play a strange game play a strange game

vor 6 Monaten von Notadonkey
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vor 6 Monaten

I just found out tonight, after a thousand of deposit.. I pay fee costs on every deposit. As a test I deposit from Coinbase account €32,67 in bitcoins to my wallet on .. on my account I recieved only €19,50 .. that’s a fee of €13,17 ..

so all the deposits I made, in total 30 deposits around €1.000 euro in total. .. I payd like €500 euro fee costs in total. That’s ridiculous!! And I want this back. All the fee costs I pays.. I all wanna see them back in my Coinbase account or at my account so I can withdraw the money.

vor 6 Monaten

I already replied to you here and I would like to keep the conversation in one thread:

Would that be possible ? 🙂

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