ForumSport und SportwettenFootball Insiders Information

Football Insiders Information

vor 3 Wochen von binatam070403
858 Ansichten 3 Antworten |
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vor 3 Wochen

What do you think guys about football match inside information from players. Is it really exist?

I am getting one they give 6 matches untill today all worked but they ask price not much but for me i need some partners who will also join with me... What do you think about it guys?

vor 3 Wochen

Well, I guess I wouldn't be convinced to do it. I know that some leagues in sports can be corrupt but I don't know if I would believe everything. Especially when it comes down to it, it's not necessarily the most pleasant. 

Do you think it's worth the risk ? 🤔🤷‍♂️

vor 3 Wochen

I tested 6 Matches 6 worked... But the amount is need to pay i cant able to do alone 500$ if 5/10 people’s contribute then its easier for me

vor 3 Wochen

Well, I'm not sure if anybody is going to get involved in such a thing, if you don't have the money, it's probably best not to do it, because if it doesn't work out, what are you going to do then ? You'll lose a lot of money unnecessarily, so that's my opinion. 😕

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