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Frumzi Casino - generelle Diskussion

 von Romi
20.209 Ansichten 234 Antworten |
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Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit Frumzi Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.


I have problem with frumzi casino.. I did withdraw request 21/2/24 till today 26/2 they didn’t pay me the withdraw is showing still on pending on the site and I got nothing info or any email.. I have contact support couple

of times every time they tell me the same copy paste answer.. can anyone help me how to get my money? I won it with bonus..I’m from Grecce filefile


Hello. I can see, that your account was not fully verified yet, is that right? Did you have any successful withdrawal before or is it the first one? It is not unusual for casinos to take some time, especially if it comes to verifying the account, which can be more time consuming. We actually give casinos 14 full days to get thru this process before we intervene. Please let us know whenever you have any update from the casino.

Hello I have verified my account from the first day .. with what they asked me to do .. now if I need more I don’t know I have told them 6 days now if they need more documents to tell me and they tell me all is okay with my account ..and yes it’s my first time on this casino I do a withdraw !

Ich muss nicht mit ihnen diskutieren, Daniel, seit dem 21/2 schicke ich ihnen jeden Tag eine Nachricht, sie geben mir die gleichen Antworten zum Kopieren und Einfügen. Ich möchte nur, dass meine Zahlung, auf die ich warte, abgeschlossen wird. Da ich mit ihnen im Live-Chat keine Lösung finden kann, dachte ich, ich schreibe hier, um zu sehen, ob Sie mir besser helfen können

Automatische Übersetzung

I got this email now from Frumzi.. money is not in bank account yet but email says withdraw is complete now let’s see 

I got the money .. chase closed all okay.. thank you all!


Hey. This is really great news, thank you for sharing. Maybe it took a little bit longer than you would like, but the good thing is, you got the money, right? Are you going to continue playin at this casino, what do you think?

If you like, you can describe your experience in a review for this casino, just use this link, to do so. 🙂

Im Allgemeinen ist FRUMZI im Vergleich zu den griechischen Casinos ein viel besseres Casino und bietet mehr Gewinne, wissen Sie! Mir gefällt einfach nicht, wie spät die Auszahlung erfolgt

Automatische Übersetzung

Yes, a week is getting to be quite a lot, but we give casinos 14 to sort out the withdrawals, so they were still within the norm. I think if we take away the length of the withdrawal, the casino is pretty good for you, am I right ? 

If you play here, feel free to share how the next withdrawal went and if not, I wish you to choose the best casino for the future. 

Good luck. ☘️

Hello, I have a problem with my payment, which has been pending since February 4, I passed the verification 2 days ago, it took 20 days...! and I still haven't received the moneyfileso be careful where to put your money.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hello. Sorry for this long lasting verification and ongoing withdrawal situation. I actually saw your complaint 👈, where you've mentioned, that the have refused the document with Jeton history of payments, right? Have you got any explanation from the casino, about why did this happened? What was the reason for rejecting it? Was it, perhaps, in the wrong format?🤷‍♀️ Just my guess, as I'm trying to understand what could the problem be. You should try to ask about that the support, what do you say? Maybe you will get some answers. Please let us know about any updates.


The account was verified 3 days ago and I still haven't received the payment. in the chat they keep saying the same thing, that I have to wait..


I see. So your account is fully verified, yeah? My mistake, I thought that you were saying they still need the additional document from Jeton.🤷‍♀️ Let's just see now, what will our complaint team be able to do about this situation. Let's hope they will get in touch with the casino and proceed further with your case. 🤞


fileYes my account is fully verified as of Tuesday. I thought that the payment would be sent immediately after verification, but this is not the case, I have not received the money yet.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

I see, so now you just have to wait. Well, to tell you the truth, we will have to be patient since you have verified the account and if nothing changes in the next few days, we will see where Michal gets to in your complaint. 

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that you will get your money as soon as possible.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you.😊

36th day from the withdrawal request. I still haven't received the money.


Oh, that's quite a lot. I can also see from the complaint that the casino should have responded or commented on the whole situation, but so far it has not done so. I hope they will change that and take a stand and explain what's going on. I assume, you still have no new information since your last post. 

If things change, let me know and we'll let our team try to help for the time being. 

Hallo, ich möchte eine Frage zum Frumzi Casino stellen. Am 13.03.2024 habe ich meine erste Auszahlung des gewonnenen Betrages beantragt und mit der angegebenen Zahlungsmethode hätte ich das Geld bereits auf meinem Konto haben müssen.

Ich habe den Kundenservice bereits dreimal angeschrieben und immer wieder wird mir geschrieben, dass ich in der Warteschlange der Finanzabteilung stehe.

Ich habe immer noch eine ausstehende Auszahlung auf meinem Spielkonto, aber es passiert immer noch nichts. Ich möchte meinen Gewinn nicht verlieren, was wahrscheinlich schon passiert ist.

Mein Konto ist vollständig verifiziert. Können Sie mir einen Rat geben oder mich zumindest irgendwie trösten, dass ich nicht der Einzige bin, dem es so geht?

Automatische Übersetzung

they paid me after a month but they did it so you have no choice but to wait.

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