HomeForumCasinosHappySpins Casino - generelle Diskussion

HappySpins Casino - generelle Diskussion

 von Paulinajola1
4.434 Ansichten 16 Antworten |
Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit HappySpins Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.

Don't used casino happy spins . Fully scam

I open account yesterday. Made 4 deposit and nothing received. No bonuses. No cash. No Live support. HAPPY SPINS IS SKIP

Happy spins is fully setup scam. Stop used please evryone



frankly, there are no bonuses available for players from Ireland as I can see:



If you were interested in bonuses, you should find a casino that provides bonuses to players from your country I'm afraid. I would not call this casino scam because you did not get a bonus it does not even offer.

What do you mean by "no cash", please? Were your deposits added to your active balance, please?


Where is my cashback? Cashback is without restrictions or maybe something changed last night. My money is same euro like German Spanich France. Where is reason for no bonuses. Put this information more visible. Now your skip casino is smart sending me bulsheet. YOU ARE SCAMERS.



Till now support is not working. Nobody is there.


Hi, I found the terms and conditions for the bonus.

The cashback should be credited the next day and it's based your lost deposits from the previous day. You also shouldn't have more than €5 the next day in the morning until noon, otherwise the cashback won't be credited.

Ich habe 2 Mal in diesem Casino gespielt. Die erste Einzahlung betrug 20e und die zweite 35e. Daran kann ich mich nicht erinnern, weil ich zum ersten Mal in diesem Casino gespielt hatte. Jetzt, wo ich mich eingeloggt habe, habe ich beschlossen, eine 35e-Einzahlung zu versuchen. die Spiele geben wenig Gewinn. Bei 20cnt Einsätzen war der Gewinn einmal 3e. ansonsten alle Gewinne unter 20cnt. Dieses Casino existiert, weil sein Zweck nur darin besteht, das Geld des Spielers schnell zu nehmen. Wenn es dann keine Spieler mehr gibt, wird es geschlossen und derselbe Betrüger gründet ein neues Casino, das genau dasselbe tut.

sollte auf EU-Ebene etwas Gesetz und Disziplin für diese maltesischen Betrugskasinos bekommen. Finnland greift so stark ein, dass es beabsichtigt, zukünftige Geldtransfers an maltesische Casinos zu verhindern.

Automatische Übersetzung

From my point of view, it's more likely that you played slots with low volatility and probably under-average RTP.

Just for a better understanding:

When slots have low volatility, it means you win a lot, but the winnings are rather low and often lower than your initial bet. Slots with high volatility can have over 50 dead spins, but when you finally win, you usually win more than you lost or you win a bit less, but you still win a huge part of your losses back.

Which slots did you play? We can check the RTP and volatility, you can also try the free versions to see whether there are any differences in compared gameplays, assuming you stick to the same bets.

What do you think?

i have made a withdrawal in which i didnt need to verify my identity because i was told in was under 1000 euro which i find odd as ive always had to verify my account whatever the amount, then i was told they are having problems with processing withdrawl and couldnt give me a timeframe i suggest stay away from this casino there are a lot of red flags i will update this if my withdawl come through


Hello and that you for your future update.

I'm assuming that this is your first withdrawal here, isn't it?

I find it very positive that the casino informs you about the situation right away, it's not seen very often.

eingezahlt 20€ - 200% bonus, natürlich nicht erhalten. ich soll mein Eigengeld 40x umsetzen um den bonus zu erhalten. das ist völlig krank.


Hello, it does not make much sense to me either...

The point of deposit bonuses is that the player can enhance her/his money pool as an advantage, so what's in wagering the deposit 40x?

I checked the bonus available for payers from Germany, which you can find on our website (right here) and the wagering seems ok:

Wagering requirements: 30x bonus (restrictions apply)You will have to wager 30-times the bonus value to clear the bonus and be able to withdraw your winnings.

For example, if you deposit €100 and get a €200 bonus, you will have to wager €6,000 in total (€200 * 30) before being allowed to make a withdrawal.

Any chance that it was some kind of misunderstanding instead? 🤔



ja das habe ich auch nicht verstanden. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Chatprotokoll, vielleicht steh ich ja auf dem Schlauch:

(11:22:32 PM) Saso: You received 40 euros welcome bonus. That bonus is locked and to release it, you need to complete the 40x wagering within 72 hours,

with real cash.

Once that is done, the bonus will turn into real cash.

(11:22:32 PM) Saso: Sie haben 40 Euro Willkommensbonus erhalten. Dieser Bonus ist gesperrt und um ihn freizugeben, müssen Sie den 40-fachen Einsatz innerhalb von 72 Stunden abschließen.

mit echtem Bargeld.

Sobald dies erledigt ist, verwandelt sich der Bonus in echtes Geld. (übersetzt)

(11:23:20 PM) Katja Leesch: ich habe doch eingezahlt.

(11:24:01 PM) Saso: yes.

(11:24:01 PM) Saso: Jawohl. (übersetzt)

(11:24:17 PM) Katja Leesch: chatprotokoll.

(11:25:32 PM) Saso: You received 40 euros welcome bonus. That bonus is locked and to release it, you need to complete the 40x wagering within 72 hours,

with real cash.

Once that is done, the bonus will turn into real cash.

(11:25:32 PM) Saso: Sie haben 40 Euro Willkommensbonus erhalten. Dieser Bonus ist gesperrt und um ihn freizugeben, müssen Sie den 40-fachen Einsatz innerhalb von 72 Stunden abschließen.

mit echtem Bargeld.

Sobald dies erledigt ist, verwandelt sich der Bonus in echtes Geld. (übersetzt)

(11:26:47 PM) Katja Leesch: ich habe noch keinen bonus gesehen für meine einzahlung.

(11:27:45 PM) Saso: It is in your account, waiting to be wagered with. real cash

(11:27:45 PM) Saso: Es befindet sich auf Ihrem Konto und wartet darauf, mit ihm gewettet zu werden. echtes Geld (übersetzt)

(11:27:54 PM) Saso: you need to complete the 40x wagering within 72 hours,

with real cash.

Once that is done, the bonus will turn into real cash.




thanks for the transcript - chatbot, I guess 🙂

Well, I believe that there is only one way how to understand these conditions, the one you already described, I can't make up anything else.

This is a bonus worth skipping if I may say, hard to find any advantage!

I asked Daniel whether he can provide any insight, and he can 🙂. I missed the important detail, it would be good to find out whether there is any additional rule such as max win limit associated with this bonus. Because if not, I'd take it as a sort of cashback of €40 to your funds when you fulfill the wagering. But if there is an actual max win limit applied, that would mean, that your winnings will be capped because the bonus is locked in your account. Can you ask the chat operator about the specific bonus conditions such as max bet and primarily max win limit?

Kindly let me know


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