of those 8 countries, I'd bet on the USA this year 🙂


For a lack of better words, I'd say my tip comes from nostalgia. I used to watch all those championships since I was a child, And I usually got very excited about it. 😀 Those happy moments I spent with my mom and daddy. Anyway, I always favor Sweeden over other teams. As far as I can remember (as far as I was told) those players were always quick, and strong, well-organized. For me, they resonated with an aura of victory. 

Go, Czech Lions! Go, Tre Kronor!

(So, no room for gentle national feelings, I guess 🤣🙌.)

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