HomeForumSlotspieleWe just released a new video about how slots work. Tell us what you think!

We just released a new video about how slots work. Tell us what you think!

 von Maros
27.092 Ansichten 19 Antworten |

Hello everyone.

We are always trying to spread knowledge casino games. First, we launched a video about the mathematics of games of chance (watch it on YouTube if you haven't already). Now, we focused specifically on slot machines and how they work.

We hope this video will help inexperienced players understand how slots work and why some things they may believe are just myths. And hopefully even experienced slot players will find out something they didn't know before.

Any feedback is appreciated. Leave it either here or in a comment directly on YouTube.

So, here is the new video:


Great video! I like the old man and animations, this is a start i hope ,of some video series about slots, casinos and regulations.. great job

I have also couple questions

1.Providers control slots(winnings,loss,rtp), what about the fact that only players playing big hand can win jackpot or have much better chance(mentioned earlier) what is a math behind that if all spins are random?

2.What is with casinos players rank,where every casino have insight of players transaction, every play, profit they made on it.For example(i personally experience this 1000 times) if player deposit 2 times and lose, the 3rd time have more chance to win something and return some money than the last 2 times(and the other way around)..Which means 2 things,-that casinos have some kind of Funnels,and lead players who lost 2 times without withdrawal to + (%) RTP and players who already won to - RTP, or that Providers lead them.

I was thinking that's providers business, but then again this happens also if u play different games and providers and hardly can have connection with providers themselves.This is not silly talk, in my 10years of playing slots, i experienced this literally 1000 times. I hope some others can confirm.

3.Also mentioned earlier that some providers like PRAGMATIC and PLAY'n go, have questionable rtp and casino can fix them, and that they one of the worst providers to play,which i can confirm-(adding Betsoft and Netent) ,.. Which providers also can do that?

I have seen many Licenced casinos more and more promoting Pragmatic games ..

4.Can u made an article or video about Slots for new players, or players in general who don't know which slots to play ,in sense of -to chose slots that have more chance to win on START, progressive or waiting to bonus round,and games where si easy to get bonus round or scatter + games where is hard by give more.

.Im asking this because i see most people deposit and lose money playing some games that are fixed or HARD to hit bonus round or some feature, and there are slots where they can win instant hand by hand,easy + on start with low money , also considering Providers.

Also this is not just silly talk,i helped so many people by suggest them games that can help them get some + money on start and lead them to what they want to play.There are ofc demos, but if someone don't have time to spend 5 hours learning types of slots.

5.In this vid there is a high mention of situation that is well known - if someone win big do not Play that slot for some time...

This is questionable.

Also there was a word about this in forum,and someone confirms... I can confirm this only in Ground based casinos, it's kinda true, if someone win big money recently at specific machine the chances to you to win are really low. ALSO better example if someone lose big money and u sit after him your chances are big to win some money.Also experienced this 1000 times in ground based casinos,and it's a common knowledge among oldest players and people from casinos. IDK why , maybe they still running by slot per slot system (they are not merged for RTP or something...but this is a thing.

Also workers check and take a pic for every machine each,the daily in/out of money at the end of the shift.Why would they do that if they are merged ?

Anyways,whatever the case is , it's important that players have fun.

I sometimes (i don't know why) play some games even if i know that im gonna lose ,just because i like that game,and that is fine.i look at that as some sort of paying for fun, like video games or something..ofc there is always chance to win but still.

The Dopamine hits anyway 😀

Das Video ist ja ganz gut gemacht ,keine Frage.Aber ich glaube den schwachsinn mit dem Zufallsgenerator einfach nicht

Wie kann es sein das ich bei Moonlight-princess oder Rise of olympia seit April nur noch schlechte Spiele bekomme.Wie kann es das die Princessinnen oder götter eher zu 95% Freispiele verhindern,und nicht zugestehen.

Wie kann es sein,das ich bei Wild Swarm auf max-stufe schon über 100 Bienen gesammelt habe und der Schwarm einfach nicht ausgelöst wird.

Wie kann es sein das ich bei Street-magic letzten 5 mal freispiele habe 10-12-12-8-10 und immer auf den Walzen 1,2,3,5 wilds habe und aber einfach auf walze 4 keine Wilds bekomme,damit ich weitere freispiele bekomme.

Aber egal alles zu nur Zufall.Nur komisch das dieser Zufall bei Streamer kaum zur geltung kommt,aber das ist ein anderes thema.

Es hat nicht ohne Grund jeder Spieler eine ID-die er zugeordnet wird-ich glaube das jeder spiele mit seiner ID bestimmte zufallsgeneratoren bekommt. Anders kann es ja aus meiner sicht gar nicht funktionieren.

Ihr video ist ja wie gesagt ganz nett,aber ich glaube nicht das es zu 100% richtig ist-es wird sicherlich gewisse sachen geben die vom anhaltspunkt richtig sind,aber nicht alle-sry kann ich mir einfach nicht vorstellen.Weil dann würde es mit den Streamern überhaupt net funktionieren

well done video. I like the guru very much, nice character. Congratulations to your team, you do a great job.

I think everything in the video is correct, maybe a little simplified but correct. I read some comments to the video, I don't think the slots have memory of activities of single players. I think that 2 aspects have been missed fom the description of how slots work:

1.Volatility: how often do slots pay? More often they pay, lower are winnings.

2. Jackpot: The jackpot contributes to the RTP. So jackpot slots pay out less in regular wins (because part of the RTP is done by the jackpot win)


Hey there. Sorry for not responding in such a long time. I will do my best now, hopefully the stuff you wrote is still relevant. 🙂

1. They don't control winning or losing in any given spin, they just control the overall chances (RTP, volatility, frequency of symbols, payouts, etc.). I think that if a game has a progressive jackpot, for example, you can get a higher chance (theoretical likelihood) of hitting it when betting more, but the result in any particular spin is still random.

