HomeForumCasinosDafabet Casino - generelle Diskussion

Dafabet Casino - generelle Diskussion

 von Radka
1.820 Ansichten 6 Antworten |
Wenn Sie etwas besprechen möchten, das im Zusammenhang mit Dafabet Casino steht, wie z. B. Spiele, Boni, Zahlungsmethoden, Probleme mit Ihrem Konto, verantwortungsvolle Glücksspielfunktionen oder etwas anderes, so können Sie dies gerne hier tun.

Hallo, ich habe mich bei DAFABET registriert und es scheint ein Betrug zu sein. Sie verifizieren mein Konto nicht, der Kundenservice funktioniert nicht und das Beste ist: SIE HABEN MICH GESPERRT, WEIL ICH 50 € umsonst GEWONNEN HABE. Sind diese Dinge nicht geregelt? Aus Liebe zu Gott… BETRETEN SIE NIEMALS DAFABET

Automatische Übersetzung

I guess you should complain... Use this link and let us investigate: https://casino.guru/complaints/create

Don't worry, it's free of charge!

Hii this is jagadeesh naveen I have done a deposit of 4000INR in my dafabet account but still i didn't receive my deposit in my account it has been 14 days from deposit.when I was trying to contact with customer support they simply instruct me to upload all payment details but I didn't get my deposit.the customer support simply instructed about last 14 days again and again after I have been uploaded..kindly look into this issue.Here I can the attact the screenshot of payment.

ID :Vakalapudi7777



Hello. This doesn't sound very well to me. Did the support from the casino tell you what could cause this issue? You should also try to check with your payment provider to see if everything is okay at their end. Have you tried that by any chance?🤔

Please let us know.

Withdrawl was made 40 days ago but not recived in dafa bet app

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

That's really a long delay, indeed.

Can you tell us what the reason is? Have they explained it somehow?

It was a good move to file your complaint here so our team can investigate it. Could you reply to some additional questions you have been asked, please? Just use this link to do so.

Is this your first withdrawal request there?

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