2. I think that this doesn't happen and casinos don't increase the RTP for any particular player.

3. I think this is becoming quite a common practice and many providers do it. They create versions of the same game with various RTPs and then let the casino choose which version they want. It's not ideal, of course, but I would not call it "cheating" or anything like that. But the RTP has to be disclosed and easy to find, so that players know which version they are playing.

4. We are currently creating a video for beginners, but it doesn't focus on game selection. It focuses primarily on things to know before playing, choosing a casino, etc. But what you described might be a good idea for the future 🙂

5. As far as I am concerned, this is just a myth, as we explained in the video as well.


Hi paclmaya.

I am sorry about your bad experience. The truth is, even though the spins are random, unlikely things like this can happen. All games are designed to behave in certain ways, and some of the things you described might be done on purpose by the designers. For example, with the wilds on reels 1, 2, 3, 5, but no wilds on reel 4... The designers might have purposely put very few wilds onto the 4th reel, so that it's less likely that you get more free spins. I am not saying it's true (I don't know the game nor the specifics of how it was designed), I am just saying that it might possibly be the case.

Not sure about the streamers, but I have to say that it might be difficult to judge based on their videos, because those are often "win compilations", where you see all the big wins, but you don't see the losses between them.



Thanks a lot! We do our best with the videos and I am glad you liked them. 🙂

Both points you made are correct, but we didn't want to go so deep in this video. It's already pretty long and complicated. Besides, we also have a video about games of chance in general, where we discuss volatility quite a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9fzMDzadtA.

Also ganz ehrlich-ich glaube diesen schwachsinn nicht-kein Casino kann sich auf den faktor Zufall verlassen.Vorallem dieses rating ist so kompliziert,das es sowieso keiner versteht. Es rennt aus meiner sicht ganz anders ab.

Das system merkt sich ,welche Spiele du gerne spielst-deswegen hast du ja auch eine eigene ID-nummer.Und dementsprechend verhalten sich dann die Slotspiele.Je öfters du deine Spiele spielst-desto schlechter werden sie.Bestes beispiel ist zurzeit bei mir Moonlight Princess,Rise of olympia ,oder von Elk-games Fives lake.

Das ist keine lüge-seit april 2020,also kurz nach Corona-beginn habe ich zu 98% nur schlechte Spiele bei den 3 games.Vorallem die Princesinnen und Götter glänzen ja nur noch durch dumme Entscheidungen.Sie sind eher die Meister der freispiel verhinderer. Was anders kann man da nimma sagen. Und Fives Lake das selbe-du bekommst falls du mal freispiele bekommst,kaum noch schlüssel,und wenn du wilds freigeschlaten hast gewinnst du auch kaum was ,weil sie so platziert werden,das kaum ein grosser gewinn möglich ist.

Jetzt musst du ja angst haben das du in ein freispiel kommst,denn sobald das Freispiel beendet,ist schaltet das Spiel sofort um und tut so als hätte man den jackpot geknackt.Weil einfach das was in den freispielen gewonnen wird sofort wieder gefressen wirds.

Bestes beispiel Moonlight Princess oder Rise of olympus. Du erreichst durch zufall ,das die Kugel voll wird,nicht durch die Hilfe der Princessinnen,oder Götter.Und dann hast du eine chance von 10% und nicht mehr,das du ein Freispiel erreichst.Das sieht man meistens schon wie das Bild aussieht.Dann kommen noch die entscheidungen der figuren dazu,und du könntest dir am liebsten mit dem kopf auf die tür klopfen.Weils einfach entscheidungen sind die nix bringen. Und selbst dann wenn sie es nicht schaffen die freispiele zu verhindern,haben sie noch immer die Möglichkeiten dir im freispiel eines auszuwischen.Und das machen sie meisten zu 90 %.Das ganze geht seit april so-aber man darf nix sagen-ist ja alles fair.

Was soll mir dieses rating beweisen? Nix gar nix-überhaupt nix.Mit jeden spin den du machst ,verschlechjtert sich das rating-super zufall


It's normal to see various patterns in play, like certain games sometimes paying out a lot and sometimes not giving out any wins at all. But this is all a normal part of randomness. It's normal to see periods without any substantial wins, especially when playing high-volatility games – and all the games you mentioned have a high volatility. If a bonus usually pays out quite a lot of money, it can't be triggered too often, because the math would then not work out as intended. So it's quite usual to see a lot of "near misses".

Casinos CAN rely on randomness, because they know that they have an advantage in the games (house edge) and also a high number of players. Some players win, some players lose, but if you have a high number of players, the casinos can be pretty much sure that they will be profitable.

Slots are not designed to make you win or lose, they’re just designed to give out symbols. It’s mostly luck. But if you do know the volatility of the game, you can guess when it can give out money. But that’s a big leap for guessing!

danke für die informationen jungen und mädchen

Automatische Übersetzung

leider falsch


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ich habe

Automatische Übersetzung

"Great initiative! The video on the mathematics of games of chance was insightful. Looking forward to learning more about slot machines. Will definitely share my feedback on YouTube."


Thanks for the feedback. You found a rather old video, but there is useful information to be gleaned from it all. 


You're welcome! It's great to hear that even older content can still offer valuable insights. I will check that out too.

Danke für das informative Video. Gute Arbeit. Verdient viele Likes :)

Automatische Übersetzung

Thank you kindly 🙂.

Speaking about likes, If I'm not mistaken, it is a very cute capybara you have there...🙌


That's right, it's actually a groundhog! Easy mix-up though, they're both adorable critters. 😊

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